Browsing Skrif en Kerk Volume 20 Issue 2 (1999) by Issue Date

Browsing Skrif en Kerk Volume 20 Issue 2 (1999) by Issue Date

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  • Smit, D.J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Geoffrey Wainwright is without doubt one of the most respected systematic theologians of the century. He has published prolifically and has been involved in major developments in the ecumenical movement. This essay introduces ...
  • Du Rand, J.A. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Paul's ingenious intertwining of anthropology and eschatology in 2 Corinthians 4:7-5:10: It has been said that Paul is not really Pauline in his eschatological thoughts in 2 Corinthians 4:7-5:10. What could be the reason ...
  • Nel, Malan (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Building up the local church is driven by different motives. More often than not, these motives concern the survival of a specific church and/or denomination. Even church growth may be considered to be a motive of maintenance. ...
  • Bosman, P.R. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    This survey article introduces the reader to Paul's concept of conscience via an analysis of the word (JVP££oTJaL~ in his letters. It is argued that Paul uses the word within an inherited conceptual framework, but that he ...
  • Braulik, Georg (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Liturgy possesses a socio-critical potential which greatly surpasses political activism. It bypasses the systems of a "complex society", such as socialisation, communication and economics, through its factual logic which ...
  • Mahne, T.G. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Murray (1828-1917) was an emissary of God. In the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa, where he served as a full time minister for fifty eight years, he was elected Moderator six times. His influence, however, was not ...
  • Venter, C.J.H. (Casper Jan Hendrik); De Wet, F.W. (Fritz) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    In a society plagued by violence, economical pressure and characterized by majority/minority politics, citizens can lose perspective regarding the sense and value of their participation in this society and become apathetic. ...
  • Vos, C.J.A. (Casparus Johannes Adam), 1945- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    This article reflects the relationship between theological theories and categories of experience. Ways whereupon theological theories give access to categories of experience are looked at. A main aspect which is dealt with, ...
  • Hofmeyr, J.W. (Johannes Wynand), 1947- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Groot was die nuus in die Fakulteit Teologie (Afd B) van die NG Kerk toe dit bekend geword het dat prof C. J. A. (Cas) Vos die 1999 Andrew Murrayprys vir teologiese vakliteratuur ontvang het. Die prys wat vanjaar vir die ...
  • Thiel, W. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    The Books of Kings contain some examples of individual restitution in the prophetic narratives: raising from death, restitution from a disastrous illness and restitution of a social position. The main motive in these ...
  • Van Zyl, Hermie C. (Hermias Cornelius) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Author is in the process of compiling a synopsis of the synoptic Gospels in Afrikaans. A new, literal translation is being made to serve the needs of synoptic comparison. This article deals with the translation strategy ...
  • Van der Watt, J.G. (Jan Gabriel), 1952- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    The dynamics of metaphor, which are found in John 15:1-8, are compared with the dynamics of metaphor in Psalm 79 (LXX). This is done against the background of the dominance of the ancient Greek philosphical tradition in ...
  • Human, Dirk J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    The discussion on methodology in the South African exegetical and hermeneutical debate has not been completed yet. Several contributions during the past six years have kept this debate alive. Nevertheless, the duration ...
  • Ahn, Myung Jun (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    Calvin presented his own distinctive method of the hermeneutics of Scripture in his Commentary on the Epistle of Paul, the Apostle, to the Romans. It is called the ideal of brevitas et facilitas. Calvin was not satisfied ...
  • Pillay, G.J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    How can one achieve the critical tension between contextual relevance in a post-modern world and "responsibility before history"? What is the justification for theological method as critical reflection within a tradition? ...
  • Botha, Pieter J.J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 1999)
    This study is the first part of an historical investigation into the conditions and experiences of childhood in first-century Palestine. Aspects of family life, birth and early childhood are discussed.