Browsing Research Articles (Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)) by UP Author "Chen, ShuaiFei"

Browsing Research Articles (Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)) by UP Author "Chen, ShuaiFei"

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  • Li, JieQiong; Wingfield, Michael J.; Barnes, Irene; Chen, ShuaiFei (Wiley, 2022-07)
    The genus Calonectria includes many aggressive plant pathogens causing diseases on various agricultural crops as well as forestry and ornamental tree species. Some species have been accidentally introduced into new ...
  • Li, WenWen; Chen, ShuaiFei; Wingfield, Michael J.; Duong, Tuan A. (American Phytopathological Society, 2023-03)
    Calonectria leaf blight caused by Calonectria spp. is among the most serious diseases affecting the health and sustainability of Eucalyptus plantations in southern China. Recent outbreaks of this disease in GuangDong ...
  • Li, JieQiong; Wingfield, Michael J.; Liu, QianLi; Barnes, Irene; Roux, Jolanda; Lombard, Lorenzo; Crous, Pedro W.; Chen, ShuaiFei (International Mycological Association, 2017-10-17)
    Diseases caused by species of Calonectria (Ca.) represent a serious threat to the growth and sustainability of Eucalyptus plantations in China. Symptoms caused by these fungi mainly include leaf blight on trees in ...
  • Pham, Nam Q.; Marincowitz, Seonju; Chen, ShuaiFei; Yaparudin, Yani; Wingfield, Michael J. (Springer, 2022-01)
    The genus Calonectria accommodates many important pathogens of agricultural, horticultural and forestry crops, including Eucalyptus. During 2017 surveys of Eucalyptus diseases in Sabah, Malaysia, typical symptoms of ...
  • Chen, ShuaiFei; Pavlic-Zupanc, Draginja; Roux, Jolanda; Slippers, Bernard; Xie, YaoJian; Wingfield, Michael J.; Zhou, Xudong (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)
    The Botryosphaeriaceae is a species-rich family that includes pathogens of a wide variety of trees, including Eucalyptus species. Symptoms typical of infection by the Botryosphaeriaceae have recently been observed in ...
  • Roux, Jolanda; Nkuekam, Gilbert Kamgan; Marincowitz, Seonju; Van der Merwe, Nicolaas Albertus (Albie); Uchida, Janice; Wingfield, Michael J.; Chen, ShuaiFei (Pensoft Publishers, 2020-12-31)
    Syzygium jambos (Myrtales, Myrtaceae) trees in Hawaii are severely affected by a rust disease caused by Austropuccinia psidii (Pucciniales, Sphaerophragmiaceae), but they are commonly co-infected with species of Cryphonectriaceae ...
  • Liu, Q.L.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Duong, Tuan A.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Chen, ShuaiFei (MDPI, 2022-07-31)
    To meet the growing demand for wood and pulp products, Eucalyptus plantations have expanded rapidly during the past two decades, becoming an integral part of the southern China landscape. Leaf blight caused by various ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Guarro, J.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Van der Bank, Michelle; Swart, W.J.; Stchigel, A.M.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Roux, Jolanda; Madrid, H.; Damm, Ulrike; Wood, A.R.; Shuttleworth, L.A. (Lucas); Hodges, C.S.; Munster, M.; Yanez-Morales, M. de Jesus; Zuniga-Estrada, L.; Cruywagen, Elsie M.; De Hoog, G. Sybren; Silvera, C.; Najafzadeh, J.; Davison, E.M.; Davison, P.J.N.; Barrett, M.D.; Barrett, R.L.; Manamgoda, D.S.; Minnis, A.M.; Kleczewski, N.M.; Flory, S.L.; Castlebury, L.A.; Clay, K.; Hyde, Kevin D.; Mausse-Sitoe, S.N.D.; Chen, ShuaiFei; Lechat, C.; Hairaud, M.; Lesage-Meessen, L.; Pawłowska, J.; Wilk, M.; Sliwinska-Wyrzychowska, A.; Metrak, M.; Wrzosek, M.; Pavlic-Zupanc, Draginja; Maleme, Happy-girl Mamodise; Slippers, Bernard; Mac Cormack, W.P.; Archuby, D.I.; Grunwald, N.J.; Telleria, M.T.; Duenas, M.; Martin, M.P.; Marincowitz, Seonju; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Perez, C.A.; Gené, J.; Marin-Felix, Y.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (American Phytopathological Society, 2013-11-26)
    Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Camarosporium aloes, Phaeococcomyces aloes and Phoma aloes from Aloe, C. psoraleae, Diaporthe psoraleae and D. ...
