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1981 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 48, 1981: Recent submissions

  • Anonymous; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B.; Verster, Anna Johanna Maria (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1981)
  • Anonymous; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
  • Pitchford, R.J.; Visser, P.S.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    Adults of Schistosoma edwardiense Thurston, 1964, were recovered from Hippopotamus amphibius in the Kruger National Park. Small round to oval Schistosoma margrebowiei-like eggs, presumed to be those of S. edwardiense, were ...
  • Prozesky, Leon; Joubert, J.P.J.; Ekron, M.D.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    An experiment was undertaken to determine whether an overdose of the anthelmintic parbendazole could cause paralysis in lambs when given to ewes during the early stages of pregnancy. Out of a total of 68 lambs, born from ...
  • De Vos, A.J.; Bessenger, R.; Banting, L.F.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    A case of bovine cerebral theileriosis was confirmed at autopsy on a farm where 4 animals out of 70 died. All were less than 2 years old and all showed nervous signs. Serologically, no evidence was found of Theileria ...
  • Potgieter, F.T.; Bester, J.B.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    Heparinized whole blood, heavily parasitized with Anaplasma marginale, was collected from 3 splenectomized oxen. Buffered lactose peptone (BLP) was added in equal volumes as a stabilizer and the mixture lyophilized in ...
  • Du Plessis, J.L.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    Four out of 9 sheep, immune to heartwater and subsequently treated with gloxazone, showed a febrile reaction when they were challenged 6 months later, but the same number of untreated controls also developed this reaction. ...
  • Boomker, Jacob Diederik Frederik; Horak, Ivan Gerard; De Vos, Valerius; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    A new genus and species of trichostrongylid nematode, Paracooperioides peleae, was collected from the small intestines of vaal ribbok, Pelea capreolus (Forster, 1790), from the Bontebok National Park, Swellendam, Cape ...
  • Thomas, Shan E.; Mason, T.E.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    Engorged adult female ticks submitted from farms in South Africa were routinely screened for protozoan parasites by examination of haemolymph smears. An unidentified Babesia sp. was found in Hyalomma marginatum rufipes and ...
  • De Vos, A.J.; Roos, J.A.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    In 3 out of 4 attempts strains of a Theileria sp. of low virulence were isolated in the laboratory by feeding adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus collected from the field on susceptible cattle. One of the strains, previously ...
  • Malan, F.S.; Reinecke, R.K.; Scialdo-Krecek, Rosina C.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    The tongue, pharynx, oesophagus and gums are examined for larvae of Gasterophilus spp., and the nose and sinuses for oestrid larvae. The gastro-intestinal tract is divided into separate specimens- stomach, small intestine, ...
  • Van Heerden, Joseph; Goosen, D.J.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    Blood from a domestic dog infected with Ehrlichia canis was injected into 3 adult vervet monkeys Cercopithecus pygerythrus. The monkeys did not develop any clinical or haematological signs of disease, nor did they seem ...
  • Malan, F.S.; Reinecke, R.K.; Scialdo-Krecek, Rosina C.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    The entire gastro-intestinal tract and viscera of the abdomen and thorax, including the heart, aorta and its branches to the viscera, are removed from the carcass. All the branches of the aorta, with the exception of the ...
  • Barnard, B.J.H.; Geyer, H.J.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    Turkey meningo-encephalitis virus was adapted to BHK21 cell culture. Cytopathic effects were characterized by rounding and detachment of cells within 48 hours. Attenuation was achieved by 41 successive passages in BHK21 ...
  • Van Rensburg, L.J.; Van Wyk, Jan Aucamp; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    The development of the female Schistosoma mattheei was significantly higher than that of the male (P<0,0001) in 12 sheep when each was exposed to equal numbers of male and female cercariae. Many more male than female ...
  • Huismans, H. (Henk), 1942-; Erasmus, B.J.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    The bluetongue virus (BTV) core particle contains 2 major polypeptides, P3 and P7, and is surrounded by an outer capsid layer that is composed of the 2 major polypeptides, P2 and P5. Analysis of the immune precipitates ...
  • Hoogstraal, H.; Wassef, Hilda Y.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    The lectotype male, allotype female, and paratype nymph of Haemaphysalis (Rhipistoma) cooleyi Bedford, 1929, a parasite of the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, in the Transvaal, are redescribed and illustrated to provide ...
  • Kriek, N.P.J.; Kellerman, T. Stephanus; Marasas, Walter F.O. (Walter Friedrich Otto); Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    An isolate of Fusarium verticillioides (MRC826) that induced experimental leukoencephalomalacia, also caused acute toxicity when fed to pigs and administered per rumen fistula to sheep. Pigs developed severe pulmonary ...
  • Herr, S.; Marshall, C.; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    The rose bengal and complement fixation tests were successfully applied to buffalo (Syncerus caffer) sera. An overall occurrence of 23% positive reactors was obtained, but Brucella infection does not appear to act as an ...
  • Du Preez, J.H.; Greeff, A.S.; Eksteen, Nicolene; Steyn, P.J.J.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1981)
    The role of obligate anaerobic bacteria in the aetiology of mastitis of lactating dairy cows was investigated. Anaerobes were isolated from 12% of lactating mastitic cows, which were representative of 50% of the 10 dairy ...