Browsing Veterinary History (History Society of the South African Veterinary Association) by Issue Date

Browsing Veterinary History (History Society of the South African Veterinary Association) by Issue Date

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  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1978)
    Notice about the appointment of the veterinarian, Dr J.D.H. Poole, as director of Pitman Moore inc. in 1978
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1978)
    Dr P.A. Basson, staatsveearts op Grootfontein in SWA is deur die Biologiese Vereniging van S.A. aangewys as die ontvanger van die Senior Kapt. Scott-medalje vir 1978
  • Coubrough, R.I.; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1978)
    On the 11th November 1978, a significant event in veterinary history took place with the inauguration of the Veterinary Nurses Association of South Africa
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1978)
    Information about Dr Lea Stogdale, staff member of the Dept of Medicne, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria.
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1978)
    Notice of the unexpected death of the veterinarian, Dr J.G. Schurmann
  • Bath, Gareth F; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    Dr Elia Marius van Tonder passed away on the 7th of August 1989. He qualified as veterinarian in 1961 and started his career as state veterinarian in De Aar. He received a South African Veterinary Association silwer award ...
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    News article about a new, slowly progressive neurological disorder of adult cattle that has been recognised in the UK. It was first diagnosed in November 1986. the condition was called bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    Short news article about the appointment of Dr Peter Oberem as manager, Veterinary Technical Services for Coopers Animal Health (Pty) Limited in 1990.
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    Prof W.D. Malherbe is op 24 Januarie 1989 oorlede. Prof Malherbe het in 1932 as veearts gekwalifiseer en in 1968 die graad DVSc behaal. Hy was hoof van die Dept Geneeskunde vanaf 1952-1957.
  • Brown, Mike; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    Dr Schalk van Rensburg passed away on the 5th of August 1989. He helped the veterinary profession in all its various facets to become established in South Africa and also laid the firm foundations on which veterinary ...
  • Welton, John; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    Dr Alan Graham Rose died on the 11th of February 1989. He was born in Swaziland, schooled in Natal and at the Universities of Natal and Pretoria. On qualifying as a veterinarian he practiced in South Africa, England and Canada
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    News article about the 6th Faculty Day held at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria on the 27th September 1989 in the Arnold Theiler Building at the Onderstepoort Campus.
  • Pullinger, Leonie; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989)
    In a fit to transform ideas into images or images into words or stories, Leonie Pullinger have often referred to the New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology in which there are accounts of all kinds of animals, ordinary and ...
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society; Rossouw, Elna (1989-07)
    Tribute to George Edwin Frost. He is in many respects a pioneer in the veterinary profession. He was elected to a second term as President of the South African Veterinary Council. In this tribute Elna Rossouw spoke to him ...
  • South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-07)
    Dr William Hay died on April 21, 1989. He obtained his MRCVS in 1915 and joined the SAVA in May 1921.
  • Clow, Gordon; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-07)
    James Lewis Dore passed away on May 26, 1989. He graduated from Onderstepoort in 1937 and had a variety of experiences in Government Service, including a spell in Easte Africa, but he was best known and will be remembered ...
  • Rossouw, Elna; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-08)
    Ronald en Lisa Bester het mekaar by Onderstepoort raakgeloop, verlief geraak en besluit om saam-saam die wereld aan te pak. Vandag is die egpaar knap veeartse en boere naby die dorpie Luckhoff in die Suid-Vrystaat.
  • McCall, Claire; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-10)
    A tribute to Dr Bruce Irvine-Smith who built and opened the Bryanston Veterinary Hospital. He told Claire McCall about some of the problems and delights of a specialist veterinarian
  • Terblance, Morkel; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-11)
    In bibbberende koue weer, reen en ysige winde het die 1969-finalejaarsklas gedurende die naweek van 28 April tot 1 Mei 1989 byeengekom in Golden Gate vir 'n klas reunie.
  • Bland-van den Berg, P.; South African Veterinary Association. Veterinary History Society (1989-11)
    A Class of '68 Reunion was held in Pretoria over the week-end of the 28th-30th July 1989. The "21st birthday" was timed to coincide with the visit to South Africa by classmate Peter Shires from Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.