Crooked strategy implementation : covert tactics fill the gaps

Show simple item record Pretorius, Marius 2017-05-24T07:40:04Z 2017-05-24T07:40:04Z 2016 en
dc.description.abstract An ancient Chinese proverb states that: "If you stand straight, you don't have to fear a crooked shadow". In the world of business strategy this might translate into: "if you have a strategy, beware of its crooked implementation". Of course, we know it is disastrous if strategy is not executed (no shadow?). Poor or non-execution are one of the main reasons for strategy failure. Consultants often hold strategic planning workshops proposing the next best fad as "strategic" tool, but still, we know and see on a daily basis that often these fads, tools and strategies, and especially those associated with strategy implementation, falter more often than they succeed. It remains a consistent problem that their execution rarely achieves momentum. Our research originated in the non-execution (non-implementation) problem widely reported in theory and in practice where strategic management is pursued. en_ZA
dc.description.department Business Management en
dc.description.uri en
dc.description.uri en
dc.identifier.citation Marius Pretorius, (2016) "Crooked strategy implementation: covert tactics fill the gaps", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 37 Issue: 4, pp. 24-31, doi: 10.1108/JBS-04-2015-0035. en
dc.identifier.issn 2052-1197 (online) en
dc.identifier.issn 0275-6668 (print) en
dc.identifier.other 10.1108/JBS-04-2015-0035. en
dc.language.iso English en
dc.publisher Emerald en
dc.rights © Emerald Group Publishing Limited en
dc.subject Strategy implementation en
dc.subject Covert tactics en
dc.title Crooked strategy implementation : covert tactics fill the gaps en
dc.type Postprint Article en

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