Browsing Research Articles (Zoology and Entomology) by Title

Browsing Research Articles (Zoology and Entomology) by Title

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  • Hui, Cang; Richardson, D.M. (David Mark), 1958-; Robertson, Mark P.; Wilson, John R.U.; Yates, Colin J. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011-09)
    AIM : Species' native ranges reflect the net outcome of interactions between life-history strategies and biotic and abiotic influences over evolutionary timescales. Differences in native ranges might be indicative both of ...
  • Hugo, Sanet; Janse Van Rensburg, Berndt (Blackwell, 2008)
    AIM: To investigate explanations for the maintenance of a positive spatial species richness–human population density correlation at broad scales, despite the negative impact of humans on species richness. These are (hypotheses ...
  • Oosthuizen, Wessel Christiaan; Pradel, Roger; Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt; De Bruyn, P.J. Nico (Wiley Open Access, 2019-01)
    Increased environmental stochasticity due to climate change will intensify temporal variance in the life‐history traits, and especially breeding probabilities, of long‐lived iteroparous species. These changes may decrease ...
  • Malungo, Illke B.; Gravett, Nadine; Ganswindt, Andre; Manger, Paul R. (Springer, 2023-04)
    Rest is a state of adaptive inactivity that increases the efficiency of activity by regulating its timing and reducing energy use when activity is not beneficial. Thus, animals can go without rest when specific demands, ...
  • Young, Mirjam M.I.; Winters, Sandra; Young, Christopher; Weiß, Brigitte M.; Troscianko, Jolyon; Ganswindt, Andre; Barrett, Louise; Henzi, S. Peter; Higham, James P.; Widdig, Anja (Springer, 2020-01)
    In the animal kingdom, conspicuous colors are often used for inter- and intra-sexual communication. Even though primates are the most colorful mammalian taxon, many questions, including what potential information color ...
  • Verburgt, Luke; Ferreira, M.; Ferguson, Jan Willem Helenus (Elsevier, 2011-01)
    Sexual selection often involves female preference for males of a certain age, and a body of theory predicts preference for old males. We measured a comprehensive set of traits from the acoustic sexual display of male ...
  • Dubuc, Constance; Clutton-Brock, Tim H. (Wiley Open Access, 2019-02)
    There is increasing evidence that some vertebrates can adjust their growth rate in relation to changes in the social context that affect their probability of breeding. Here, we show that, in meerkats (Suricata suricatta), ...
  • Weldon, Christopher William; Terblanche, John S.; Bosua, Henrika Jacomina; Malod, Kevin; Chown, Steven L. (Elsevier, 2022-08)
    Females and males have divergent strategies of energy investment, so the thermal preference of each sex in insects may differ because energetic conversion of metabolic reserves is dependent on temperature. We determined ...
  • Young, Christopher; McFarland, Richard; Ganswindt, Andre; Young, Mirjam M.I.; Barrett, Louise; Henzi, S. Peter (Elsevier, 2019-08)
    Males in female-philopatric social groupings leave their natal groups to pursue successive reproductive opportunities in one or more other groups. In vervet monkeys, Chlorocebus pygerythrus, adult males coexist and physical ...
  • Trisos, Matthew O.; Parr, Catherine Lucy; Davies, Andrew Byron; Leitner, Monica; February, Edmund C. (Wiley, 2021-07)
    Global climate change is predicted to increase the frequency of droughts, with major impacts on tropical savannas. It has been suggested that during drought, increased soil moisture and nutrients on termite mounds could ...
  • Arthur, Benjamin; Hindell, Mark; Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt; De Bruyn, P.J. Nico; Goebel, Michael E.; Trathan, Phil; Lea, Mary-Anne (Elsevier, 2018-08)
    To understand and predict current and future distributions of animals under a changing climate it is essential to establish historical ranges as baselines against which distribution shifts can be assessed. Management ...
  • Yusuf, Abdullahi Ahmed; Pirk, Christian Walter Werner; Crewe, Robin M. (Springer, 2015-07)
    Secretions from the mandibular glands of honeybees have been studied extensively, with those of queens dominated by ώ-9 fatty acids and ώ-10 fatty acids dominating those of non-laying workers. Apis mellifera adansonii ...
  • Buttstedt, Anja; Pirk, Christian Walter Werner; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ahmed (Elsevier, 2023-10)
    Honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers feed their larvae with food jelly that is secreted by specialized glands in their heads – the hypopharyngeal and the mandibular glands. Food jelly contains all the nutrients the larvae ...
  • Miano, Raphael Njura; Dekker, Teun; Rohwer, Egmont Richard; Biasazin, Tibebe Dejene; Ndlela, Shepard; Yusuf, Abdullahi Ahmed; Cheseto, Xavier; Mohamed, Samira A. (Elsevier, 2024-05)
    Before the introduction of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) to sub-Saharan Africa, Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) was economically the most important pest in mango farming. Its native natural enemy, the solitary parasitoid Psyttalia ...
  • Atkinson, Jonathan Tom; Ismail, Riyad; Robertson, Mark P. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2014-01)
    The invasive plant known as bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) is a notorious invader of forestry plantations in the eastern parts of South Africa. Not only is bugweed considered to be one of five most widespread invasive ...
