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Research Articles (Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)): Recent submissions

  • Bornman, Simoné; Thomas, Chanel; Ntladi, Solomon; Wilken, Pieter Markus (Springer, 2024-03)
    Sclerotinia stem rot on South African groundnut was previously attributed to Sclerotinia minor, but recent infections prompted a re-evaluation. Isolates underwent a species-specific PCR and phylogenetic analysis, confirming ...
  • Pham, Nam Q.; Suzuki, Hiroyuki; Duong, Tuan A.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Barnes, Irene; Durán, Alvaro; Wingfield, Michael J. (Wiley, 2024-06)
    Eucalyptus scab and shoot malformation is an emerging disease and a serious threat to the global plantation forestry industry. The disease appeared in North Sumatra (Indonesia) in the early 2010s and the causal agent was ...
  • Gush, Sasha-Lee; Lebre, Pedro H.; Coutinho, Teresa A.; Cowan, Don A.; Van der Waals, Jacqueline Elise (American Phytopathological Society, 2024-05)
    Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group (AG) 3-PT is a devastating pathogenic fungus that causes several diseases in potatoes both in South Africa and globally. The removal of various fungicides from the market and strict ...
  • Mlambo, Shaw; Machekano, Honest; Mvumi, Brighton M.; Cuthbert, Ross N.; Nyamukondiwa, Casper (Wiley, 2024-09)
    Please read abstract in the article.
  • Collop, Amy; Terblanche, John S.; Clusella-Trullas, Susana; Garnas, Jeff R.; Bradicich, Pius; Karsten, Minette (Springer, 2024-06)
    Harmonia axyridis is an invasive beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), native to Asia, that has established on four continents beyond its native range and was first observed in South Africa in 2001. Using microsatellite data ...
  • Alexandre, Maxime T.A.; Kruger, T.P.J. (Tjaart); Pascal, Andrew A.; Veremeienko, Vasyl; Llansola-Portoles, Manuel J.; Gundermann, Kathi; Van Grondelle, Rienk; Büchel, Claudia; Robert, Bruno (Elsevier, 2024-11)
    In high light, the antenna system in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms switches to a photoprotective mode, dissipating excess energy in a process called non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Diatoms exhibit very efficient ...
  • Moffat, Rosali; Weaver, Kim; Ngxande-Koza, Samella; Sebola, Keneilwe; English, Kelby; Kinsler, David; Coetzee, Julie (Elsevier, 2024-07)
    Water hyacinth has been present on Hartbeespoort Dam since the 1960s. Historical weed management consisted of herbicide and mechanical/manual removal. However, due to funding constraints, biological control was implemented ...
  • Midgley, Kayla Alexis; Van den Berg, Noelani; Backer, Robert; Swart, Velushka (BMC, 2024-05)
    The oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi is a devastating plant pathogen with a notably broad host range. It is the causal agent of Phytophthora root rot (PRR), arguably the most economically important yield-limiting disease ...
  • Jami, Fahimeh; Duma, Sanelisiwe; Fourie, Gerda; Botha, Gerhard; Schoeman, Maritha (Wiley, 2024-05)
    Macadamia cultivation plays significant role in the economy of South Africa. Despite its importance, the industry grapples with disease-related challenges, notably flower blight, which threatens substantial economic losses ...
  • Jalloh, Abdul A.; Khamis, Fathiya; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ahmed; Subramanian, Sevgan; Mutyambai, Daniel Munyao (BMC, 2024-03)
    BACKGROUND: The soil biota consists of a complex assembly of microbial communities and other organisms that vary significantly across farming systems, impacting soil health and plant productivity. Despite its importance, ...
  • Baltrus, David A.; Shin, Gi Yoon; Coutinho, Teresa A.; Kvitko, Brian H. (American Society for Microbiology, 2023-11)
    Here, we describe draft genome sequences for two bacterial isolates from the genus Pantoea. Pantoea ananatis ATCC 35400 was originally isolated from honeydew melon and was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection. ...
  • Stice, Shaun P.; Jan, Hsiao-Hsuan; Chen, Hsiao-Chun; Nwosu, Linda; Shin, Gi Yoon; Weaver, Savannah; Coutinho, Teresa A.; Kvitko, Brian H.; Baltrus, David A. (American Society for Microbiology, 2023-12)
    Phage-derived bacteriocins are highly specific and effective antimicrobial molecules, which have successfully been used as prophylactic treatments to prevent phytopathogen infections. Given the specificity of tailocins, a ...
  • Hlongwane, Nompilo; Dzomba, Edgar F.; Hadebe, Khanyisile; Van der Nest, Magrieta Aletta; Pierneef, Rian Ewald; Muchadeyi, Farai C. (MDPI, 2024-01-02)
    South Africa boasts a diverse range of pig populations, encompassing intensively raised commercial breeds, as well as indigenous and village pigs reared under low-input production systems. The aim of this study was to ...
  • Visagie, Cobus M.; Magista, Donato; Ferrara, Massimo; Balocchi, Felipe; Duong, Tuan A.; Eichmeier, Ales; Gramaje, David; Aylward, Janneke; Baker, Scott E.; Barnes, Irene; Calhoun, Sara; De Angelis, Maria; Frisvad, Jens C.; Hayes, Richard D.; Houbraken, Jos; Grigoriev, Igor V.; LaButti, Kurt; Leal, Catarina; Lipzen, Anna; Ng, Vivian; Pangilinan, Jasmyn; Pecenka, Jakub; Perrone, Giancarlo; Piso, Anja; Savage, Emily; Spetik, Milan; Wingfield, Michael J.; Zhang, Yu; Wingfield, Brenda D. (BMC, 2023-10-06)
    Sequencing fungal genomes has now become very common and the list of genomes in this manuscript reflects this. Particularly relevant is that the first announcement is a re-identification of Penicillium genomes available ...
