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UP Inaugural Addresses: Recent submissions

  • Paxinos, S.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Music (University of Pretoria, 1980-03-13)
    Teaching objectives were a live issue in America during the 1960's. At first, only natural sciences were concerned, but soon the cultural subjects, including music, also became involved. A new evaluation of music as an ...
  • Botha, J.P.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Industrial Engineering (University of Pretoria, 1976-09-30)
  • Rupert, Anton; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Business Economics (University of Pretoria, 1976-08-23)
    The author describes the development of the various forms of power over many centuries, such as the power supplied by human strength, the wind, water, electricity, nuclear energy, etc. He points out how the exploitation ...
  • Leiding, F.Q.P.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Mining Engineering (University of Pretoria, 1975-10-02)
    This address stresses the fact that South Africa is endowed with more mineral resources per area unit than any other country in the world; that up to now we have made good use of these resources and that in the future ...
  • Bokhorst, M.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Nederlandse Kultuurhistorie (University of Pretoria, 1937-06-02)
  • Boshoff, M.C.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Library Science (University of Pretoria, 1976-08-19)
    In planning a training programme, special requirements must be taken into account. These arise from the fact that the library and information system is becoming progressively more complex, which impedes the transfer of ...
  • Rupert, Anton; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Business Economics (University of Pretoria, 1985-04-30)
  • Barnard, A.C. (Adriaan Cornelis), 1927-; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Practical Theology (University of Pretoria, 1980-11-20)
    As a doctrine, the Churches generally endorse the presence of Christ in the worship, but in practice and in reality it is very often a much neglected factor - a "forgotten factor." From various angles this doctrine is ...
  • Wiechers, A.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Chemistry (University of Pretoria, 1981-05-14)
    Each one of us tonight struggles with the same problem, namely what are the shortcomings of the teaching profession? Rather, what are the shortcomings of the educationalist? Before this question can be answered, definition ...
  • Friedland, Erich Karl Helmuth; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Physics (University of Pretoria, 1980-05-29)
    The interaction of science and technology is the driving force of modern society. The wealth of an industrial nation depends critically on the efficiency with which society makes use of its scientific resources. In the ...
  • Koch, Steven F.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Economics (2011-03-23)
    Applied microeconomics has, since at least 1951, concerned itself with the impact of economic policies on economic "agents". Roy's (1951) contribution provides a framework for the evaluation of these policies, based on ...
  • Rupert, Anton; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Business Economics (University of Pretoria, 1979-08-21)
  • Van Niekerk, P.A.; University of Pretoria. Dept. Ortopedagogiek (University of Pretoria, 1980-05-01)
    The existing extensive interdisciplinary therapeutic assistance given to the deviant child reveals a conspicuous lack of integrated, pedagogically based insight in its design. Deviant behaviour is usually explained without ...
  • Van der Merwe, P.J.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Godsdienswetenskap en Sendingwetenskap (University of Pretoria, 1979-05-02)
    Religion, when contemplated and studied as a phenomenon in itself, holds important implications for both the science of religion and theology. For the science of religion there is no more cardinal question than that of the ...
  • Maree, N.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Opmeetkunde en Stads- en Streeksbeplanning (University of Pretoria, 1978-06-22)
    Possible adaptations in education and training are discussed in the light of the role to be played by surveying and town planning in a world in which the enormous increase in urban populations is regarded as a very serious ...
  • Oosthuizen, J.S.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Sociology (University of Pretoria, 1980-06-12)
    The purpose of this inaugural lecture, entitled The self-image of sociology — and sociologists, is to focus attention on the image which sociologists have of their discipline and of themselves. Four premises which outline ...
  • Grosskopf, J.F.W. (Johannes Friedrich Wagner); University of Pretoria. Fakulteit van Veeartsenykunde, Dept. van Fisiologie, Farmakologie en Toksikologie. (University of Pretoria, 1979-03-22)
    Although Physiology is one of the more basic courses of the veterinary curriculum, research of a more applied nature and with important practical implications has been carried out by members of the staff of the Department ...
  • Grimsehl, U.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Chemical Engineering (University of Pretoria, 1980-06-26)
    The demand for chemical engineers in South Africa is discussed in terms of the number of chemical engineers required and the type of training that would meet the needs of employers. The objective of the Department ...
  • Louw, W.J.; University of Pretoria. Dept. van Didaktiese Pedagogiek en Vakdidaktieke (University of Pretoria, 1980-10-16)
    When teacher training is considered, it is wise to establish the aims of such training. This aspect is examined fully and is projected against the situation in Europe, the USA and the RSA. The general dissatisfaction, ...
  • Rupert, Anton; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Business Economics (University of Pretoria, 1983-08-22)