  • Albright, Thomas P.; Mutiibwa, Dennis; Gerson, Alexander R.; Smith, Eric Krabbe; Talbot, William A.; O’Neill, Jacqueline J.; McKechnie, Andrew E.; Wolf, Blair O. (National Academy of Sciences, 2017-02)
    Extreme high environmental temperatures produce a variety of consequences for wildlife, including mass die-offs. Heat waves are increasing in frequency, intensity, and extent, and are projected to increase further under ...
  • Kauffman, Matthew J.; Cagnacci, Francesca; Chamaillé-Jammes, Simon; Hebblewhite, Mark; Hopcraft, J. Grant C.; Merkle, Jerod A.; Mueller, Thomas; Mysterud, Atle; Peters, Wibke; Roettger, Christiane; Steingisser, Alethea; Meacham, James E.; Abera, Kasahun; Adamczewski, Jan; Aikens, Ellen O.; Bartlam-Brooks, Hattie; Bennitt, Emily; Berger, Joel; Boyd, Charlotte; Cote, Steeve D.; Debeffe, Lucie; Dekrout, Andrea S.; Dejid, Nandintsetseg; Donadio, Emiliano; Dziba, Luthando; Fagan, William F.; Fischer, Claude; Focardi, Stefano; Fryxell, John M.; Fynn, Richard W.S.; Geremia, Chris; Gonzalez, Benito A.; Gunn, Anne; Gurarie, Elie; Heurich, Marco; Hilty, Jodi; Hurley, Mark; Johnson, Aran; Joly, Kyle; Kaczensky, Petra; Kendall, Corinne J.; Kochkarev, Pavel; Kolpaschikov, Leonid; Kowalczyk, Rafal; Van Langevelde, Frank; Li, Binbin V.; Lobora, Alex L.; Loison, Anne; Madiri, Tinaapi H.; Mallon, David; Marchand, Pascal; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Meisingset, Erling; Merrill, Evelyn; Middleton, Arthur D.; Monteith, Kevin L.; Morjan, Malik; Morrison, Thomas A.; Mumme, Steffen; Naidoo, Robin; Novaro, Andres; Ogutu, Joseph O.; Olson, Kirk A.; Oteng-Yeboah, Alfred; Ovejero, Ramiro J.A.; Owen-Smith, Norman; Paasivaara, Antti; Packer, Craig; Panchenko, Danila; Pedrotti, Luca; Plumptre, Andrew J.; Rolandsen, Christer M.; Said, Sonia; Salemgareyev, Albert; Savchenko, Aleksandr; Savchenko, Piotr; Sawyer, Hall; Selebatso, Moses; Skroch, Matthew; Solberg, Erling; Stabach, Jared A.; Strand, Olav; Suitor, Michael J.; Tachiki, Yasuyuki; Trainor, Anne; Tshipa, Arnold; Virani, Munir Z.; Vynne, Carly; Ward, Stephanie; Wittemyer, George; Xu, Wenjing; Zuther, Steffen (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2021-05)
    Migration of ungulates (hooved mammals) is a fundamental ecological process that promotes abundant herds, whose effects cascade up and down terrestrial food webs. Migratory ungulates provide the prey base that maintains ...
  • Huang, Ryan M.; Van Aarde, Rudi J.; Pimm, Stuart L.; Chase, Michael; Leggett, Keith (Public Library of Science, 2022-09-11)
    Southern Africa spans nearly 7 million km2 and contains approximately 80% of the world’s savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) mostly living in isolated protected areas. Here we ask what are the prospects for improving ...
  • Bestley, Sophie; Ropert-Coudert, Yan; Nash, Susan Bengtson; Brooks, Cassandra M.; Cotte, Cedric; Dewar, Meagan; Friedlaender, Ari S.; Jackson, Jennifer A.; Labrousse, Sara; Lowther, Andrew D.; McMahon, Clive Reginald; Phillips, Richard A.; Pistorius, Pierre Anton; Puskic, Peter S.; Reis, Ana Olivia de A.; Reisinger, Ryan Rudolf; Santos, Mercedes; Tarszisz, Esther; Tixier, Paul; Trathan, Philip N.; Wege, Mia; Wienecke, Barbara (Frontiers Media, 2020-11)
    The massive number of seabirds (penguins and procellariiformes) and marine mammals (cetaceans and pinnipeds) – referred to here as top predators – is one of the most iconic components of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean. ...
  • Requena, Susana; Oppel, Steffen; Bond, Alexander L.; Hall, Jonathan; Cleeland, Jaimie; Crawford, Robert J.M.; Davies, Delia; Dilley, Ben J.; Glass, Trevor; Makhado, Azwianewi; Ratcliffe, Norman; Reid, Timothy A.; Ronconi, Robert A.; Schofield, Andy; Steinfurth, Antje; Wege, Mia; Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt; Ryan, Peter G. (Wiley, 2020-10)
    Remote oceanic islands harbour unique biodiversity, especially of species that rely on the marine trophic resources around their breeding islands. Identifying marine areas used by such species is essential to manage and ...