Browsing 1977 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 44, 1977 by Title

Browsing 1977 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 44, 1977 by Title

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  • Coetzer, Jacobus A.W.; Barnard, B.J.H.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1977)
    During the 1974/75 lambing season numerous reports were received from various parts of the Republic of South Africa and South West Africa of severe abdominal distension in ewes after vaccination with the attenuated Rift ...
  • Carter, P.; Oellermann, R.A.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1977)
    Antigenic fractions of bluetongue virus were separated by ultracentrifugation in Tris-buffered CsCl gradients at pH 6, 7 or 8 and the bluetongue virus polypeptide composition of the bands isolated from these gradients was ...
  • Broekman, J.; Eksteen, P.A.L.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1977)
    A novel technique, based on cytotoxicity-neutralization, was developed for the in vitro titration of anti-sheep lymphocyte and anti-sheep macrophage sera. The titres obtained for a number of antisera were compared with ...
  • Clifford, C.M.; Walker, Jane B.; Keirans, J.E.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1977)
    Ixodes (Afrixodes) neitzi n. sp. is described from females and males collected from the mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) at Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Information is provided to ...
  • Londt, J.G.H.; Van der Bijl, Eleanore B.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1977)
    The life cycle of Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi Neumann, 1897, is discussed under the following headings: larval feeding; larval drop; nymphal feeding; nymphal drop; nymphal moulting; adult feeding; adult drop; preoviposition ...
  • Potgieter, F.T.; Els, H.J.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1977)
    In Boophilus decoloratus infected by transovarian passage with B. bigemina, primary schizogony occurred as a continuous repetitive process in all 3 stages of the tick's life cycle spent on the host. The primary schizonts ...
  • Els, H.J.; Pini, A.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1977)
    Since the application of negative staining, preceded by fixation, prevents the disruption and distortion of the capsid of the African swine fever virus, improved contrast and evaluation of the appearance and size of virus ...
  • Barnard, B.J.H.; Geyer, H.J.; De Koker, W.C.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1977)
    The development of neurological symptoms in a cat following vaccination with the high egg passage Flury rabies vaccine and the subsequent isolation of a virus with characteristics consistent with the criteria for distinguishing ...
  • Evans, Aileen A.; Solomon, K.R.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    The arrangement of the brain and peripheral nerves in Ornithodoros savignyi (Audouin) is similar to that of other argasid and ixodid ticks. Histological studies, using a specialized staining technique (aldehyde fuchsin), ...
  • Londt, J.G.H.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    Studies on the duration of the oviposition and incubation periods of Boophilus decoloratus (Koch, 1844) revealed that these non-parasitic periods are temperature dependent, increase in temperature causing shortening of the ...
  • Horak, Ivan Gerard; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    Separate groups of 3 oestrid-free lambs were exposed to infestation on irrigated pasture for periods of approximately 33 days each over 30 months, and on dry-land pasture for approximately 42 days over a period of 18 months. ...
  • Horak, Ivan Gerard; Butt, M.J.; De Kock, V.E.; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer,Pretoria, 1977)
    During a period of 13 months, 130 goats' heads, obtained from the Johannesburg Municipal Abattoir, were examined for infestation with Oestrus ovis. Infestation was present in 73,8% of the heads and the mean burden comprised ...
  • Horak, Ivan Gerard; Butt, M.J.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    Four blesbok culled in the Rietvlei Nature Reserve, Pretoria, District during May 1972 were found to harbour large burdens of 1st instar Oestrus spp. larvae and from 16-37 3rd instar larvae of Oestrus macdonaldi. They were ...
  • Horak, Ivan Gerard; Louw, J.P.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    The seasonal incidence of helminth infestation in sheep on newly established irrigated pastures was determined by the slaughter of pairs of tracer lambs exposed for periods of approximately 33 days from October 1968 - July ...
  • Coetzer, Jacobus A.W.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    A widespread epizootic of Rift Valley fever occurred in the Republic of South Africa and South West Africa during 1974-75. This is a report on the gross pathology of 34 new-born lambs and the histopathology of 93 new-born ...
  • Van Wyk, Jan Aucamp; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    When freshly-collected, exsheathed infective larvae of Oesophagostomum columbianum and Chabertia ovina were frozen in liquid nitrogen and subsequently thawed, conspicuous vesicles appeared in the intestinal cells of the ...
  • Boomker, Jacob Diederik Frederik; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    A revision of the genus lmpalaia Monnig, 1924 forms the subject of this report. Besides the type species, lmpalaia tuberculata Monnig, 1924, there are 2 valid species, viz., I. nudicollis Monnig, 1931and I. okapiae (Van ...
  • Van der Walt, J.G.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer,Pretoria, 1977)
    The suitability of Sephadex LH-20 as a solid support for the partition chromatography of acetic, propionic and butyric acids was investigated by using standard mixtures of 14C-labelled acids. The clear separation that was ...
  • Carter, P.; Oellermann, R.A.; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    The optimum conditions for the culture of cells from dissociated spleens were determined. Routinely, 10⁷ cells were seeded per ml of RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 20% pre-tested foetal calf serum. For the assay of the ...
  • Viljoen, J.H.; Boomker, Jacob Diederik Frederik; De Kock, V.E.; Bigalke, R.D.; Cameron, Colin McKenzie; Gilchrist, Frances M.C.; Morren, A.J.; Verster, Anna J.M.; Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; Walker, Jane B. (The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1977)
    The filaricidal effects of trichlorphon, arsenic trioxide, sodium antimony biscathecol disulphonate and nitroxynil against Parafilaria bovicola were the subject of this investigation . Levamisole hydrochloride was retested ...