Browsing Research Articles (Genetics) by UP Author "Wingfield, Brenda D."

Browsing Research Articles (Genetics) by UP Author "Wingfield, Brenda D."

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  • Duran, Alvaro; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Drenth, Andre; Slippers, Bernard; Ahumada, Rodrigo; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Elsevier, 2010-09)
    Phytophthora pinifolia is the causal agent of the recently discovered needle disease of Pinus radiata in Chile, referred to as “Daño Foliar del Pino” (DFP). The genetic structure of the pathogen population is unknown, which ...
  • Sayari, Mohammad; Van der Nest, Magrieta Aletta; Steenkamp, Emma Theodora; Adegeye, O.O.; Marincowitz, Seonju; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Elsevier, 2019-09)
    Functional association between genomic loci and specific biological traits remains lacking in many fungi, including the African tree pathogen Ceratocystis albifundus. This is mainly because of the absence of suitable ...
  • Simpson, M.C. (Melissa Claire); Wilken, Pieter Markus; Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Elsevier, 2013-07)
    Ceratocystis fimbriata sensu lato represents a complex of cryptic and commonly plant pathogenic species that are morphologically similar. Species in this complex have been described using morphological characteristics, ...
  • Phasha, Mmatshepho Malekgale; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Santana, Quentin C.; Fourie, Gerda; Steenkamp, Emma Theodora (Genetics Society of America, 2017-11)
    Removal of introns from transcribed RNA represents a crucial step during the production of mRNA in eukaryotes. Available whole-genome sequences and expressed sequence tags (ESTs) have increased our knowledge of this ...
  • Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (MDPI, 2018-10-24)
    This review considers current knowledge surrounding species boundaries of the Armillaria root-rot pathogens and their distribution. In addition, a phylogenetic tree using translation elongation factor subunit 1-alpha ...
  • Wadke, Namita; Kandasamy, Dineshkumar; Vogel, Heiko; Lah, Ljerka; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Paetz, Christian; Wright, Louwrance Peter; Gershenzon, Jonathan; Hammerbacher, Almuth (American Society of Plant Biologists, 2016-06)
    Norway spruce (Picea abies) is periodically attacked by the bark beetle Ips typographus and its fungal associate, Endoconidiophora polonica, whose infection is thought to be required for successful beetle attack. Norway ...
  • Wilken, Pieter Markus; Steenkamp, Emma Theodora; Hall, Tracy A.; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Elsevier, 2012)
    In heterothallic Ascomycota, two opposite but distinct mating types control all sexual processes. Using mating crosses, mating types were assigned to ten isolates of the heterothallic fungal species Ophiostoma quercus. ...
  • Wingfield, Brenda D. (AOSIS Open Journals, 2016-01)
    Science and research consume a substantial – some might say the greater part – of my life. It is an all-consuming passion that many fail to understand. Professionally, I divide my time between managing a substantial ...
  • Lombard, Lorenzo; Zhou, Xudong; Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2010-01)
    Decline in the productivity of Eucalyptus hybrid cutting production in the Guangdong Province of China is linked to cutting rot associated with several Calonectria spp. The aim of this study was to identify these fungi ...
  • Simpson, M.C. (Melissa Claire); Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Van der Nest, Magrieta Aletta; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Elsevier, 2018-12)
    Mating is central to many fungal life cycles and is controlled by genes at the mating-type (MAT) locus. These genes determine whether the fungus will be self-sterile (heterothallic) or self-fertile (homothallic). Species ...
  • Van Wyk, Marelize; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Mohali, S.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Kunming University of Science and Technology, P.R. China, 2009-01)
    Species of Ceratocystis represent a group of important plant pathogens as well as saprobes that occur, primarily on woody substrates. The number of species in Ceratocystis has increased substantially in recent years, ...
  • Heath, R.N. (Ronald Natale); Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Meke, G.; Mbaga, A.; Roux, Jolanda (Kunming University of Science and Technology, P.R. China, 2009-01)
    A survey of Ceratocystis species infecting wounds on non-native Acacia mearnsii and Eucalyptus spp. in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Tanzania resulted in the identification of eight species of which six were new to ...
  • Sakalidis, M.L.; Slippers, Bernard; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Hardy, G.E. St. J.; Burgess, T.I. (Wiley, 2013)
    AIM : Cryptic species in the Neofusicoccum parvum–N. ribis species complex have only recently been described, invalidating previous interpretations on host and geographical distribution. This study aimed to characterize ...
  • Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Maphosa, L.; Mwenje, E.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Kunming University of Science and Technology, P.R. China, 2009-05)
    Armillaria spp. are the causal agents of Armillaria root rot on a wide variety of mainly woody plants. Identification of these fungi using morphological characteristics is complicated by the fact that fruiting structures ...
  • Wingfield, Brenda D.; Maphosa, L.; Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Mwenje, E.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Kunming University of Science and Technology, P.R. China, 2009-01)
    Armillaria root and butt rot disease is a common problem in peach orchards, tea and pine plantations in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. The species of Armillaria causing this disease have not been fully identified but ...
  • Duong, Tuan A.; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Elsevier, 2013-06)
    Leptographium procerum and the closely related species Leptographium profanum, are ascomycetes associated with root-infesting beetles on pines and hardwood trees, respectively. Both species occur in North America where ...
  • Jacobs, Adriaana; Coutinho, Teresa A.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Ahumada, Rodrigo; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Academy of Science of South Africa, 2007-05)
    Fusarium circinatum is the causal agent of the pine disease commonly referred to as pitch canker. During 2001, a Fusarium species was isolated from dying Pinus radiata clonal hedges in various forestry nurseries in Chile ...
  • McTaggart, Alistair R.; Duong, Tuan A.; Le, Vang Quy; Shuey, Louise S.; Smidt, Werner; Naidoo, Sanushka; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Future Medicine, 2018-11)
    It is challenging to sequence and assemble genomes of obligate plant pathogens and microorganisms because of limited amounts of DNA, comparatively large genomes and high numbers of repeat regions. We sequenced the 1.2 ...
  • Al Adawi, Ali Obaid; Barnes, Irene; Khan, I.A.; Deadman, M.L.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Springer, 2014-07)
    Ceratocystis manginecans has recently been described from Oman and Pakistan where the fungus causes a serious wilt disease of mango. In both countries, the disease has moved rapidly throughout mango producing areas leading ...
  • De Vos, Lieschen; Myburg, Alexander Andrew; Wingfield, Michael J.; Desjardins, Anne E.; Gordon, Thomas R. (Tom); Wingfield, Brenda D. (Elsevier, 2007-08)
    The Gibberella fujikuroi complex includes many plant pathogens of agricultural crops and trees, all of which have anamorphs assigned to the genus Fusarium. In this study, an interspecific hybrid cross between Gibberella ...