Children with ADHD is not a new phenomenon in South Africa. An increasing trend of
anxiety in children with ADHD in the middle childhood age group of 6 to 12 years, is
prevalent in South Africa schools. Existing research on ADHD and anxiety indicates
that children with ADHD react differently. They tend to withdraw. This also happens in
school where they have to endure stress and pressure. They tend not to communicate
to resolve their problems. They are already faced with many challenges and when
anxiety is added to the list of problems, they struggle to cope. Children with ADHD
experience emotional distress on a different level than other children and it also lasts
longer. The condition of ADHD makes them especially prone to anxiety.
The study investigates the problem of children with ADHD who suffer from anxiety. The
aim is to identify or develop an effective pastoral approach to support these children.
Parent and family dynamics are factors that can contribute to anxiety in their lives. If
the parent-child relationship is positive and constructive, it can contribute to these
children making progress. Working toward a better parent-child relationship in the
family system, is a significant aspect of counselling with children with ADHD. Longterm stress can lead to depression and other emotional distress. From a family
perspective the parent-child relationship plays an important role in the child`s
psychological development. The power dynamics in families is also investigated to
ascertain what role this plays when it comes to anxiety in children with ADHD.
The study explores early attachment behaviour and behavioural problems in children
in the middle childhood of 6 to 12 years. Internal working models give an indication of
how early attachment behaviour influences people`s social relationships later in life.
This study explores how the side-effects of anxiety influence children with ADHD in all
aspects of their lives. It also explores the possible causes of anxiety in children with
ADHD. Cognitive development theories focusing on the middle childhood period are
utilised in order to come to a better understanding of the effect of emotional distress
on children with ADHD and their cognitive, academic and social development.
This literature study aims to identify or develop a suitable and effective pastoral
approach to children with ADHD who suffer from anxiety. Narrative pastoral
counselling models, the narrative hermeneutical model and the shepherding model are
utilised to explore the possibilities of storytelling to facilitate in the re-authoring of their
problem story and coming to a new preferred story for their lives. Storytelling is
generally an effective way of communicating with children. The question is whether
this approach will also be affective with children with ADHD who suffer from anxiety.
The aim is to identify or develop an effective pastoral care approach to support children
with children with ADHD who suffer from anxiety. The aim of the counselling journey
with anxious children with ADHD is to guide them toward a better understand of their
condition and to affect positive change