The development of resilient energy systems is
important for sustainable cities and communities.
However, in countries with insufficient national
energy supply, electricity distributors rarely consider
remote communities due to their distant settlement,
low electricity demand and poor payment capabilities.
The United Nations has set a goal to deliver
universal energy access by 2030; hence, it has
become imperative to deploy clean and affordable
off-grid mini-grid solutions to previously abandoned
communities. Access to energy in rural communities
is expected to result in unlocking their economic
potentials. This paper investigates the impact of a
solar hybrid mini-grid on the socio-economic growth
of local entrepreneurs in Gbamu Gbamu village,
Nigeria. A total of 83 micro- and small-enterprises has
been surveyed; descriptive statistics, paired-sample
t-test, cross-tabulation and χ2 test, were used to
assess the performance of businesses before and after
electrification. The outcomes include the number of
business enterprises created, employment statistics,
energy expenses and income generated. Regression
analysis was conducted on the relationship between
the average income generated by businesses and
independent socio-economic variables such as gender,
marital status, household size, age, education level,