English: Lyons (1968) defines tense as. a systematic grammatical contrast.·
The hipothesis is postulated that a distinct category tense
exists in Afrikaans.
Past tense is indicated by the auxiliary verb 'het' and past
participle. An important aspect of the discussion is the
deletion of tense.
In the fu~ure tense a deep structure verb 'sal' is postulated
in sentences like "More speel ans teen X." In the· past t:ense
a deep structure 'pet' is postulated in sentences like "Giste_E
swem ans." The underlying 'sal' is deleted in the first men=
tioned case and 'het' in the latter case. The adverbs of time
'more' and 1gister1 has an.underlying reference to a time before
or after the time of the performative verb.
The sentence "Jan het geloop" shows a contract in presupposition
when compared to the sentence "Jan 1002," where the sentence
"Jan loop" refers to a present tense. The past tense is factive
whereas the present tense represents a non-factive presupposition
De Villiers (1968) describes the future tense as a modality;
this view is supported in the study.
sub-divided into:
The future tense is
(1) a future tense indicated by the auxiliary 'sal' (as well
as kan, mag, etc.) and the modal adverbs "mi skien" etc •.
(2) A future indicated by 'gaan' and
(3) a future indicated by the adverb of time with a deleted
' ..: ,:.-<q\. . l_ ' •
The future tense is non·-factive and non-implicative~ Two
processes are emphasised in the discussion of the infinitive;
anticident relationships as well as the role of the higher
verb. The historical presence is regarded as having an underlying
presence form with a past meaning. Botha (1973) regards
the adjective as an underlying verb, this view is supported.
The copula is inserted in surface structure. Tense refer=
encc is found as part of the meaning of the e.djective~
It is postulated that an underlying 'het' is deleted by a
transformation. Two aspects of the adjective are examined:
(1) the co-occurance of the adjective and adverb of time;
(2) the passive voice as an adjective const1uction.
The preposition of time is regarded as an underlying verb.
The preposition 'voor' couples the verb tenses of 'loop' in
sentences such as Jan kom voor Koos kom. The distribution
of time prepositions, as well as the similarity of measure
phrases combining with time~ and place prepositions aie exa=
The adverb of time is characterised by
(1) an underlying constant;
(2) an associated meaning before, after or at the same time
as the performative verb time reference.
The study is written within the framework of the Generative
Semantic School.
The presupposition is made that auxiliaries are underlying
main verbs. The adverb of time is regarded as being a
higher predicate originating outside the verb phrase.