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  • Grobler, Melanie Hester (University of Pretoria, 1992)
    Met die onlangse oorsigtentoonstelling van Nico Roos, in die lntersaal van die Universiteit van Pretoria, skryf Bertie du Plessis die volgende oor sy werk 1: Landskap en voëlvlug. Dit is die oorwegende indruk van die ...
  • Buys, Jakoba Cornelia (University of Pretoria, 1995)
    A number of the dimensions of human experience are considered in this study: on the one hand we try to understand something behind the mystery of art and aesthetic experience, and on the other hand man's need for fulfillment, ...
  • Dreyer, Tessa (University of Pretoria, 1996)
    Die ondersoek na die voorkoms en uitbeelding van spesifiek die stillewemotief in die SuidAfrikaanse grafiese kuns, is gegrond op die navorser se persoonlike belangstelling in die kunstenaar se keuse betreffende die tema ...
  • Wolfaardt, Christel (University of Pretoria, 1996)
    In this study Disneyland is analysed as a model for the creation of an aesthetic of Postmodern consumer culture, hyperreality and semiotic content. It explores Postmodern society and its visual art preferences, whilst ...
  • Combrinck, J.C. (University of Pretoria, 1997)
    Die ondersoek na die moontlike terapeutiese uitwerking van humor en satire in die visuele kunste is gemotiveer deur die navorser se persoonlike belangstelling in sielkunde en sosiologie, en die verband wat daar bestaan ...
  • Miller, Gwenneth (University of Pretoria, 1997)
    This dissertation examines the sublime and the context in which it evolved. To explore the changes that have taken place, the investigation around this concept has been situated within three moments: Romanticism, Modernism ...
  • Pretorius, Annette Sophia (University of Pretoria, 1998)
    Die doel van die tesis is om vas te stel of skilder die skilder se visuele waameming beinvloed. In die eerste plek om hierdie stelling te bewys, moet kousaliteit bewys word. Twee moontlikhede van kousaliteit bestaan. ...
  • Opperman, Johannes Arnoldus (University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Die illusie van beweging, oftewel animasie, het die mens oor eeue heen gefassineer. In hoofstuk 1 het ek die chronologie van film-en animasietegnieke, asook die werking en soorte animasie aan die hand van voorbeelde ...
  • Visser, S.J. (University of Pretoria, 1999)
    As 'n persoon uit 'n afgelee plattelandse gebied wat deels in 'n Derdewereld-kultuur beweeg, blootgestel word aan artikels en programme van die duiselingwekkende moontlikhede wat modeme tegnologie bied, kan daar baie maklik ...
  • Duffey, Alexander Edward (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2002)
    This essay attempts to reconstruct the ten missing years in the life of the well-known South African sculptor, Anton van Wouw, from the end of the Anglo-Boer War to the end of 1910 when he received the commission to make ...
  • Dreyer, Elfriede (Unisa Press, 2002-09)
    In this article, representations of "real" are investigated in selected technological contexts. It is maintained that, at present, the prevalent technological sophistication in art-making processes creates diffused boundaries ...
  • Viljoen, Estella (University of Pretoria, 2003)
    This thesis offers a reading of GQ South Africa 2000, the first glossy men’s magazine to be launched in South Africa (in 2000). It traces the possible iconographical genealogy of glossy men’s magazines to canonical erotic ...
  • Pretorius, Jacqueline Deirdre (University of Pretoria, 2004)
    All forms of material practice, including design, overtly or covertly manifest and reflect an inescapable ideological grounding. The overt display of an ideological point of view in design is defined as propaganda, the ...
  • Viljoen, Stella (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2004)
    In 1873 Benjamin Disraeli could bemoan, "[a]n author who speaks about his own books is almost as bad as a mother who talks about her own children." Today, however, authorship is a consumable that demands endless promoting ...
  • Du Preez, Amanda (Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Assosiasie, 2004)
    This article traces the relation between bungee jumping as eXtreme sport and the experience culture that we live in. It is argued that the sublime has been commodified to suit consumers' preferences and choices. The higher ...
  • Dreyer, Elfriede (Unisa Press, 2005-04)
    In this article, the construct of the city is interpreted as a technological, artificial environment as well as a gendered construct. Within this context, depictions of the archetypal city dweller and the gaze in the urban ...
  • Reid, Julie Barbara Jane (University of Pretoria, 2005-10-11)
    This dissertation analyses the extent to which dominant political ideologies generate meanings in television news texts. The working process of the television news system and the manner in which television news constructs ...
  • Niemand, Ella Catharina (University of Pretoria, 2005-11-08)
    This dissertation is an explorative study into the influence of the Internet, as new communication technology, on the cinema industry. The study aimed to show that the nature of the Internet not only serves as the basis ...
  • Duffey, Alexander Edward (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2006)
    The art world is inevitably delighted when new works by an established pioneer artist are discovered, because it not only fills in the gaps in his/her oeuvre, but it also extends our knowledge of the creative potential of ...
  • Conradie, Johan (University of Pretoria, 2006)
    The hypothesis of this dissertation is that contemporary Norwegian painter, Odd Nerdrum (b 1944), uses tenebrism as a mode of beauty and a device to emphasise psychological states of being. Tenebrism is an effective ...