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Veterinary History (History Society of the South African Veterinary Association): Recent submissions

  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-06)
    Dr Johan van Rensburg graduated from the University of Pretoria where he received a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine from Onderstepoort with a focus on production animal medicine. With a good understanding and ...
  • Clow, Gordon; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-07)
    James Lewis Dore passed away on May 26, 1989. He graduated from Onderstepoort in 1937 and had a variety of experiences in Government Service, including a spell in Easte Africa, but he was best known and will be remembered ...
  • Rossouw, Elna; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-08)
    Ronald en Lisa Bester het mekaar by Onderstepoort raakgeloop, verlief geraak en besluit om saam-saam die wereld aan te pak. Vandag is die egpaar knap veeartse en boere naby die dorpie Luckhoff in die Suid-Vrystaat.
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society; Rossouw, Elna (1989-07)
    Tribute to George Edwin Frost. He is in many respects a pioneer in the veterinary profession. He was elected to a second term as President of the South African Veterinary Council. In this tribute Elna Rossouw spoke to him ...
  • Modisane, Botlhe M.; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-06)
    Dr Gideon Brückner receives the God medal of the OIE for the year 2020. Only one Gold medal is awarded each year. Indeed, the highest international honour for any veterinarian, and this time it is proudly a South African ...
  • Marwick, Clive; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-06)
    Dr Anne de Vos passed away on 26 March 2022. Dr De Vos née Fraser [Anne], a private practitioner from Ladybrand, served on the South African Veterinary Council [SAVC] as Councillor, Vice-President and Chairperson of the ...
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-06)
    The University of Pretoria (UP) has conferred the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Science (honoris causa) on Emeritus Professor Jacobus Andries Wynand (Koos) Coetzer. He receives this for his national and international ...
  • Claassen, Didi; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-05)
    Obituary for Dr Anne (de Vos) Fraser (1954 - 2022) that highlights her contributions to the veterinarians and para-veterinarians in South Africa, mainly via her years of service as mentor on the South African Veterinary ...
  • Cooper, Dave; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-05)
    On 3rd February 2022, the South African veterinary community lost one of its brightest young stars as Dr Pascale Cooper tragically passed away following a heart attack at age 33. Pascale graduated from Onderstepoort in ...
  • Van Niekerk, Francois; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-04)
    One of the Eastern Cape’s best known and most loved veterinarians, Dr Brian Rippon, passed away on 15 February 2022 after a short illness. Dr Rippon graduated from Onderstepoort in 1962 and worked in rural practise in ...
  • Rippon, Brian; Lwanga-Iga, Ivan; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-04)
    Peter Henry Bunton was born on the 22nd of March 1922 and grew up on the farm ELIM near ADDO in the Sunday's River Valley in the Eastern Cape. He began his education at the local farm school, riding there every day on ...
  • McCall, Claire; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-10)
    A tribute to Dr Bruce Irvine-Smith who built and opened the Bryanston Veterinary Hospital. He told Claire McCall about some of the problems and delights of a specialist veterinarian
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    Short news article about the appointment of Dr Peter Oberem as manager, Veterinary Technical Services for Coopers Animal Health (Pty) Limited in 1990.
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2022-01)
    List of South African Veterinary Association members who has been awarded for long and outstanding service to the veterinary profession, best scientific article or series of articles recently published, citations in ...
  • Gaenssler, Jean-George; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2021)
    Curriculum vitae of Jean-George Gaenssler. The curriculum vitae includes information about his education and career, scientific contributions and writings, homages and distinctions.
  • Du Preez, Jan Hendrik; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2021)
    Curriculum vitae of Dr Jan Hendrik du Preez. The summary includes information about his education and career, scientific contributions and writings, homages and distinctions.
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2021-12)
    Pierre Strydom is in 1930 op Cradock gebore waar hy matrikuleer het. In 1949 het hy met sy veeartsenykundestudies aan die Universiteit van Pretoria begin. Aan die einde van 1953 het Pierre sy skitterende studenteloopbaan ...
  • Dunlop, Jenny; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2021-11)
    Zarni Peter Kempster (born September 3, 1931) passed away on August 22, 2020 after a long illness
  • Bigalke, Rudolph; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2021-11)
    Abraham Paul Schutte, alombekend as Awie, is op 30 Augustus in die ouderdom van 86 jaar skielik oorlede. Dr Awie Schutte is in Johannesburg gebore en matrikuleer in 1953 aan die DF Malan Hoërskool as hoofseun en kaptein ...
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (2021-12)
    Nolte Troskie is op 25 September 1960 in Colesberg gebore. Na sy kwalifikasie as veearts in 1988 begin hy ‘n privaat praktyk op Burgersdorp. Aangesien hy beide veearts en boer was, het Nolte hom toegespits op kleinvee ...