1949 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 22, Number 2, 1949

1949 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 22, Number 2, 1949


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 22: Number 2

Section I: Virus Diseases

Investigation into immunization of cattle against rinderpest in Tanganyika territory Mitchell, DT & Mansvelt, PR 231

Section II: Parasitology

Zoological survey of the Union of South Africa : Tick survey. Part II. Distribution of Boophilus (Palpoboophilus) decoloratus, the blue tick Theiler, G 255

Zoological survey of the Union of South Africa : Tick survey. Part III. Distribution of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, the brown tick Theiler, G 269

D.D.T. for the protection of sheep against blowfly strike Du Toit, R & Goosen, PJ 285

Section III: Toxicology

The alkaloids of Senecio bupleuroides D.C. Sapiro, ML 291

The alkaloids of Senecio paucicalyculatus Platt Pretorius, TP 297

A chemical investigation of the constituents of Nicotiana glauca R. Grah. (Solanaceae) (Wild tobacco) Rindl, M & Sapiro, ML 301

The cardiac glycoside from Urginea rubella Baker. Part. I. Isolation and properties of rubellin Louw, PGJ 313

Lantadene A. The active principle of Lantana camara L. Part III. Pyrolytic distillation of lantadene A Louw, PGJ 321

Lantadene A. The active principle of Lantana camara L. Part IV. Dehydrogenation of Lantadene A and Lantadene B Louw, PGJ 329

Section IV: Physiology

Studies on the water requirements of farm animals in South Africa. I. The effect of intermittent watering on Merino sheep Clark, R & Quin, JI 335

Studies on the water requirements of farm animals in South Africa. II. The relation between water consumption, food consumption and atmospheric temperature as studied on merino sheep Clark, R & Quin, JI 345

Studies on the alimentary tract of the merino sheep in South Africa. XVI. The fate of nitrate in ruminal ingesta as studied in vitro Sapiro, ML, Hoflund, S, Clark, R & Quin, JI 357

The carbohydrate content of lucerne under different meteorological and physiological conditions Henrici, M 373

Section V: Reproduction

The sperm picture of rams of different breeds as an indication of their fertility. II. The rate of sperm travel in the genital tract of the ewe Starke, NC 415

Author index 526

Subject index 528

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