  • Ally, Nooreen M.; Neetoo, Hudaa; Ranghoo-Sanmukhiya, Vijayanti M.; Coutinho, Teresa A. (EScience Press, 2023-04)
    The cultivation of tomatoes in greenhouse structures is becoming increasingly common as a crop production system. However, the environmental conditions inside a greenhouse favour the development of microbial diseases. These ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Akulov, A.; Balashov, S.; Boers, J.; Braun, U.; Castillo, J.; Delgado, M.A.; Denman, S.; Erhard, A.; Gusella, G.; Jurjevic, Z.; Kruze, J.; Malloch, D.W.; Osieck, E.R.; Polizzi, G.; Schumacher, R.K.; Slootweg, E.; Starink-Willemse, M.; Van Iperen, A.L.; Verkley, G.J.M.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, 2023-06-16)
    Three new genera, six new species, three combinations, six epitypes, and 25 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. New genera: Neoleptodontidium (based on Neoleptodontidium aquaticum), ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Jurjević, Z.; Balashov, S.; De la Peña-Lastra, S.; Mateos, A.; Pinruan, U.; Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A.; Osieck, E.R.; Altés, A.; Czachura, P.; Esteve- Raventós, F.; Gunaseelan, S.; Kaliyaperumal, M.; Larsson, E.; Luangsa-ard, J.J.; Moreno, G.; Pancorbo, F.; Piątek, M.; Sommai, S.; Somrithipol, S.; Asif, M.; Delgado, G.; Flakus, A.; Illescas, T.; Kezo, K.; Khamsuntorn, P.; Kubátová, A.; Labuda, R.; Lavoise, C.; Lebel, , T.; Lueangjaroenkit, P.; Maciá-Vicente, J.G.; Paz, A.; Saba, M.; Shivas, R.G.; Tan, Y.P.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Aas, T.; Abramczyk, B.; Ainsworth, A.M.; Akulov, A.; Alvarado, P.; Armada, F.; Assyov, B.; Avchar, R.; Avesani, M.; Bezerra, J.L.; Bhat, J.D.; Bilański, P.; Bily, D.S.; Boccardo, F.; Bozok, F.; Campos, J.C.; Chaimongkol, S.; Chellappan, N.; Costa, M.M.; Dalecká, M.; Darmostuk, V.; Daskalopoulos, V.; Dearnaley, J.; Dentinger, B.T.M.; De Silva, N.I.; Dhotre, D.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Doungsa-ard, C.; Dovana, F.; Erhard, A.; Ferro, L.O.; Gallegos, S.C.; Giles, C.E.; Gore, G.; Gorfer, M.; Guard, F.E.; Hanson, S.-A.; Haridev, P.; Jankowiak, R.; Jeffers, S.N.; Kandemir, H.; Karich, A.; Kisło, K.; Kiss, L.; Krisai-Greilhuber, I.; Latha, K.P.D.; Lorenzini, M.; Lumyong, S.; Manimohan, P.; Manjón, J.L.; Maula, F.; Mazur, E.; Mesquita, N.L.S.; Młynek, K.; Mongkolsamrit, S.; Morán, P.; Murugadoss, R.; Nagarajan, M.; Nalumpang, S.; Noisripoom, W.; Nosalj, S.; Novaes, Q.S.; Nowak, M.; Pawłowska, J.; Peiger, M.; Pereira, O.L.; Pinto, A.; Plaza, M.; Polemis, E.; Polhorský, A.; Ramos, D.O.; Raza, M.; Rivas- Ferreiro, M.; Rodriguez-Flakus, P.; Ruszkiewicz-Michalska, M.; Sánchez, A.; Santos, A.; Schüller, A.; Scott, P.A.; Şen, İ.; Shelke, D.; Śliwa, L.; Solheim, H.; Sonawane, H.; Strašiftáková, D.; Stryjak-Bogacka, M.; Sudsanguan, M.; Suwannarach, N.; Suz, L.M.; Syme, K.; Taşkın, H.; Tennakoon, D.S.; Tomka, P.; Vaghefi, N.; Vasan, V.; Vauras, J.; Wiktorowicz, D.; Villarreal, M.; Vizzini, A.; Wrzosek, M.; Yang, X.; Yingkunchao, W.; Zapparoli, G.; Zervakis, G.I.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, 2024-06)
    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Baobabopsis sabindy in leaves of Eragrostis spartinoides, Cortinarius magentiguttatus among deep leaf litter, L ...
  • Barreto, G.G.; Souza-Motta, C.M.; Silva, G.A.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias; Crous, Pedro W.; Bezerra, J.D.P. (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, 2024-12)
    Meristematic fungi are mainly defined as having aggregates of thick-walled, melanised cells enlarging and reproducing by isodiametric division. Dothideomycetes black meristematic and meristematic-like fungi have been ...
  • Bakhshi, M.; Crous, Pedro W. (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, 2024-12)
    The current paper represents the seventh contribution in the Genera of Fungi series, linking type species of fungal genera to their morphology and DNA sequence data. This manuscript focuses on a genus of dematiaceous ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Dijksterhuis, J.; Figge, M.; Sandoval-Denis, M. (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, 2024-06)
    Fusarium agapanthi is newly reported from the centre of origin of Agapanthus in South Africa, where it is associated with dead flower stalks of Agapanthus praecox. Mjuua agapanthi, a rare hyphomycete with a morphology ...