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UCTD (11412)
SDG-04: Quality education (361)
Unrestricted (293)
SDG-10: Reduced inequalities (282)
SDG-03: Good health and well-being (249)
SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (224)
South africa (193)
South Africa (147)
Theology theses SDG-16 (136)
SDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructure (135)
Theology theses SDG-10 (129)
SDG-01: No poverty (122)
SDG-05: Gender equality (113)
SDG-17: Partnerships for the goals (109)
Theology theses SDG-04 (104)
Engineering, built environment and information technology theses SDG-09 (91)
SDG-11: Sustainable cities and communities (91)
Health sciences theses SDG-03 (86)
Qualitative research (83)
Music theses SDG-04 (70)
SDG-02: Zero hunger (69)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (68)
Theology theses SDG-03 (65)
Theology theses SDG-05 (65)
Music theses SDG-10 (64)
Education theses SDG-04 (62)
Engineering, built environment and information technology theses SDG-04 (56)
Quantitative research (56)
Humanities theses SDG-04 (52)
Leadership (52)
Entrepreneurship (50)
Identity (50)
Veterinary science theses SDG-01 (49)
South Africa (SA) (45)
Theology theses SDG-01 (44)
Culture (42)
Human rights (40)
Sustainability (38)
Health sciences theses SDG-17 (36)
Music theses SDG-03 (36)
Resilience (36)
Gender (34)
Music theses SDG-16 (34)
Pastoral care (32)
Heritage (31)
Architecture (30)
Narrative (30)
Theology theses SDG-17 (30)
Zimbabwe (30)
Education theses SDG-10 (29)
Church (28)
Music theses SDG-11 (28)
F14/4/524/gm (27)
Natural and agricultural sciences theses SDG-02 (27)
SDG-12: Responsible consumption and production (27)
Spirituality (27)
Law theses SDG-16 (25)
Poverty (25)
Children (24)
Education (24)