Browsing Research Articles (Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)) by Issue Date

Browsing Research Articles (Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI)) by Issue Date

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  • Slippers, Bernard; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J.; De Wet, Juanita; Preisig, Oliver; Tsopelas, Panaghiotis (Mycological Society of America, 2009-01)
    After recent changes to the taxonomy of the Botryosphaeriaceae species with diplodia-like (5 dark, ovoid, often pigmented) conidia are considered to belong to at least three genera including Diplodia, Lasiodiplodia and ...
  • Nepolo, E.; Takundwa, M.; Chimwamurombe, P.M. (Percy Maruwa); Cullis, C.A. (Christoper Ashley); Kunert, Karl J. (Academic Journals, 2009-05)
    Marama bean [Tylosema esculentum (Burchell) Schreiber] occurs naturally in the drier areas of Southern Africa, including Botswana and Namibia. The implementation of molecular breeding is important to advance the process ...
  • Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Maphosa, L.; Mwenje, E.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Kunming University of Science and Technology, P.R. China, 2009-05)
    Armillaria spp. are the causal agents of Armillaria root rot on a wide variety of mainly woody plants. Identification of these fungi using morphological characteristics is complicated by the fact that fruiting structures ...
  • Min, Lu; Zhou, Xudong; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Wingfield, Michael J.; Sun, Jiang-Hua (Kunming University of Science and Technology, P.R. China, 2009-10)
    Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) are common vectors of ophiostomatoid fungi, including several primary tree pathogens as well as important agents of sapstain. Dendroctonus valens, considered a secondary bark beetle ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Summerell, Brett A.; Carnegie, Angus J.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Hunter, Gavin Craig; Burgess, Treena I.; Andjic, Vera; Barber, Paul A.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2009-10)
    Many fungal genera have been defined based on single characters considered to be informative at the generic level. In addition, many unrelated taxa have been aggregated in genera because they shared apparently similar ...
  • Lombard, Lorenzo; Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Cbs Publications / Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2010)
    Calonectria pauciramosa is a pathogen of numerous plant hosts worldwide. Recent studies have indicated that it included cryptic species, some of which are identified in this study. Isolates from various geographical origins ...
  • Lombard, Lorenzo; Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Cbs Publications / Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2010)
    Species of Calonectria are important plant pathogens, several of which have a worldwide distribution. Contemporary taxonomic studies on these fungi have chiefly relied on DNA sequence comparisons of the β-tubulin gene ...
  • Pildain, Maria B.; Coetzee, Martin Petrus Albertus; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Rajchenberg, Mario (Mycological Society of America, 2010)
    The taxonomy of Armillaria in southern South America has received little attention since the work of Singer and others. In this study we examine the morphological traits and cultural features for taxa representing the ...
  • Lombard, Lorenzo; Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Cbs Publications / Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2010)
    Species of Calonectria and their Cylindrocladium anamorphs are important plant pathogens worldwide. At present 52 Cylindrocladium spp. and 37 Calonectria spp. are recognised based on sexual compatibility, morphology and ...
  • Gryzenhout, Marieka; Vermeulen, Marcele; Dick, M.; Wingfield, Michael J. (CSIRO, 2010)
    Holocryphia eucalypti is an opportunistic canker pathogen of Eucalyptus and Corymbia spp. (Myrtaceae, Myrtales) in Australia and South Africa. It is also known in Australia on Tibouchina trees (Melastomataceae, Myrtales). ...
  • Chenuil, Anne; Hoareau, Thierry B.; Egea, Emilie; Penant, Gwilherm; Aurelle, Didier; Mokhtar-Jamai, Kenza; Bishop, John D.D.; Boissin, Emilie; Diaz, Angie; Krakau, Manuela; Luttikhuizen, Pieternella C.; Patti, Francesco P.; Blavet, Nicolas; Mousset, Sylvain (BioMed Central, 2010)
    BACKROUND: Despite the impressive growth of sequence databases, the limited availability of nuclear markers that are sufficiently polymorphic for population genetics and phylogeography and applicable across various ...
  • Cortinas, Maria-Noel; Barnes, Irene; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D. (CSIRO, 2010)
    Coniothyrium canker caused by the fungal pathogen Teratosphaeria (= Coniothyrium) zuluensis is one of the most important diseases affecting plantation-grown Eucalyptus trees. Little is known regarding the pathogen and this ...
  • Nadel, Ryan Leslie; Slippers, Bernard; Scholes, Mary C.; Lawson, Simon A.; Noack, A.E.; Wilcken, C.F.; Bouvet, J.P.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Springer, 2010)
    Thaumastocoris peregrinus is a recently introduced invertebrate pest of non-native Eucalyptus plantations in the Southern Hemisphere. It was first reported from South Africa in 2003 and in Argentina in 2005. Since then, ...
  • Grootboom, Andile W.; Mkhonza, N.L.; O'Kennedy, M.M.; Chakauya, E.; Kunert, Karl J.; Chikwamba, R.K. (Rachel Kerina) (Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2010)
    The efficiency of the bialophos (bar) and phosphomannose isomerase (pmi) selectable markers in microprojectile mediated transformation of P898012, a sorghum inbred line generally considered amenable to in vitro manipulation ...
  • Marincowitz, Seonju; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Wingfield, Michael J. (Mycotaxon, Ltd., 2010-01)
    During a mycological excursion to the Pondoland region of South Africa in 2008, six interesting anamorphic fungi with appendage-bearing conidia were isolated. They are Bartalinia pondoensis, Crucellisporium umtamvunae, ...
  • Paciura, Dina; Zhou, Xudong; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Jacobs, Karin; Ye, H. (Springer, 2010-01)
    Ophiostomatoid fungi on trees are typically bark beetle associates that cause sapstain in timber and some are pathogens. Very little is known regarding the ophiostomatoid fungi associated with bark beetles in China and the ...
  • Tarigan, Marthin; Van Wyk, Marelize; Roux, Jolanda; Tjahjono, Budi; Wingfield, Michael J. (Springer, 2010-01)
    The genus Ceratocystis includes many important tree pathogens and agents of sap stain. These fungi have a global distribution and commonly infect wounds on trees. During a survey of wound-infecting pathogens in the genus ...
  • Grobbelaar, J.W. (Johanna Wilhelmina); De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Bloomer, Paulette; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D. (Springer, 2010-01)
    Polymorphic sequence-characterised marker assays from a recent diversity study on the Ascomycete fungus Ophiostoma quercus reported that some isolates from Africa were genetically distinct from O. quercus. In the present ...
  • Lombard, Lorenzo; Zhou, Xudong; Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2010-01)
    Decline in the productivity of Eucalyptus hybrid cutting production in the Guangdong Province of China is linked to cutting rot associated with several Calonectria spp. The aim of this study was to identify these fungi ...
  • Van Wyk, Marelize; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Marin, M.; Wingfield, Michael J. (Springer, 2010-01)
    Ceratocystis fimbriata sensu lato includes a large number of plant and especially tree pathogens. In Colombia, isolates of this fungus cause a serious cankerstain disease on coffee as well as other fruit trees. Large ...