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UP Inaugural Addresses: Recent submissions

  • Pretorius, Réna; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Afrikaans (University of Pretoria, 1983-06-16)
  • Lamprecht, Chris E. (Christiaan Engelbertus), 1927-; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Music (University of Pretoria, 1985-07-31)
    Folk Music is according to Zoltan Kodaly, the mother tongue of music. It was traditionally handed down orally, from one generation to another. The author in most cases remained anonymous. Folk music is an important field ...
  • Joubert, C.J.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Skoolvoorligting (University of Pretoria, 1983-09-01)
    In the main report of the HRCS and its Head Committee entitled "The Provision of Education in the RSA", it is stated that the effective provision of vocational guidance is of extreme importance, and that it has to be ...
  • Dreyer, T.F.J. (Theunis Frederik Jacobus), 1946-; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Practical Theology (University of Pretoria, 1984-11-01)
    The numerous published works by Jay E Adams pretend to represent a biblical view on pastoral counseling. Primarily his work is a reaction against a pschycological model implemented into pastoral theology and practice. ...
  • De Muelenaere, J.J.G.G.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Orthodontics (University of Pretoria, 1983-09-20)
    Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry which is concerned with the study of the growth of the craniofacial complex and the occlusion of teeth. It implies the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of abnormalities in these ...
  • Coetzee, A.M.; University of Pretoria. Dept. Voorkomende en Bevorderende Geneeskunde (University of Pretoria, 1982-10-07)
    When the Medical Faculty was established in 1941, provision was made for a part-time Head of the Department of Public Health . In the early sixties, Professor Albert Strating took over and became the first full-time ...
  • Boon, J.A. (Johannes Anton); University of Pretoria. Dept. of Library and Information Science (University of Pretoria, 1983-09-15)
    Library and Information Science studies the information transfer problems in our society. From these scientific investigations, solutions are derived regarding the flow, organization, storage and use of information. No ...
  • Ackron, F.L.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Staatsleer en Internasionale Politiek (University of Pretoria, 1984-05-03)
    Since the inception of Political Science, in classical Greece, political scientists have displayed a willingness to evaluate the political phenomena with which they were confronted. The earliest trend in Political Science ...
  • Von Gruenewaldt, G. (Gerhard), 1942-; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Geology (University of Pretoria, 1978-09-21)
    In view of the finiteness of mineral resources, the geologist will be faced with increasing responsibilities to ensure a worthy existence for mankind in future. Considering the problems associated with a shortage of ...
  • Pellissier, G.M.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Godsdienswetenskap (University of Pretoria, 1937-04-05)
  • Wolmarans, Hendrik Petrus (Teologie); University of Pretoria. Dept. van Godsdienswetenskap (University of Pretoria, 1938-06-02)
  • Van den Heever, R.J.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Rekenaarwetenskap (University of Pretoria, 1977-06-16)
    Computer Science owes it's existence to a technological device, the electronic computer. Major developments in the computer field occurred during the past twenty years, and at an accelerated pace during the last ten ...
  • Marx, G.L. (George Louis), 1954-; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Versekeringswese (University of Pretoria, 1989-08-10)
    Prof Marx discusses in his inaugural speech the mission of the chair of Insurance at the University of Pretoria. This chair was established in 1988. The chair was instituted on the one hand to train actuarial students ...
  • Le Roux, P.M.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Plantsiektes en Mikrobiologie (University of Pretoria, 1961-08-20)
    Control of plant disease through preventive measures is based upon exclusion, eradication and direct protection. The government tries to prevent importation of new diseases and aids in the eradication of newly introduced ...
  • Malan, J.P. (Jacques Philip), 1917-; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Music (University of Pretoria, 1967-09-21)
  • Kritzinger, J.H.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Ou-Testamentiese Eksegese (University of Pretoria, 1939-04-15)
  • Kruger, C.M.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Metallurgie en Metallurgiese Ingenieurswese (University of Pretoria, 1964-05-22)
    The printed knowledge available to scientists and technologists is increasing at such a phenomenal rate that most individuals find it an impossible task to stay abreast of developments within even specialised fields. A ...
  • Knobel, Darryn Leslie; University of Pretoria. Faculty of Medicine. Dept. of Anatomy (University of Pretoria, 1971-04-29)
    A DISSECTION OF ANATOMY In a review of the origin, the extent and the present status of the subject of Anatomy, with special reference to the Department of Anatomy of the University of Pretoria, the speaker analysis the ...
  • Hoekstene 
    Holm, Dietmar Erik; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Argitektuur (University of Pretoria, 1986-09-25)
  • Mojalefa, M.J. (Mawatle Jeremiah), 1948-; Mojalefa, Jerry; University of Pretoria. Dept. of African Languages (2010-08-16)
    Although praise poetry by black South Africans has received some critical attention, there are still some researchers who find it difficult to understand the structure of this poetic form. They assume that every poem has ...