Browsing Research Articles (Zoology and Entomology) by Title

Browsing Research Articles (Zoology and Entomology) by Title

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  • Weber, Roy E.; Jarvis, Jennifer U.M.; Fago, Angela; Bennett, Nigel Charles (Company of Biologists, 2017)
    Inhabiting deep and sealed subterranean burrows, mole rats exhibit a remarkable suite of specializations, including eusociality (living in colonies with single breeding queens), extraordinary longevity, cancer immunity ...
  • McKechnie, Andrew E.; Mzilikazi, Nomakwezi; Levesque, Danielle L.; Welman, Shaun (NISC (Pty) Ltd and Informa UK Limited (trading as Taylor & Francis Group), 2022)
    No abstract available.
  • Vinding, Katja; Christiansen, Michael; Hofmeyr, G.J. Greg (Gordon John Gregory); Chivell, Wilfred; Mcbride, Roy; Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt (Southern African Wildlife Management Association, 2013-04)
    Leopard seals inhabit the pack-ice rim of Antarctica, and they regularly haul out on Antarctic and Subantarctic islands. Occasionally, vagrants are sighted further north in South America, Australia, New Zealand, and ...
  • Moshobane, Moleseng Claude; Nelufule, Takalani; Shivambu, Tinyiko Cavin; Shivambu, Ndivhuwo (Springer, 2020-10)
    The scarlet sage, Salvia coccinea, was first detected in Northern Province, South Africa in 1905, in what is now Limpopo Province. However, its presence and suitability in South Africa remains undocumented. We conducted ...
  • Yusuf, Abdullahi Ahmed; Frank, Erik T.; Fombong, Ayuka T.; Pirk, Christian Walter Werner; Crewe, Robin M.; Schmitt, Thomas; Strube-Bloss, Martin; Gordon, Ian; Torto, Baldwyn (Oxford University Press, 2020-10)
    Visual and olfactory communications are vital for coordinated group hunting in most animals. To hunt for prey, the group-raiding termite specialist ant Megaponera analis, which lacks good vision, must first confirm the ...
  • Leedale, Amy E.; Thorley, Jack; Clutton-Brock, Tim H. (Elsevier, 2021-09)
    The ability to discriminate between conspecifics functions in mate choice, kin-selected cooperation and territory defence. In mammals, olfaction plays a key role in such social interactions. Olfactory cues may be particularly ...
  • Wege, Mia; Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt; Van der Merwe, Derek S.; Postma, Martin (Springer, 2011-09)
    We present the first evidence of a possible case of the Oedipus complex in a nonprimate. An Antarctic fur seal pup, Arctocephalus gazella, unsuccessfully directed what appeared to be copulatory behaviour towards its own ...
  • Yusuf, Abdullahi Ahmed; Crewe, Robin M.; Pirk, Christian Walter Werner (BioOne, 2014-04-19)
    The African termite-raiding ant Pachycondyla analis Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) organizes group raids on termites of the sub-family Macrotermitinae. Termites and ants occupy and share similar habitats, resulting ...
  • Finnerty, Patrick B.; McArthur, Claire; Banks, Peter; Price, Catherine; Shrader, A.M. (Adrian) (Oxford University Press, 2022-08)
    Odor is everywhere, emitted across the landscape from predators, prey, decaying carcasses, conspecifics, vegetation, surface water, and smoke. Many animals exploit odor to find food, avoid threats, and attract or judge ...
  • Schroder, Michelle L.; Glinwood, Robert; Webster, Ben; Ignell, R.; Kruger, Kerstin (Wiley, 2015-11)
    Understanding host plant volatile – aphid interactions can facilitate the selection of crop border plants as a strategy to reduce plant virus incidence in crops. Crop border plant species with attractive odours could be ...
  • Snyman, Louwtjie P.; Sole, Catherine L.; Ohl, Michael Mansell; Winterton, S. (Pensoft, 2015)
    The genus Afromantispa Snyman & Ohl, 2012 was recently synonymised with Mantispa Illiger, 1798 by Monserrat (2014). Here morphological evidence is presented in support of restoring the genus Afromantispa stat. rev. to ...
  • Walsh, Debbie; O'Riain, M. Justin; Nattrass, Nicoli; Gaynor, David (MDPI, 2023-07)
    Few studies test whether education can help increase support for wildlife management interventions. This mixed methods study sought to test the importance of educating a community on the use of a baboon-proof electric ...
