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Browsing Research Articles (Centre for Human Rights) by Issue Date
Allain, Jean; O'Shea, Andreas
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002-02)
Within the domain of respect for human and peoples’ rights by African states
there has been, until recently, little unity of purpose. The common standards
that African states have maintained in their laws and practices ...
Heyns, C.H. (Christof H.); Baimu, Evarist; Killander, Magnus
(Duncker & Humblot, 2003)
The article examines the objectives and institutional structure of the African Union (AU) in the light of the experiences of its predecessor the Organization of African Unity (OAU) as well as the African Economic Community ...
Akonumbo, Atangcho Nji
(Juta Law, 2006)
From the detection of the first HIV / AIDS case in Cameroon, the government's action has been swift in addressing the situation through defined policies. Although the initial stages were fraught with problems and proved ...
Killander, Magnus
(Juta Law, 2006)
Publicity and freedom of information play an important role in the effective promotion and protection of human rights. This is for a number of reasons. Individuals, non-governmental organisations (NGOs)and inter-governmental ...
Killander, Magnus
(Butterworths, for the University of the Western Cape, 2006)
This article gives an overview of the work of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights with regard to individual communications from its first decision in 1988 until the end of 2002.
Bojosi, Kealeboga N.; Wachira, George Mukundi
(Juta Law, 2006)
In 2003, the African Commission established a Working Group of Experts on Indigenous Populations / Communities in Africa. This development has been heralded as a recognition of the existence of particular marginalised ...
Mujuzi, Jamil Ddamulira
(Juta Law, 2006)
While the right to freedom from torture is one of the few non-derogable rights, it is also one of the rights commonly violated in Africa. The right to freedom from torture is protected under article 5 of the African Charter. ...
Lim, Hye-Young; Ramaroson, Mianko
(Butterworths, for the University of the Western Cape, 2006)
This article deals with the communications decided by the Commission in 2003. There were 14 communications in total before the Commission including six cases that were decided inadmissible. Two files were deemed inadmissible ...
Wachira, George Mukundi; Ayinla, Abiola R.
(Juta Law, 2006)
It has been two decades since the African Commission was inaugurated and still its effective execution of its mandate is debatable. While it has undoubtedly made some progress, particularly in its protective mandate of ...
Heyns, C.H. (Christof H.)
(School of Human and Social Sciences, University of Venda, 2006)
This paper explores the feasibility, role and practical implications of presenting
regional residential masters programmes in Africa. The paper does so by
focusing on three Master’s programmes based in Africa, which ...
Viljoen, Frans
(Juta Law, 2006)
Over the last six decades, the international human rights discourse shifted
from celebrating ever-expanding substantive normative frameworks to questioning the inadequacies in the implementation and enforcement of these ...
Heyns, C.H. (Christof H.); Kaguongo, Waruguru
(Juta Law, 2006)
Hansungule, Michelo
(Juta Law, 2007)
Rachel Murray's book is probably the first of its kind solely to focus on national human rights institutions (NHRIs) in Africa. Previous works on the subject have generally looked at the NHRIs worldwide. In any case, there ...
Woolman, Stu (Stuart Craig)
(Juta Law, 2007)
This article attempts to answer the following two linked, but distinct,
questions. First, to what extent does our current legal regime tolerate
independent schools that advance particular, if not comprehensive,
visions ...
Killander, Magnus
(Juta Law, 2007)
In his article 'From mandates to economic partnerships: The return to proper statehood in Africa', Professor Hennie Strydom sets out to show how the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) currently being negotiated between ...
Ebobrah, Solomon Tamarabrakemi
(Juta Law, 2007)
In 2005, the Economic Community of West African States adopted an additional protocol to complement the 1991 Protocol establishing its Community Court of Justice. One of the high points of the 2005 Additional Protocol was ...
Fleisch, Brahm; Woolman, Stu (Stuart Craig)
(Juta Law, 2007)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 allows the creation of independent educational institutions and permits such institutions to enforce admissions policies that discriminate between learners who wish ...
Heyns, C.H. (Christof H.); Killander, Magnus
(Edinburgh University Press, 2007-03)
No abstract available
Woolman, Stu (Stuart Craig); Bishop, Michael
(Taylor & Francis, 2007-10)
This article evaluates the claim that working conditions for farm workers and domestic workers in South Africa can be analysed in terms of the constitutional prohibition against servitude. Recent research and statistics ...
Van der Westhuizen, Johann
(Juta Law, 2008)
This contribution is a reworked version of a lecture presented at the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, commemorating the University's centenary celebrations. Contrasting the pre- and post-constitutional legal ...