Browsing Research Articles (Unit for Academic Literacy) by Title

Browsing Research Articles (Unit for Academic Literacy) by Title

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  • Marais, Renee (Ensovoort Society, 1982)
    Jeanette Ferreira se debuutbundel, Waar een mens saam is, het gedurende 1980 by Perskor verskyn. Dit bevat gedigte van wisselende gehalte oor 'n verskeidenheid temas. Soos die bundeltitel te kenne gee het die gedigte feitlik ...
  • Von Fintel, Celeste; Eybers, Oscar Oliver (Common Ground Research Networks, 2020-07)
    This study critically reflects on the effectiveness of a new hybrid curriculum implemented in a heavily populated academic literacy module aimed at first-year students from the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences ...
  • Eybers, Oscar Oliver; Muller, Alan (Sage, 2024-03)
    The purpose of this article is to critically consider the roles that academic literacy facilitators fulfil in exposing students to Global Citizenship Education (GCE). In university disciplines, literacies are primary tools ...
  • Angu, Pineteh (Cogent OA, 2017-08-31)
    This article is based on a collection of stories about victimisation and resilience, told by thirty Somali refugees in Cape Town, South Africa. It seeks to understand how this group of displaced persons remembers their ...
  • Carstens, Adelia (South African Asociation for Language Teaching, 2008)
    Genre approaches to academic writing are still enjoying wide support among pedagogues and applied linguists in the UK, US and Australia. However, genrebased pedagogies have been widely criticised for their explicit teaching ...
  • Boakye, Naomi Adjoa Nana Yeboah (University of Stellenbosch Institute for Language Teaching, 2011)
    Socio-affective issues are generally acknowledged as important in reading development. However, most intervention programmes focus on cognitive aspects of reading, and do not explicitly accommodate socio-affective factors ...
  • Kelleher, William (AOSIS Open Journals, 2019-08-29)
    This article explores a small story narrative, the community of practice and the orientations of a group of ‘born-free’ participants as these interact with the material discourses of the Gautrain station in the business ...
  • Vivian, Brenda; Fourie, Reinhardt (South African Association for Language Teaching, 2016)
    Formalised postgraduate writing support centres are a relatively new phenomenon at the majority of South African universities and have not yet been researched intensively. This article, which forms part of a mandated ...
  • Marais, Johannes Lodewyk (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2020-06)
    In die digter, dramaturg en intellektueel NP van Wyk Louw (1906-1970) se werk kom heelparty verwysings na diere voor, terwyl enkele gedigte in die geheel aan een of ander dierespesie gewy word. Louw se gedigte oor diere ...
  • Marais, Johannes Lodewyk (Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns, 2006-09)
    The Afrikaans poet, playwright and intellectual N.P. van Wyk Louw (1906-1970) wrote extensively about nature and landscape in his creative work as well as his contemplative essays. These topics occur in different forms ...
  • Marais, Renee (Ensovoort Society, 1981-06)
    Hy word beskou as een van die grootste digters in die Spaanse en in die wereldliteratuur. Ricardo Neftali Reyes Basoalto is op 12 Junie 1904 in Chili gebore. Sedert 1920 ken die wereld hom as Pablo Neruda, 'n naam ...
  • Marais, Renee (Ensovoort Society, 1984-12)
    Gedurende 1984 het daar altesaam agt debuutbundels (waarvan een 'n versamelbundel is) by vier uitgewers verskyn: Vuurtent in die sneeu (Jan de Bruyn), Interne weerstand (Carl Mischke), Skerf (Petra van Blerk) en ...
  • Marais, Renee (Ensovoort Society, 1985-06)
    No abstract in article.
  • Marais, Renee (Ensovoort Society, 1985-12)
    Membraan is Cussons se negende digbundel sedert haar debuut in 1970 (met uitsondering van Omtoorvuur, 1982). Die bundel bevat 39 gedigte, drie gedigreekse bestaande uit onderskeidelik drie, vier en vyf gedigte elk en ...
  • Marais, Renee (Ensovoort Society, 1995)
    Gedurende 1993 het daar in Afrikaans drie debuutdigbundels verskyn: Gert Vlok Nel se Om te lewe is onnatuurlik, Ronel de Goede se Skoop (albei deur Tafelberg uitgegee) en Dirk Winterbach se Die oranje hoek (Hond). ...
  • Marais, Renee (Ensovoort Society, 1995)
    In 1936, die jaar van haar mondigwording, word Elisabeth Eybers die eerste vrou wat 'n digbundel in Afrikaans publiseer. Die titel daarvan is Belydenis in die skemering. D .J. Opperman skryf in sy destyds epogmakende ...
  • Boakye, Naomi Adjoa Nana Yeboah; Adika, Gordon Senanu (Common Ground Research Networks, 2020-12)
    Students’ literacy levels, in particular their academic reading and writing, have been an area of concern in education for many years. Students who have high academic reading and writing proficiency are usually successful ...
  • Carstens, Adelia (Unisa Press, 2008)
    The article reports on a research project aimed at identifying salient written genres and text types/rhetorical modes in the Faculty of Humanities at a large university in Gauteng, South Africa. The main purpose of the ...
  • Carstens, Adelia; Fletcher, Lizelle (NISC, 2009)
    Discipline- and genre-specific approaches in language teaching have gained much support in recent years. However, few studies have thus far evaluated the effect of courses resulting from narrow-angled approaches. This ...
  • Boakye, Naomi Adjoa Nana Yeboah (AOSIS OpenJournals, 2015-04-10)
    Self-efficacy, which is the belief about one’s ability to perform a task successfully, has been widely acknowledged as important in learning. This affective factor, though not explicitly evident, has been said to play ...