  • Bray, Timothy C.; Bennett, Nigel Charles; Mohammed, Osama B.; Alagaili, Abdulaziz N. (Taylor & Francis, 2013-11)
    Using non-destructive sampling we provide further genetic characterisations for spiny mice (Acomys dimidiatus/cahirinus) and gerbils (Gerbillus sp.) in three regions in Saudi Arabia. All individuals were sequenced for a ...
  • Mantintsilili, Asekho; Shivambu, Ndivhuwo; Shivambu, T.C. (Tinyiko); Downs, Colleen T. (Elsevier, 2022-06)
    The ever-increasing human population, globalisation, and desire to keep pets have resulted in the translocation of many species into non-native environments. As a result, some of the non-native reptile species have been ...
  • Marlin, Danica; Nicolson, Sue W.; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ahmed; Stevenson, Philip C.; Heyman, Heino Martin; Kruger, Kerstin; Doucet, Daniel (Public Library of Science, 2014-07-15)
    Herbivory in some Nicotiana species is known to induce alkaloid production. This study examined herbivore-induced defenses in the nornicotine-rich African tobacco N. africana, the only Nicotiana species indigenous to ...
  • Chimimba, Christian Timothy; Sichilima, Alfred Matafwali; Faulkes, Christopher G.; Bennett, Nigel Charles; Bronner, Gary N. (Academic Journals, 2010-10)
    The degree of maxillary molar tooth-row eruption and wear were used to assign samples of the social giant mole-rat, Fukomys mechowii, from Zambia, into nine relative age classes in order to assess ontogenetic (age) ...
  • Lasch, Kiara G.; Tosh, Cheryl A.; Bester, Marthan N.; De Bruyn, P.J. Nico (2023-11-22, 2023-01)
    Megafauna, such as southern elephant seals (SESs) (Mirounga leonina, Linn.), forage in diverse, seemingly limitless habitats. In pelagic settings, their behaviour is more likely to be limited by physiological ability and ...
  • Miller, Brian S.; Balcazar, Naysa; Nieukirk, Sharon; Leroy, Emmanuelle C.; Aulich, Meghan; Shabangu, Fannie Welcome; Dziak, Robert P.; Lee, Won Sang; Hong, Jong Kuk (Nature Research, 2021-01)
    Since 2001, hundreds of thousands of hours of underwater acoustic recordings have been made throughout the Southern Ocean south of 60° S. Detailed analysis of the occurrence of marine mammal sounds in these circumpolar ...
  • Rudolph, Elizabeth M.; Hedding, David William; De Bruyn, P.J. Nico; Nel, Werner (Academy of Science of South Africa, 2022-09)
    Researchers of projects at the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands are increasingly considering geospatial data as an essential component in answering scientific questions. A need exists for high-resolution geospatial ...
  • Peterson, A. Townsend; Anderson, Robert P.; Beger, Maria; Bolliger, Janine; Brotons, Lluís; Burridge, Christopher P.; Cobos, Marlon E.; Cuervo‐Robayo, Angela P.; Di Minin, Enrico; Diez, Jeffrey; Elith, Jane; Embling, Clare B.; Escobar, Luis E.; Essl, Franz; Feeley, Kenneth J.; Hawkes, Lucy; Jimenez‐Garcia, Daniel; Jimenez, Laura; Green, David M.; Knop, Eva; Kühn, Ingolf; Lahoz‐Monfort, Jose J.; Lira‐Noriega, Andres; Lobo, Jorge M.; Loyola, Rafael; Mac Nally, Ralph; Machado‐Stredel, Fernando; Martinez‐Meyer, Enrique; McCarthy, Michael; Merow, Cory; Nori, Javier; Nunez‐Penichet, Claudia; Osorio-Olvera, Luis; Pysek, Petr; Rejmanek, Marcel; Ricciardi, Anthony; Robertson, Mark P.; Rojas Soto, Octavio; Romero‐Alvarez, Daniel; Roura‐Pascual, Nuria; Santini, Luca; Schoeman, David S.; Schroder, Boris; Soberon, Jorge; Strubbe, Diederik; Thuiller, Wilfried; Traveset, Anna; Treml, Eric A.; Vaclavik, Tomas; Varela, Sara; Watson, James E.M.; Wiersma, Yolanda; Wintle, Brendan; Yanez‐Arenas, Carlos; Zurell, Damaris (Wiley, 2019)
    For much of the twentieth century, many or most scholarly journals in biodiversity, ecology, biogeography and conservation were owned and published by scientific societies and made available to the broader scientific ...