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Browsing Research Articles (Statistics) by Issue Date
Boraine, H.; Yadavalli, Venkata S. Sarma
(Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering, 2003)
Artificial neural networks are powerful tools for time series forecasting. The problem addressed in this article is to do multi-step prediction of a stationary time series, and to find the associated prediction limits. ...
Maree, J.G. (Kobus); Louw, Cecilia Jacomina; Millard, Sollie M.
(Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns, 2004)
Historically disadvantaged students in South Africa often underachieve in mathematics due to a number of factors. Action research that was conducted at the (former) Technikon Northern Gauteng to investigate ways in which ...
Maree, J.G. (Kobus); Crafford, Gretel
(Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns, 2005)
Inadequate achievement in mathematics appears to be a major problem in post-apartheid South Africa. In the current article this phenomenon is discussed and possible reasons are indicated. The primary aim of the article is ...
Maree, J.G. (Kobus); Molepo, Jacob Maisha; Owen, J.H.; Ehlers, Rene
(Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns, 2005)
Problem-based approach to mathematics in grades 9 and 11 in the Limpopo Province:
Teachers of schools in the central region of the Limpopo Province of South Africa received training in a problem-based approach to the ...
Mahomedy, Z.; Van der Westhuizen, Deborah; Van der Linde, Michael J. (Mike); Coetsee, Judy
(In House Publications, 2007-05)
Objective: To determine the persistence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) into adulthood in parents of children diagnosed with ADHD and currently attending
child and adolescent psychiatric clinics ...
Wood, Paola Silvia; Kruger, P.E. (Pieter Ernst); Loots, J.M.; Grimbeek, J. (Jackie)
(Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2007-12)
Debusho, Legesse Kassa
(South African Society of Crop Production/ Soil Science Society of South Africa/ Southern African Weed Science Society/ Southern African Society for Horticultural Sciences, 2008)
Tef grain yield is dependent on a number of component characters such as plant height and panicle length. These characters and consequently yield are governed by a large number of factors including environmental factors. ...
Chakraborti, Subhabrata; Human, Schalk William
(Taylor & Francis, 2008)
The effects of parameter estimation are examined for the well-known c-chart for attributes data. The exact run length distribution is obtained for Phase II applications, when the true average number of non-conformities, ...
Van Zijl, Catherina; Lottering, Mona-Liza; Steffens, Francois E.; Joubert, Annie M.
(Wiley, 2008-05-29)
The influence of 2-methoxyestradiol (2ME) was investigated on cell growth, morphology and spindle formation in a tumorigenic (MCF-7) and non-tumorigenic (MCF-12A) epithelial breast cell line. Inhibition of cell growth was ...
Chakraborti, Subhabrata; Eryilmaz, S.; Human, Schalk William
(Elsevier, 2008-09)
Nonparametric control charts do not require knowledge about the shape of the underlying
distribution and can thus be attractive in certain situations. Two new Shewhart- type nonparametric control charts are proposed for ...
Swanepoel, Andre; Ebrahim, Shamim; Friedland, Peter L.; Swanepoel, De Wet; Pottas, Lidia
(Elsevier, 2008-12)
OBJECTIVE: The auditory steady-state response (ASSR) to air-conduction (AC) stimuli has been widely incorporated into audiological test-batteries for the pediatric
population. The current understanding of ASSR to bone ...
Van Staden, Paul Jacobus
(Current Science Association, 2009-03)
A simple way of graphically comparing the bowling and batting performances of cricketers was illustrated using records from the IPL. The graphs are applicable to any format of cricket and
can furthermore be used to identify ...
Naude, H.E.; Sykes, R.; Du Preez, Renata; Pretorius, H.W. (Herman Walter); Van der Linde, Michael J. (Mike); Pauw, J.
(Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2009-12)
OBJECTIVE: depressive symptoms are prevalent, underrecognised
and clinically important in patients suffering from
schizophrenia. Depressive symptoms in schizophrenia patients
are associated with distinct morbidity and ...
Pauw, J.; Bekker, Andriette, 1958-; Roux, Jacobus J.J.
(South African Statistical Association, 2010)
The Weibullized generalized gamma distribution, which is a
very exible distribution due to it richness in parameter structure, is derived by
introducing the Weibullizing constant to the generalized gamma distribution.
In ...
Hall, J.H. (John Henry); Millard, Sollie M.
(Juta, 2010-03)
This article investigates the application of capital budgeting techniques and the incorporation of risk into the capital budgeting process among a sample of South African industrial firms listed on the JSE Securities ...
Yadavalli, Venkata S. Sarma; Labeodan, Moremi Morire OreOluwapo; Udayabaskaran, Swaminathan; Forche, N.
(Operations Research Society of SA, 2010-08)
The T4 cell count, which is considered one of the markers of disease progression in an HIV infected individual, is modelled in this paper. The World Health Organisation has recently advocated that countries encourage HIV ...
Van Staden, Paul Jacobus; Meiring, Albertus T.; Steyn, Johan A.; Fabris-Rotelli, Inger Nicolette
(South African Statistical Association, 2010-11)
In this paper we analyze and compare four different methods, designed to deal with the problem of an inflated batting average
due to the presence of a high proportion of not-out innings. Batting records from the 2010 IPL ...
Fabris-Rotelli, Inger Nicolette; Van Oldenmark, K.; Van Staden, Paul Jacobus
(South African Statistical Association, 2010-11)
The LULU smoothers are effective nonlinear smoothers for signals. We investigate their ability to remove different noise types, namely symmetrical and skewed, as well as heavy- and light-tailed, thereby uncovering the true ...
Debusho, Legesse Kassa; Haines, Linda M.
(South African Statistical Association, 2010-11)
In this paper D-optimal population designs for the simple linear random coefficients regression model with values of the explanatory variable taken from a set of equally spaced, non-repeated time points are considered. The ...
Bodvin, L.J.S.; Bekker, Andriette, 1958-; Roux, Jacobus J.J.
(South African Statistical Association, 2011)
The Bayesian estimator of the Shannon entropy is derived using
Connor and Mosimann bivariate beta, bivariate beta type III and bivariate
beta type V distribution distributions. Given the increased focus on the
calculation ...