SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Supplementary Data SD1.—R script is used to obtain residuals from the generalized additive growth model (GAM). The residuals of this model were used to replace body mass, to account for collinearity between age and body mass. The residuals provide the relative body condition of a female for her age, according to predictions of the model, which were based on the age and morning weights of nonpregnant dominant and subordinate females in the population, for litter mothers and subordinate females, respectively. Using a GAM allows the age effect on body mass to be slightly non-linear, and logging the values makes the variance more even across the range of ages.
Supplementary Data SD2.—Models considered for the study on likelihood of allonursing based on their AIC. The interaction “Parity*Pregnancy status” is included in every model. The relevance of terms were compared with Wald statistics (χ 2).