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Botha, Wilhelm Johannes
(University of Pretoria, 1989)
Eight different species of the genus Termitomyces Heim were collected in the Republic of South Africa viz. : (i) T. umkowaani (Cooke & Mass.) Reid (ii) T. reticulatus v. d. Westh. & Eicker sp. nov. (iii) T. sagittaeformis ...
Brynard, Hermanus Johannes
(University of Pretoria, 1988)
The National Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility at Vaalputs in Bushmanland was selected for the disposal of intermediate- to low-level radioactive waste. The selection followed intensive investigations involving a wide ...
Strydom, Christo Wilhelm
(University of Pretoria, 1991)
An investigation is made of the deuterium-deuterium nuclear fusion in a gas-pressurized, thermally cycled titanium-deuteride in the temperature region between 80 and 600 K. A compound neutron and, detection system, consisting ...
Smit, Jacoba Elizabeth
(University of Pretoria, 1995)
In this study light scattering from periodically structured surfaces is investigated theoretically and experimentally. A mathematical model is developed which describes the diffraction characteristics of two examples of ...
Viljoen, Hendrik Jacobus
(University of Pretoria, 1984)
In the pseudo-homogeneous models of chemical reactors, one assumes that the content of the reactor is homogeneous. These models are categorized as two-dimensional (axial and radial changes occur) and one-dimensional models ...
Franklyn, Christopher Barry
(University of Pretoria, 1986)
An original experiment was performed to measure the angular correlation of fission neutrons from thermal-neutron-induced fission of 235 u, with respect to the light fission fragment direction, as a function of fragment ...
Parris, Richard
(University of Pretoria, 1976)
Scattered throughout the Kalahari sandveld of Southern Africa are saucer-shaped depressions known as pans or salt-pans, which vary in size from less than 30 m in diameter to as much as 5 km in diameter. A cross-section of ...
Pienaar, Andre
(University of Pretoria, 1997)
The methodology of the addition reactions of a wide range of alkyl- and arylmethylphosphonates to a,β-unsaturated ketones was studied. Reaction conditions were optimised and the conditions determining the nature of the ...
Beyers, Josephine Bertha Pauline
(University of Pretoria, 2000)
Lachnaea L., a genus endemic to the Cape Floristic Region, occurs almost exclusively in fynbos vegetation. In this revision a brief taxonomic history of Lachnaea is presented. Palynology and chromosome numbers were found ...
Archer, Robert Hermanns
(University of Pretoria, 1996)
The primary object of this study was to provide a taxonomic account of the southern African Cassinoideae. The Cassinoideae is one of at least seven subfamilies in the morphologically diverse family Celastraceae. Cassinoideae ...
Jordaan, Marie
(University of Pretoria, 1995)
A taxonomic revision of all the southern African spiny members of the Celastroideae is presented. Evidence from macromorphology, leaf anatomy, ecology and phytogeography are used as a basis for classification. The genus ...
Day, Richard William
(University of Pretoria, 1980)
A comparison between aeromagnetic and geological data is made in the area bounded by latitude 25°30'S and 26°15'S and longitudes 25°45'E and 26°45'E. Aeromagnetic and ground magnetic data are used to map the dykes, and ...
Nixon, Nola
(University of Pretoria, 1988)
Palaeomagnetic and petrological investigations were undertaken near Roossenekal, at the contact between subzones A and B of the main zone in the eastern Bushveld Complex. Three rock-types were identified at the site; the ...
Marais, Constance Lougene
(University of Pretoria, 1977)
Optical investigation of the orthopyroxenes also revealed a compositional break in the differentiation sequence at the height of the Pyroxenite Marker. A reversal in the trend of iron enrichment is recorded at all four of ...
Kempster, Phillip Lyle
(University of Pretoria, 1986)
A discussion of the theory of inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectrometry, with particular attention being paid to the question of detection limit, leads on to an overview of the analytical application of the ...
Lochner, Hester Helena
(University of Pretoria, 1986)
Samples of each batch of legume inoculant manufactured in South-Africa, are tested by the Plant Protection Research Institute for the number of viable Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium cells per gram peat, strain identity and ...
Venter, Myrl Wendy
(University of Pretoria, 1989)
Two investigations of solid state chemistry problems, using various aspects of Raman spectroscopy, are described. The first includes high pressure studies of pyridine and ZnCl2py2. Both of these studies gave phases which ...
Gunter, Nicolaas Johannes
(University of Pretoria, 1997)
Spontaneous hybridoma formation was evaluated in this study. This phenomenon entails the treatment of mice with specific Haemophilus paragallinarum strains to induce the ability of murine splenocytes to fuse with tumour ...
Herbst, Alida
(University of Pretoria, 1985)
Literature on the estimation of standard errors of estimators of variable values for complex samples is not so commonly obtainable as that concerning simple random sampling with independent observations. The complexity of ...
Jooste Aletta Sophia
(University of Pretoria, 1986)
If Bis a linear operator with domain DCB) contained in a Banach space X and range in a Banach space Y, the family {S(t):t>O} of bounded, linear operators defined on Y is called a B-evolution if S(t)CYJ c D(B) and SCt+s) = ...