Vonnisbespreking : Nog ’n vriendskaplike-sekwestrasie-aansoek sneuwel : Botha v Botha [2017] JOL 38011 (VB)

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dc.contributor.author Roestoff, Melanie
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-30T11:52:36Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-30T11:52:36Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.description.abstract Botha is one of many friendly sequestration applications that was dismissed because the applicant failed to prove that it would be to the advantage of creditors to sequestrate the respondent-debtor’s estate. Daffue J suggested that Botha was a typical case where the debtor should rather have pursued his rights regarding debt review under the National Credit Act (NCA) 34 of 2005 in order to find a way out of his financial dilemma. However, unlike the position regarding rehabilitation after sequestration under the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, debt review does not provide for any discharge of debt, since the NCA’s objective of providing debt relief is subject to the principle of satisfaction by the debtor of all financial obligations. The aim of this case note is to analyse and evaluate the facts and decision in Botha in light of international trends and guidelines that all ―honest but unfortunate debtors‖ who land in a hopeless financial situation due to factors beyond their control, should be provided relief in the form of a discharge. The legal implication of the decision, namely that the current South African system provides discharge relief only to debtors who have sufficient assets to prove advantage, is important. Therefore, recent law reform proposals that provision be made for a procedure of debt intervention as well as the proposals for a pre-liquidation composition are also discussed. However, it is argued that the proposed procedures would not have provided a viable solution to the debtor’s financial predicament in Botha. The conclusion is that the shortcomings of the system should be addressed in a holistic and comprehensive manner. Unnecessary restrictions on access to debt relief and the overlap between the various procedures should be eliminated. Ultimately it is imperative that all debtors, from both the lower income and middle income groups, should be offered equal protection and relief by means of a discharge from debt. en_ZA
dc.description.department Mercantile Law en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2019 en_ZA
dc.description.uri http://www.litnet.co.za/category/akademies/litnet-akademies en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Roestoff, M. 2018, 'Vonnisbespreking : Nog ’n vriendskaplike-sekwestrasie-aansoek sneuwel : Botha v Botha [2017] JOL 38011 (VB)', LitNet Akademies, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1258-1280. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1995-5928
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/71499
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_ZA
dc.publisher LitNet en_ZA
dc.rights LitNet en_ZA
dc.subject Abuse of process en_ZA
dc.subject Access to debt relief en_ZA
dc.subject Administration en_ZA
dc.subject Advantage of creditors en_ZA
dc.subject Consumer insolvency en_ZA
dc.subject Creditor en_ZA
dc.subject Debt intervention en_ZA
dc.subject Debtor en_ZA
dc.subject Debt relief en_ZA
dc.subject Debt restructuring en_ZA
dc.subject Debt review en_ZA
dc.subject Discharge of debt en_ZA
dc.subject Extinguish en_ZA
dc.subject Fresh start en_ZA
dc.subject Friendly sequestration en_ZA
dc.subject Income restructuring en_ZA
dc.subject Insolvency Act en_ZA
dc.subject International guidelines en_ZA
dc.subject International trends en_ZA
dc.subject Law reform proposals en_ZA
dc.subject National Credit Amendment Bill en_ZA
dc.subject National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (NCA) en_ZA
dc.subject NINA debtors en_ZA
dc.subject No income no asset debtors en_ZA
dc.subject Pre-liquidation composition en_ZA
dc.subject Rehabilitation en_ZA
dc.subject Sequestration en_ZA
dc.subject South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) en_ZA
dc.subject Suspension en_ZA
dc.subject Voluntary surrender en_ZA
dc.subject World Bank en_ZA
dc.subject Administrasie en_ZA
dc.subject Fresh start en_ZA
dc.subject Inkomsteherstrukturering en_ZA
dc.subject Insolvensie en_ZA
dc.subject Insolvensiewet en_ZA
dc.subject Internasionale riglyne en_ZA
dc.subject Internasionale tendense en_ZA
dc.subject Misbruik van proses en_ZA
dc.subject Nasionale Kredietwet en_ZA
dc.subject National Credit Amendment Bill en_ZA
dc.subject NINA-skuldenaars en_ZA
dc.subject No income no asset-skuldenaars en_ZA
dc.subject Opskorting en_ZA
dc.subject Regshervormingsvoorstell en_ZA
dc.subject Rehabilitasie en_ZA
dc.subject Sekwestrasie en_ZA
dc.subject Skuldeiser en_ZA
dc.subject Skuldenaar en_ZA
dc.subject Skuldhersiening en_ZA
dc.subject Skuldherstrukturering en_ZA
dc.subject Skuldintervensie en_ZA
dc.subject Skuldkwytskelding en_ZA
dc.subject Skuldverligting en_ZA
dc.subject Suid-Afrikaanse Regshervormingskommissie (SARK) en_ZA
dc.subject Toegang tot skuldverligting en_ZA
dc.subject Uitwissing en_ZA
dc.subject Vars begin en_ZA
dc.subject Verbruikersinsolvensie en_ZA
dc.subject Voorlikwidasie-akkoord en_ZA
dc.subject Voordeel vir skuldeisers en_ZA
dc.subject Vriendskaplike sekwestrasie en_ZA
dc.subject Vrywillige boedeloorgawe en_ZA
dc.subject Wereldbank en_ZA
dc.title Vonnisbespreking : Nog ’n vriendskaplike-sekwestrasie-aansoek sneuwel : Botha v Botha [2017] JOL 38011 (VB) en_ZA
dc.title.alternative Another friendly sequestration application bites the dust en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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