Identification of Phytophthora cinnamomi CRN effectors and their roles in manipulating cell death during Persea americana infection

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Show simple item record Midgley, Kayla Alexis Van den Berg, Noelani Backer, Robert Swart, Velushka 2024-08-07T13:12:11Z 2024-08-07T13:12:11Z 2024-05
dc.description DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article and its supplementary information files. Sequences used in this study are available on Genbank (NCBI) accession numbers OR501732 - OR501777. All P. cinnamomi cultures are available in the ARP culture collection at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. en_US
dc.description.abstract The oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi is a devastating plant pathogen with a notably broad host range. It is the causal agent of Phytophthora root rot (PRR), arguably the most economically important yield-limiting disease in Persea americana (avocado). Despite this, our understanding of the mechanisms P. cinnamomi employs to infect and successfully colonize avocado remains limited, particularly regarding the pathogen’s ability to maintain its biotrophic and necrotrophic lifestyles during infection. The pathogen utilises a large repertoire of effector proteins which function in facilitating and establishing disease in susceptible host plants. Crinkling and necrosis effectors (CRN/Crinklers) are suspected to manipulate cell death to aid in maintenance of the pathogens biotrophic and necrotrophic lifestyles during different stages of infection. The current study identified 25 P. cinnamomi CRN effectors from the GKB4 genome using an HMM profile and assigned putative function to them as either cell death inducers or suppressors. Function was assigned to 10 PcinCRNs by analysing their RNA-seq expression profiles, relatedness to other functionally characterised Phytophthora CRNs and tertiary protein predictions. The full-length coding sequences for these PcinCRNs were confirmed by Sanger sequencing, six of which were found to have two divergent alleles. The presence of alleles indicates that the proteins encoded may perform contradicting functions in cell death manipulation, or function in different host plant species. Overall, this study provides a foundation for future research on P. cinnamomi infection and cell death manipulation mechanisms. en_US
dc.description.department Biochemistry en_US
dc.description.department Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) en_US
dc.description.department Genetics en_US
dc.description.department Microbiology and Plant Pathology en_US
dc.description.sdg SDG-15:Life on land en_US
dc.description.sponsorship The Hans Merensky Foundation (HMF) through a grant awarded to the Hans Merensky Chair in Avocado Research at the University of Pretoria. en_US
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Midgley, K.A., van den Berg, N., Backer, R. et al. Identification of Phytophthora cinnamomi CRN effectors and their roles in manipulating cell death during Persea americana infection. BMC Genomics 25, 435 (2024). en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1471-2318 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1186/s12864-024-10358-3
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher BMC en_US
dc.rights © The Author(s) 2024. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. en_US
dc.subject Plant-pathogen interactions en_US
dc.subject Crinkler effectors en_US
dc.subject Molecular characterization en_US
dc.subject In silico en_US
dc.subject Protein prediction en_US
dc.subject Alleles en_US
dc.subject Phytophthora en_US
dc.subject Hemibiotroph en_US
dc.subject SDG-15: Life on land en_US
dc.title Identification of Phytophthora cinnamomi CRN effectors and their roles in manipulating cell death during Persea americana infection en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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