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Results Per Page:

SDG-04: Quality education (140)
UCTD (115)
Education theses SDG-04 (81)
SDG-10: Reduced inequalities (65)
SDG-03: Good health and well-being (51)
Education articles SDG-04 (50)
Education theses SDG-10 (40)
Education theses SDG-03 (34)
SDG-05: Gender equality (31)
SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (29)
Education articles SDG-10 (24)
SDG-17: Partnerships for the goals (24)
Unrestricted (17)
Education theses SDG-16 (16)
Education articles SDG-03 (15)
Education articles SDG-05 (15)
Education theses SDG-05 (15)
Education articles SDG-16 (14)
Foundation Phase (14)
Education theses SDG-17 (12)
SDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructure (12)
Early childhood development (ECD) (11)
Education articles SDG-17 (11)
South Africa (SA) (11)
Foundation phase (9)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (8)
Teachers (8)
Early childhood education (7)
Education articles SDG-09 (7)
SDG-11: Sustainable cities and communities (7)
Ecosystemic factors (6)
Education articles SDG-08 (6)
SDG-04: Quality Education (6)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (6)
Early childhood care and education (ECCE) (5)
Early Childhood Education (5)
Education theses SDG-09 (5)
Education theses SDG-11 (5)
Implementation (5)
Reading comprehension (5)
SDG-01: No poverty (5)
Black students (4)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (4)
COVID-19 pandemic (4)
Democratic values (4)
Early Childhood Development (4)
Education (4)
Education theses SDG-01 (4)
Inclusive education (4)
Learning (4)
School readiness (4)
Teacher (4)
Young children (4)
Academic performance (3)
Aids (3)
Attitude (3)
Communication (3)
Early grades (3)
Education articles SDG-11 (3)
Educators (3)
Experiences (3)
Higher education (3)
Higher education institution (HEI) (3)
Hiv (3)
Mathematics (3)
Parricide (3)
Participatory action research (3)
Perceptions (3)
Play-based pedagogy (3)
Pre-service teachers (3)
Professional development (3)
South Africa (3)
Student support (3)
Teaching (3)
Violence (3)
Acculturation (2)
Aggression (2)
Assessment strategy (2)
Barriers to learning (2)
Black student teachers (2)
Challenges (2)
Childhood adversity (2)
Children's development (2)
Children's rights and responsibilities (2)
Children’s drawings (2)
Citizenship (2)
Collaboration (2)
Community engagement (2)
Constructivism (2)
Curriculum (2)
Deelnemende aksienavorsing (2)
Democracy at risk (2)
Democratic education (2)
Democratic identity (2)
Drawings (2)
Early childhood (2)
Early childhood education teachers (2)
Early learning centre (2)
Education articles SDG-14 (2)
Education theses SDG-02 (2)