The long-term impact of antibiotics on the serum and fecal metabolome of kittens has
not yet been investigated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the serum and
fecal metabolome of kittens with an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) before, during, and
after antibiotic treatment and compare it with that of healthy control cats. Thirty 2-month-old cats
with a URTI were randomly assigned to receive either amoxicillin/clavulanic acid for 20 days or
doxycycline for 28 days, and 15 cats of similar age were enrolled as controls. Fecal samples were
collected on days 0, 20/28, 60, 120, and 300, while serum was collected on days 0, 20/28, and 300.
Untargeted and targeted metabolomic analyses were performed on both serum and fecal samples.
Seven metabolites differed significantly in antibiotic-treated cats compared to controls on day 20/28,
with two differing on day 60, and two on day 120. Alterations in the pattern of serum amino acids,
antioxidants, purines, and pyrimidines, as well as fecal bile acids, sterols, and fatty acids, were
observed in antibiotic-treated groups that were not observed in control cats. However, the alterations
caused by either amoxicillin/clavulanic acid or doxycycline of the fecal and serum metabolome were
only temporary and were resolved by 10 months after their withdrawal.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS : TABLE S1: List of raw metabolites identified in serum samples by untargeted metabolomics. TABLE S2: List of metabolites identified in serum samples by untargeted metabolomics. Mean and standard deviation by group and time point. TABLE S3: List of raw metabolites identified in fecal samples by targeted metabolomics. TABLE S4: List of metabolites identified in fecal samples by targeted metabolomics. Mean and standard deviation by group and time point.