Browsing Research Articles (Afrikaans) by UP Author "Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel)"

Browsing Research Articles (Afrikaans) by UP Author "Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel)"

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  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2010)
    The reviewer identifies three disparate texts, Koos Malgas Sculptor of the Owl House (Julia Malgas and Jeni Couzyn, 2008), The Black Countess (R. E. van der Ross, 2008) and Die verhaal van Elandskloof (“The Story of ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Department of Afrikaans, University of Pretoria, 2020)
    No abstract available
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2015)
    Ek het die opdrag om oor André P. Brink en ideologie te praat.1 Met ideologie verstaan ons gewoonlik die idees, of die belange en waardes waarmee elkeen van ons, of die groepe waarin ons ons bevind, ons wêreld beding. ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging, 2005)
    This article takes as its subject Vernon February (1938-2002), one of the first black South African, and more specifically black Afrikaans literary scholars. Self-exiled in the early 1960s to the Netherlands he concentrated ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging, 2020-06)
    This is a brief commentary on Ampie Coetzee’s paper “Swart Afrikaanse Skrywers: ’n diskursiewe praktyk van die verlede” (Black Afrikaans writers: a discursive practice of the past), in which he attempts to come to grips ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2018)
    Ek het Keorapetse Kgotsitsile die eerste keer ontmoet tydens die Culture & Resistance-konferensie in Gaborone, Botswana in Julie 1982. Ek onthou die kort, maer mannetjie goed. Hy was vir die duur van die konferensie, altyd ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2018)
    Sedert sy jeug het Richard Ernest van der Ross (1921–2017) ’n belangrike rol in die breë Kaapse gemeenskap gespeel. Hy het hom onderskei as ’n anti-apartheidsaktivis, ’n opvoedkundige, ’n geskiedskrywer en openbare ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Routledge, 2014-02)
    This paper examines the life writing of two well-known South African teachers, Richard Dudley (1924–2009) and Richard van der Ross (b. 1921), both officially classified as Coloured persons. Alan Wieder wrote a biography ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns, 2017-12)
    Adam Small often referred to the amateur theatre group, the Cape Flats Players, that regularly performed his dramas and revues since 1972 – especially in Western Cape communities. Although some research has been undertaken ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Indiana University Press, 2008)
    This essay explores the South African author P. J. Philander's epic Zimbabwe (1968), an Afrikaans poem of 307 alternate quatrains largely based on the disproved notion that the Phoenicians built the ancient complex of Great ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging, 2010)
    David Kramer and Taliep Petersen’s Ghoema (2005) tells the story of slavery at the Cape of Good Hope. The musical “writes back” with respect to early Afrikaans music and regards Cape culture as “a history of the ghoema”. ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (LitNet, 2017)
    Adam Small het ’n durende bewondering vir die digterskap van N.P. Van Wyk Louw gehad. Hy het hom beskou as ’n besonder begaafde denker, “een van die grootste denkers ter wêreld”. Vanaf sy essaybundel Die eerste steen? ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Ensovoort Society, 2009)
    This article was initially presented in November 2007 at the Heritage Summit held by the Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns (South African Academy for Science and Art) in Bloemfontein. This meeting was held in ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2013)
    A history of internal division marks the Afrikaans speech community. In the past the Afrikaans language was often claimed as ‘the white man language’, a presupposition that led to the common assertion that it was ‘the ...
  • Van der Merwe, Kirby; Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2022)
    No abstract available.
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns, 2021-12)
    In 1983 the theatre researcher Temple Hauptfleisch raised concerns about the decline in South African amateur theatre (also called amdram). He identified several factors that could support its continued development, among ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2012)
    The Orange Earth is discussed here as a fictionalised autobiographical account in which the Afrikaans poet and playwright, Adam Small, reflects on the impact of apartheid, creating a counternarrative of a marginalised life ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2004)
    This article reports on variations of the Cinderella fairytale as told by two southern Namibian storytellers, Martha Frederik and Katrina Louw. The analysis concentrates on the self-imagery of these storytellers as reflected ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2010)
    This article examines the intellectual and social context of S. V. Petersen (1914–87) with respect to its dialogical tensions. Three key features of his biography are discussed, namely his position as one of only a few ...
  • Willemse, Hein (Heinrich Stephen Samuel) (Suider-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Neerlandistiek, 2011)
    Die artikel ondersoek met verwysing na enkele protesgedigte ‘n durende spanning in die poësie-oeuvre van S.V. Petersen, naamlik sy verhouding met sy “landgenoot met die ligte vel […] oor wie (hy) wroeg”. Ten aanvang word ...