Browsing Journals (South African Journal of Art History (SAJAH)) by Issue Date

Browsing Journals (South African Journal of Art History (SAJAH)) by Issue Date

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  • Schmidt, Leoni (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1986-08-15)
    Samevatting van 'n simposium oor kunsgeskiedenis in die Suider-Afrikaanse konteks, gehou by die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit (R.A.U.) op 15 Augustus 1986.
  • Hagg, Gerard (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987)
    Twee kunshistoriese metodes word bespreek. "Kanonisering" beklemtoon die kunstenaar as geisoleerd van sy omgewing en as 'n voorbeeld van ideologiese of estetiese voorkeure van groepe wat strewe na dominansie. Coert Steynberg ...
  • Woodhouse, Herbert Charles, 1919-2011; Van den Berg, Dirk Johannes (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    From time to time writers on the rock paintings of South Africa have drawn attention to the depiction of tusks on animals that do not have them in real life and also to tusks on snakes and therianthropic figures. The known ...
  • Van der Walt, H.M.; Van den Berg, Dirk Johannes (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    Little is known about the pieces of South African rock art in collections overseas. This article offers the results of an intensive search for such examples worldwide. The information is given in tables in the Addendum and ...
  • Mare, Estelle Alma (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    Die problematiese aard van argitektuur in Suid-Afrika wat in 'n krisis- en oorgangsfase verkeer, moet nagegaan word, want met die oog op die toekoms sal die praktyk deurslaggewend wees vir navorsers. Voorlopig sou mens kon ...
  • Mare, Estelle Alma; Van den Berg, Dirk Johannes (Art Historical Workgroup of South Africa, 1987-06)
  • De Villiers, E.S. (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    "The Golden Cabinet Of The Noble And Liberal Art Of Painting" was written in Flemish shortly before 1661 by the Antwerp rederijker, Cornelius de Bie. In this article it is discussed for the first time in the context of its ...
  • Van den Berg, Dirk Johannes (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    Onduidelikhede in die veld waarin die 'simbool' en 'simptoom' in die ikonologie van Panofsky optree, is die uitgangspunt van 'n ondersoek waarin getrag word om enkele metodologiese probleemvelde in die kunshistoriese ...
  • Marais, M.M.S.; Van den Berg, Dirk Johannes (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    In hierdie artikel word aandag gegee aan die karakter van die kunstenaar J.H. Pierneef se grafiese werke. As etser is Pierneef betreklik onbekend. Daar word verwys na verskeie voorbeelde van die kunstenaar se werk in die ...
  • Schmidt, Leoni; Van den Berg, Dirk Johannes (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    In hierdie artikel word daar gekonsentreer op die beskrywing en interpretering van twee Hindoetempels in Johannesburg. Die twee tempels is geselekteer vir bespreking as synde verteenwoordigend van alternatiewe in die ...
  • Heidema, Johannes (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    Uitgaande van twee universele dimensies van die bestaan, naamlik individualiteit en gemeenskaplikheid, word 'n strukturele model van die bestaan van enige entiteit geponeer. Deur die model op die bestaan van 'n werk as ...
  • Van der Waal, Gerhard-Mark (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    As vertrekpunt vir 'n moontlike bree oorsig van die groei van Kunsgeskiedenis in Suid-Afrika, bied hierdie artikel enkele bevindings op grond van die gelewerde formele studies oor die afgelope vyftig jaar. Aan die hand van ...
  • Van der Merwe, T.; Engel, E.P. (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1987-06)
    Oenskynlik lyk Preller se "Morning Glory" na 'n tradisionele stillewe. Formeel en ikonografies gesien is daar egter begripsmatige inkonsekwensies in die werk wat slegs struktureel-simbolies verstaan kan word.
  • Mare, Estelle Alma; Van der Waal, Gerhard-Mark (Art Historical Workgroup of South Africa, 1987-11)
  • Lee, D.N. (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1989)
    Daar bestaan 'n groeiende belangstelling in die belangrike rol wat San-rotsskilderinge speel in ons nasionale erfenis. Hierdie belangstelling het gelei tot 'n besef van die vinnige agteruitgang van hierdie werke, as gevolg ...
  • Van der Waal, Gerhard-Mark; Schmidt, Leoni (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1989)
    In 'n tyd wat 'n mens aanhoudend dwing om standpunt in te neem, is daar behoefte aan gesprekke oor tendense. Sulke besinnings is hulpmiddels om tot 'n posisiebepaling te kom binne die netwerk van verhoudings waarin 'n mens ...
  • Duffey, Alexander Edward (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1989)
    Ceramic work has been characterised as the simplest and the most complex of all the arts, because it is elemental and abstract. No other nation has reached a higher level of development in ceramics than the Chinese. This ...
  • Woodhouse, Herbert Charles, 1919-2011 (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1989)
    The question arises why paintings and engravings were made on the rocks of southern Africa and also why the theme of the 'rain animal' or 'rain snake' was often executed. Motivation for the artistic activity involved is ...
  • Groenewald, M.M. (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1989)
    Picasso created a series of forty-four paintings based on "Las Meninas" by Velazquez. In these works he embarked on a Journey of exploration with regard to form, iconography and iconology. This article researches the ...
  • Janse van Rensburg, H.J. (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 1989)
    Max Ernst often responded to the thought of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in his art in the 1920's. This study approaches the collage-novel, "The Hundred Headless Woman", from the perspective of Nietzsche's concept ...