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Browsing Research Articles (Nursing Science) by Title
De Kock, J.; Heyns, Tanya; Van Rensburg, Gisela H.
(Medpharm Publications, 2008)
Haemorrhagic shock is more common in the pregnant woman than generally acknowledged in the clinical setting. In most cases antepartum and postpartum haemorrhage can be managed effectively by concentrating on the management ...
Masemola-Yende, J.P.F.; Mataboge, M.L.S. (Mamakwa L. Sanah)
(AOSIS OpenJournals, 2015-11-05)
BACKGROUND : The increase in the number of teenage pregnancies and its negative consequences
has encouraged various researchers to explore the possible causes of teenage pregnancy.
Findings from previously-conducted ...
Phiri, Salaminah S.; Rikhotso, Richard; Moagi, Mmamphamo Miriam; Bhana, Varshika M.; Jiyane, Priscilla M.
(AOSIS Open Journals, 2015-11-23)
BACKGROUND : Despite the acceptability of the Female Condom2 (FC2) as a contraceptive method
by some women, it remains inaccessible and unavailable to the majority of women because of
affordability, training, distribution ...
Smith, Jenna; Filmalter, Cecilia Jacoba; Masenge, Andries; Heyns, Tanya
(Elsevier, 2022-06)
BACKGROUND : Triage is applied in emergency centres (ECs) to assign degrees of urgency to illnesses or injuries to decide in which order to treat patients, especially when there are many patients or casualties, facilitating ...
Van Heerden, Carlien; Janse van Rensburg, Elsie S.; Maree, Catharina Magrieta (Carin)
(Sage, 2021-12)
Neonatal resuscitation can save newborn lives when performed by competent staff in a setting that is adequately equipped and organised. To develop strategies to sustain quality improvement in neonatal resuscitation, an ...
Sepeng, Nombulelo Veronica; Mogale, Ramadimetja Shirley
(Unisa Press, 2019-05)
The year 2019 will mark 29 years of existence of the 16 days of activism for no violence against women and children. The campaign of 16 days of activism against women and children abuse was initiated in 1991 at the Rutgers ...
Boersema, G.C. (Christelle); Van Wyk, Neltjie C.; Louw, Elizabeth M.
(Wiley, 2019-06)
AIM : To adapt the Youth‐Friendly Health Services‐World Health Organization+ questionnaire to suit the health needs of youth in the South African context, and estimate its psychometric properties.
BACKGROUND : Youth‐friendly ...
Van Wyk, Neltjie C.; Coetzee, Isabella M.; Havenga, Y.; Heyns, Tanya
(Wiley, 2016-03)
INTRODUCTION : The quality of the relationship between postgraduate students and their supervisors
often determines the progress of the students.
BACKGROUND : Successful supervision according to students is associated ...
Mashao, Kapari Constance; Heyns, Tanya; White, Zelda
(Elsevier, 2021-06)
INTRODUCTION: Globally, length of stay of patients in emergency departments remains a challenge. Remaining in the
emergency department for >12 h increases health care costs, morbidity and mortality rates and leads ...
Mudau, Doreen Onkarabile; Mulaudzi, Fhumulani Mavis; Sepeng, Nombulelo Veronica; Anokwuru, Rafiat Ajoke
(Springer, 2023-04)
Although roll-out of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been reported to have changed contexts of HIV risk in areas where it was well-implemented. The rate of its uptake and retention amongst young females has not ...
Nyandeni, Sinethemba; Mulaudzi, Fhumulani Mavis; Sepeng, Nombulelo Veronica
(Women's Health and Action Research Centre, 2024-10)
Despite many interventions already implemented, teenage pregnancy remains a public health problem globally. This scoping review
assessed if incorporating Ubuntu principles and values in the interventions for preventing ...
Coetzee, Marie-Heleen; Ngunyulu, Roinah Nkhensani
(AOSIS Open Journals, 2015)
BACKGROUND : Unplanned pregnancies amongst students at higher education institutions are a
major concern worldwide, including South Africa. Apart from various social and psychological
challenges, unplanned pregnancies ...
Van Wyngaarden, Anna; Leech, Ronell; Coetzee, Isabella M.
(Higher Education South Africa, 2018)
In developing student nurses’ clinical reasoning skills, nurse educators play an important part. To promote clinical reasoning skills, nurse educators should identify and utilise appropriate student-centred teaching and ...
Machava, Norgia Elsa; Salvador, Elsa Maria; Mulaudzi, Fhumulani Mavis
(Elsevier, 2022)
BACKGROUND : Although diagnosis and treatment of diarrhoea are considered easy, statistics show that 525,000 children worldwide die annually due to diarrhoea, 90% of the deaths are in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and ...
Nkambule, Sphamandla Josias; Moodley, Indres; Kuupiel, Desmond; Mashamba‑Thompson, Tivani Phosa
(Nature Research, 2021-03)
In previous studies, food insecurity has been hypothesised to promote the prevalence of metabolic risk
factors on the causal pathway to diet-sensitive non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This systematic
review and meta-analysis ...
Mathebula, Thomas; Van der Wath, Anna Elizabeth; Ramavhoya, Thifhelimbilu Irene
(Wiley, 2024)
Psychiatric nurses are in a unique position to build therapeutic relationships with mental healthcare users with dual diagnoses to foster trust and recovery. However, a dual diagnosis poses barriers to ...
Mutowo, Jesca; Yazbek, Mariatha; Van der Wath, Anna Elizabeth; Maree, Catharina Magrieta (Carin)
(Elsevier, 2021)
BACKGROUND : In Zimbabwe women still initiate antenatal care (ANC) after twelfth weeks of pregnancy. Few women return for repeat visits. Early and timely ANC ensure early detection and management of high-risk pregnancies. ...
Van Wyk, Neltjie C.; Leech, Ronell
(Routledge, 2016-02)
The transition to motherhood starts early in pregnancy and is
completed when the mother feels competent in caring for the
infant. Becoming the mother of a child with disabilities is demanding
as their needs are complex. ...
Mulaudzi, Fhumulani Mavis; Mulaudzi, Mutondi; Anokwuru, Rafiat Ajoke; Davhana-Maselesele, Mashudu
(Wiley, 2021-09)
AIM : In this paper, we critically discuss the ethics of nurses' choice to strike during the COVID-19 pandemic, considering legal and ethical arguments, overlaying the Ubuntu philosophy, an African ethic.
Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl; Astle, Barbara; Kromberg, Jennifer; Mgijima-Konopi, Innocentia; Shirley Mooa, Ramadimetja; De Waal, Maretha; Buyco, Meghann; Ero, Ikponwosa; Msipa, Dianah; Nesengani, Tintswalo Victoria; Mazibuko, Nomasonto; Leech, Ronell; Tjope, Mpho
(Elsevier, 2024)
The genetic condition of oculocutaneous albinism is disproportionately present in Africa. Little research has addressed the experiences of mothers impacted by albinism, even though they are more likely to ...