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Browsing 1988 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 55, 1988 by Title
Erasmus, J.A.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Comparative assays demonstrated that the probability of error was 12, 1% when testing the aerobic fermentation of trehalose by coagulase negative staphylococci when this carbohydrate was added to the medium prior to ...
Apps, P.J.; Viljoen, H.W.; Pretorius, V.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Volatiles emitted by male Amblyomma hebraeum while feeding on a rabbit were quantitatively sampled by
the dynamic solvent effect and analysed by capillary gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.
Changes in ...
Horak, Ivan Gerard; Boomker, Jacob Diederik Frederik; Keep, M.E.; Flamand, J.R.B.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Twenty-five common reedbuck, Redunca arundinum, from the Himeville region, 21 from the Eastern Shores Nature Reserve, 4 from the Charter's Creek Nature Reserve and 2 from the St Lucia Game Park, Natal were examined for ...
Bezuidenhout, A.J. (Abraham Johannes), 1942-; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Although the ascites syndrome of broilers is well documented, all the authors fail to describe exactly in which of the various coelomic cavities ascitic fluid is found. Determination of the precise location of this fluid ...
Anonymous; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
No Abstract available
Huchzermeyer, Fritz W.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Infection of young turkeys with Plasmodium durae produced a significant increase in the mean relative right ventricular mass from 0,172 in the controls to 0,208 in the infected group. Although turkeys react less strongly ...
Huchzermeyer, Fritz W.; De Ruyck, An M.C.; Van Ark, H.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Broilers of 4 different commercial strains were kept during winter at an altitude of 1 350m. The birds were slaughtered at weekly intervals and their relative right ventricular mass (pulmonary arterial pressure index = API ...
Gummow, Bruce; Pieterson, P.M.; Pefanis, S.M.; Venter, Catharina G.; Herr, S.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Circumstantial evidence is presented for the occurrence of a variant of a vaccine strain of B. melitensis Rev 1, designated "FSA"(foreign South African). FSA resembles Rev 1 in its reactions to penicillin and streptomycin ...
Guthrie, Alan John; Bertschinger, Hendrik Jan; Van Amstel, S.R.; Reyers, Fred; Oberem, P.T.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Clinical pathological studies were undertaken in 5 calves with experimentally-induced heartwater. The most important findings include a progressive anaemia which may be associated with bone marrow depression and fluctuations ...
Guthrie, Alan John; Van Amstel, S.R.; Oberem, P.T.; Killeen, Valerie M.; Matthee, O.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Studies to evaluate cardiac and pulmonary function were undertaken in 4 calves suffering from experimentally-induced heartwater. There was a marked variation in the course of the disease. Three of the calves recovered ...
Stutterheim, Irene M.; Bezuidenhout, J. Dürr; Elliot, E.G.R.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
The feeding methods, activities and behaviour of red-billed and yellow-billed oxpeckers in captivity were
compared. Both species were found to be very similar with regard to feeding. The differences observed were a
greater ...
Krecek, R.C.; Van Niekerk, J.P.; Els, H.J.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Members of the genus Habronema (Nematoda : Habronematidae) were preserved in 4 fixatives for examination with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Tegumental features of the anterior and posterior extremities of these ...
Venter, Gert Johannes; Nevill, E.M.; Edwardes, M.; Pajor, I.T.P.; Meiswinkel, R.; Van Gas, J.H.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
A total of 33 564 Culicoides midges was collected in 44 light trap collections made at 22 sites in the Stellenbosch area during November 1986. Of the 23 species present in these collections 8 were frequently encountered ...
Horak, Ivan Gerard; Dower, Kathy M.; Petney, T.N.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Pretoria : Government Printer, 1988)
The success of natural infestations of various life history stages of Amblyomma hebraeum and Amblyomma
marmoreum on the leopard tortoise, Geochelone pardalis, was compared. Success was measured by the time
taken for ticks ...
Williamson, Catherine C.; Oberem, P.T.; Poerstamper, C.; De Waal, D.T.; Matthee, O.; Brett, O.L.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
An ELISA was developed using an SDS extract of Brucella abortus as antigen to detect antibodies in cattle sera. The antigen was stable at 4 °C for at least 4 years and although it gave optimal results at a 1/4 000 dilution ...
Van Rooyen, J.M.; Van Ryssen, J.C.J.; Minnaar, J.P.; Pretorius, P.J.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
To investigate the correlation of haemodynamic parameters with the intensity of the gallop sound (S₃), use was made of right heart catheterization with a Swan-Ganz catheter to measure the pulmonary and right atrial pressures. ...
Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Tustin, R.C.; York, D.F; Williamson, Anna-Lise; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
Jaagsiekte was successfully transmitted to at least 2 out of 6 goats inoculated intratracheally with partially purified jaagsiekte retrovirus. Multiple, small, well circumscribed nodules found in the lungs consisted of ...
Thomson, G.R. (Gavin); Braack, L.E.O.; Doube, B.M.; Gainaru, M.D.; Bengis, Roy G.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
In 2 separate experiments the blood-feeding fly Haematobia thirouxi potans (Bezzi) failed to transmit foot and- mouth disease virus when transferred from viraemic (log 2,6 - log 4,3 MLD₅₀ or TCID₅₀/ml) to susceptible ...
Van Wyk, Jan Aucamp; Alves, Regina M.R.; Van Rensburg, L.J.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
The faeces of 11 horses were examined for Fasciola spp. eggs. One of them was positive for Fasciola
hepatica, a finding which was confirmed post-mortem. The 10 negative horses were subsequently infested with
either F. ...
Prozesky, Leon; Fourie, Niel; Neser, J.A.; Nel, P.W.; Bigalke, R.D.
(Published by the Government Printer, Pretoria., 1988)
A field outbreak of Pachystigma pygmaeum intoxication in sheep is described. Noteworthy clinical signs were: respiratory distress, apathy and subcutaneous oedema of mainly the head. Gross changes included cardiomegaly, ...