Browsing 1970 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 37, 1970 by Issue Date

Browsing 1970 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 37, 1970 by Issue Date

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  • McCully, R.M.; Basson, P.A.; De Vos, Valerius; De Vos, A.J.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Four cases of uterine coccidiosis showing readily-detectable macroscopic lesions were collected over a period of two years during which 451 female impalas [Aepyceros melampus (Lichtenstein, 1812)] were examined post ...
  • Young, E.; Basson, P.A.; Weiss, K.E.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Calves of a giraffe, an impala, two buffaloes, and two adult black wildebeests were artificially infected with the Neethling type of lumpy skin disease virus. The giraffe and impala died with typical symptoms and lesions ...
  • Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Fuls, W.J.P.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Administration of a single injection of killed polyvalent Escherichia coli (Migula, 1895) vaccine to ewes and cows resulted in a marked increase in the mouse protective properties of their sera. Antibodies were effectively ...
  • Procos, J.; Schubert, Annette; Briel, B.J.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria: Government Printer, 1970)
    Severe acidosis was induced in wethers by the infusion of mineral and organic acids. No clinical signs apart from slight panting, were observed despite a fall in plasma glucose levels which occurred either spontaneously ...
  • Du Plessis, J.L.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; De Kock, V.E.; Walker, Jane B.; Tustin, R.C. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Ammonium sulphate precipitated gamma-globulins obtained from sheep immune to Cowdria ruminantium (Cowdry, 1925) failed to protect susceptible sheep against artificial infection by this parasite, irrespective of whether the ...
  • Basson, P.A.; McCully, R.M.; Kruger, S.P.; Van Niekerk, J.W.; Young, E.; De Vos, Valerius; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    One hundred randomly-collected buffaloes [Syncerus caffer (Sparrman, 1779)] were autopsied, and tissues and parasites were collected for histopathological studies and identification. Blood smears were prepared from 92 ...
  • Oellermann, R.A.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    A method of plaque assay for African horsesickness virus (AHSV) is described. Three cell lines were tested of which BHK21 was the most satisfactory. With an increase in Actinomycin D concentration, an increased inhibition ...
  • Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Smit, Gertruida; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    A polyvalent alum-precipitated vaccine containing Pasteurella multocida (Lehmann & Neuman, 1899) types A and D and four serotypes of Pasteurella haemolytica (Newsom & Cross, 1932) produced a sound immunity in mice and sheep ...
  • De Vos, A.J.; Dobson, Lynne D.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Eimeria chinchillae De Vos & Van der Westhuizen, 1968, an organism originally described from the chinchilla and subsequently shown to be transmissible to other rodents, was found to occur naturally in Rhabdomys pumilio ...
  • Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
  • Gerneke, W.H.; Coubrough, R.I.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    A cytogenetic and clinical study of an intersexual Arabian horse revealed it to be a genetic female but a gonadal male intersex. This corresponds in general to previously reported cases, which have been genetic females ...
  • Malherbe, W.D.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Six healthy sheep were artificially infested through skin exposure with graded doses of cercariae of Schistosoma mattheei Veglia & LeRoux, 1929. By means of laboratory tests the development of lesions due to the disease ...
  • Howell, P.G.; Kumm, N.A.; Botha, M.J.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Previously the isolation and identification of strains of bluetongue virus has been tedious, so that the introduction of techniques to shorten the delay was considered highly desirable. Neutralization tests were conducted ...
  • Wetzell, H.; Nevell, E.M.; Erasmus, B.J.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria: Government Printer, 1970)
    Laboratory-reared Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762), Culex pipiens fatigans Wiedemann, 1828, and trap-caught Culicoides biting midges were fed on African horsesickness (AHS) virus solutions and on horses infected with AHS. ...
  • Pienaar, J.G.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    The ultrastructure of Cowdria ruminantium was studied in thin sections of choroid plexus from experimentally infected sheep. Glutaraldehyde fixation and osmium tetroxide postfixation were used. The organism developed ...
  • Lecatsas, G.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Electron microscope observations on ephemeral fever virus showed that the electron-dense material was helical in structure, that probably two strands 4 nm in diameter formed a limb approx. 17 nm in diameter with one complete ...
  • McCully, R.M.; Keep, M.E.; Basson, P.A.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Cytauxzoonosis is reported for the first time in a giraffe [Giraffa camelopardalis (Linnaeus, 1758)] that died naturally of the disease. Both histiotropic and erythrocytic parasites were found. The animal was very anaemic ...
  • Jansen, B.C.; Knoetze, P.C.; Visser, Fleur; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Large quantities of toxoid given to rabbits per os did not elicit a primary immune response. Toxin absorbed through the intestinal wall of guinea-pigs and toxoided produced an anamnestic response on injection into ...
  • Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Smit, Maria C.; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (Buchanan, 1911) protoplasm was separated into two toxic fractions by means of gel chromatography. Toxin neutralization tests indicated that one of the fractions is probably identical ...
  • Huismans, H. (Henk), 1942-; South Africa. Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services; Tustin, R.C.; De Lange, M.; Reinecke, R.K.; Walker, Jane B.; De Kock, V.E. (Pretoria : Government Printer, 1970)
    Both virus-specific double-stranded and single-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) are synthesized during infection. The single-stranded RNA is formed in a large excess of double-stranded RNA and the rate of synthesis is maximal ...