  • Chen, ShuaiFei; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Roux, Jolanda; Xie, YaoJian; Wingfield, Michael J.; Zhou, Xudong (American Phytopathological Society, 2010-09)
    The genus Chrysoporthe includes important pathogens of plantation-grown Eucalyptus spp. and has been reported from several tree genera in the order Myrtales in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. During disease ...
  • Havenga, Minette; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Roets, Francois; Dreyer, Leanne Laurette; Tatham, Catherine; Duong, Tuan A.; Wilken, Pieter Markus; Chen, ShuaiFei; Aylward, Janneke (Elsevier, 2020-04)
    Teratosphaeria destructans is an aggressive fungal pathogen causing leaf and shoot blight on young Eucalyptus trees in plantations. The disease occurs across tropical and subtropical regions of South East Asia and has ...
  • Liu, FeiFei; Barnes, Irene; Roux, Jolanda; Wingfield, Michael J.; Chen, ShuaiFei (Wiley, 2018-05)
    The ascomycete genus Ceratocystis has a broad geographic distribution and includes pathogens of a wide range of mostly woody hosts. Black rot of Colocasia esculenta (taro), a popular cultivated root crop in China, is caused ...
  • Liu, FeiFei; Mbenoun, Michael; Barnes, Irene; Roux, Jolanda; Wingfield, Michael J.; Li, GuoQing; Li, JieQiong; Chen, ShuaiFei (Springer, 2015-06)
    During routine surveys for possible fungal pathogens in the rapidly expanding plantations of Eucalyptus and Cunninghamia lanceolata in China, numerous isolates of unknown species in the genus Ceratocystis (Microascales) ...
  • Pham, Nam Q.; Barnes, Irene; Chen, ShuaiFei; Pham, Thu Q.; Lombard, Lorenzo; Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Pensoft Publishers, 2018-03)
    Cylindrocladiella spp. are widely distributed especially in tropical and sub-tropical regions, where they are mainly known as saprobes although some species are plant pathogens. Very little is known about these fungi in ...
  • Chen, ShuaiFei; Lombard, Lorenzo; Roux, Jolanda; Xie, YaoJian; Wingfield, Michael J.; Zhou, Xudong (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2011-01)
    Leaf blight caused by Calonectria spp. is an important disease occurring on Eucalyptus trees grown in plantations of Southeast Asia. Symptoms of leaf blight caused by Calonectria spp. have recently been observed in commercial ...
  • Liu, FeiFei; Marincowitz, Seonju; Chen, ShuaiFei; Mbenoun, Michael; Tsopelas, Panaghiotis; Soulioti, Nikoleta; Wingfield, Michael J. (Pensoft Publishers, 2020-07-10)
    Huntiella species are wood-infecting, filamentous ascomycetes that occur in fresh wounds on a wide variety of tree species. These fungi are mainly known as saprobes although some have been associated with disease symptoms. ...
  • Liu, FeiFei; Duong, Tuan A.; Barnes, Irene; Wingfield, Michael J.; Chen, ShuaiFei (MDPI, 2021-09-15)
    Species in the Ceratocystis manginecans complex are important fungal pathogens of plantation trees globally. The most important hosts include species of Eucalyptus, Acacia, Mangifera, and Punica. Despite their relevance ...
  • Chen, ShuaiFei; Liu, QianLi; Li, Guoqing; Wingfield, Michael J. (Higher Education Press, 2017)
    The genus Quambalaria includes several important pathogens of species of Eucalyptus and Corymbia, mainly causing leaf and shoot blight. Recently, extensive shoot and leaf dieback and stem cankers suspected to be ...
  • Pham, Nam Q.; Marincowitz, Seonju; Chen, ShuaiFei; Rodas, Carlos A.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Pensoft Publishers, 2022-11-30)
    Eucalyptus spp. are widely planted in Colombia as an important component of a growing paper and pulp industry. Leaf and shoot blight caused by Calonectria spp. was one of the first disease problems to emerge in these ...