Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates
Kavanagh, Eithne; Street, Sally E.; Angwela, Felix O.; Bergman, Thore J.; Blaszczyk, Maryjka B.; Bolt, Laura M.; Briseño-Jaramillo, Margarita; Brown, Michelle; Chen-Kraus, Chloe; Clay, Zanna; Coye, Camille; Emery Thompson, Melissa; Estrada, Alejandro; Fichte, Claudia; Fruth, Barbara; Gamba, Marco; Giacoma, Cristina; Graham, Kirsty E.; Green, Samantha; Grueter, Cyril C.; Gupta, Shreejata; Gustison, Morgan L.; Hagberg, Lindsey; Hedwig, Daniela; Jack, Katharine M.; Kappeler, Peter M.; King-Bailey, Gillian; Kuběnová, Barbora; Lemasson, Alban; Inglis, David MacGregor; Machanda, Zarin; MacIntosh, Andrew; Majolo, Bonaventura; Marshall, Sophie; Mercier, Stephanie; Micheletta, Jérôme; Muller, Martin; Notman, Hugh; Ouattara, Karim; Ostner, Julia; Pavelka, Mary S. M.; Peckre, Louise R.; Petersdorf, Megan; Quintero, Fredy; Ramos-Fernández, Gabriel; Robbins, Martha M.; Salmi, Roberta; Schamberg, Isaac; Schoof, Valérie A. M.; Schülke, Oliver; Semple, Stuart; Silk, Joan B.; Sosa-Lopéz, J. Roberto; Torti, Valeria; Valente, Daria; Ventura, Raffaella; Van de Waal, Erica; Weyher, Anna H.; Wilke, Claudia; Wrangham, Richard; Young, Christopher; Zanoli, Anna; Zuberbühler, Klaus; Lameira, Adriano R.; Slocombe, Katie
Animal communication has long been thought to be subject to pressures and constraints associated with
social relationships. However, our understanding of how the nature and quality of social relationships
relates to the use and evolution of communication is limited by a lack of directly comparable methods
across multiple levels of analysis. Here, we analysed observational data from 111 wild groups
belonging to 26 non-human primate species, to test how vocal communication relates to dominance
style (the strictness with which a dominance hierarchy is enforced, ranging from ‘despotic’ to
‘tolerant’). At the individual-level, we found that dominant individuals who were more tolerant
vocalized at a higher rate than their despotic counterparts. This indicates that tolerance within a
relationship may place pressure on the dominant partner to communicate more during social
interactions. At the species-level, however, despotic species exhibited a larger repertoire of hierarchyrelated vocalizations than their tolerant counterparts. Findings suggest primate signals are used and
evolve in tandem with the nature of interactions that characterize individuals’ social relationships.