Browsing Research Articles (Mammal Research Institute) by Title

Browsing Research Articles (Mammal Research Institute) by Title

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  • Leedale, Amy E.; Thorley, Jack; Clutton-Brock, Tim H. (Elsevier, 2021-09)
    The ability to discriminate between conspecifics functions in mate choice, kin-selected cooperation and territory defence. In mammals, olfaction plays a key role in such social interactions. Olfactory cues may be particularly ...
  • Wege, Mia; Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt; Van der Merwe, Derek S.; Postma, Martin (Springer, 2011-09)
    We present the first evidence of a possible case of the Oedipus complex in a nonprimate. An Antarctic fur seal pup, Arctocephalus gazella, unsuccessfully directed what appeared to be copulatory behaviour towards its own ...
  • Finnerty, Patrick B.; McArthur, Claire; Banks, Peter; Price, Catherine; Shrader, A.M. (Adrian) (Oxford University Press, 2022-08)
    Odor is everywhere, emitted across the landscape from predators, prey, decaying carcasses, conspecifics, vegetation, surface water, and smoke. Many animals exploit odor to find food, avoid threats, and attract or judge ...
  • Walsh, Debbie; O'Riain, M. Justin; Nattrass, Nicoli; Gaynor, David (MDPI, 2023-07)
    Few studies test whether education can help increase support for wildlife management interventions. This mixed methods study sought to test the importance of educating a community on the use of a baboon-proof electric ...
  • Bray, Timothy C.; Bennett, Nigel Charles; Mohammed, Osama B.; Alagaili, Abdulaziz N. (Taylor & Francis, 2013-11)
    Using non-destructive sampling we provide further genetic characterisations for spiny mice (Acomys dimidiatus/cahirinus) and gerbils (Gerbillus sp.) in three regions in Saudi Arabia. All individuals were sequenced for a ...
  • Mantintsilili, Asekho; Shivambu, Ndivhuwo; Shivambu, T.C. (Tinyiko); Downs, Colleen T. (Elsevier, 2022-06)
    The ever-increasing human population, globalisation, and desire to keep pets have resulted in the translocation of many species into non-native environments. As a result, some of the non-native reptile species have been ...
  • Ferretti, Francesco; Lovari, Sandro; Lucherini, Mauro; Hayward, Matt W.; Stephens, Philip A. (Wiley, 2020-07)
    Animals should adapt their foraging habits, changing their dietary breadth in response to variation in the richness and availability of food resources. Understanding how species modify their dietary breadth according to ...
  • Lasch, Kiara G.; Tosh, Cheryl A.; Bester, Marthan N.; De Bruyn, P.J. Nico (2023-11-22, 2023-01)
    Megafauna, such as southern elephant seals (SESs) (Mirounga leonina, Linn.), forage in diverse, seemingly limitless habitats. In pelagic settings, their behaviour is more likely to be limited by physiological ability and ...
  • Rudolph, Elizabeth M.; Hedding, David William; De Bruyn, P.J. Nico; Nel, Werner (Academy of Science of South Africa, 2022-09)
    Researchers of projects at the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands are increasingly considering geospatial data as an essential component in answering scientific questions. A need exists for high-resolution geospatial ...
  • Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt; Wege, Mia; Lubcker, Nico; Postma, Martin; Syndercombe, Gavin (Springer, 2019-01)
    The distribution, density and percentage contribution of pack ice pinnipeds during ship-board censuses in the eastern Weddell Sea in summer 2015/2016 are presented. Of the four true pack ice seal species encountered, ...
  • Arnillas, Carlos Alberto; Borer, Elizabeth; Seabloom, Eric W.; Alberti, Juan; Baez, Selene; Bakker, Jonathon; Boughton, Elizabeth; Buckley, Yvonne; Bugalho, Miguel Nuno; Donohue, Ian; Dwyer, John; Eskelinen, Anu; Firn, Jennifer; Gridzak, Riley; Hagenah, Nicole; Hautier, Yann; Helm, Aveliina; Jentsch, Anke; Knops, Johannes M.H.; Komatsu, Kimberly J.; Laanisto, Lauri; Laungani, Ramesh; McCulley, Rebecca L.; Moore, Joslin L.; Morgan, John; Peri, Pablo Luis; Power, Sally A.; Price, Jodi; Sankaran, Mahesh; Schamp, Brandon; Speziale, Karina L.; Standish, Rachel; Virtanen, Risto; Cadotte, Marc W. (Wiley Open Access, 2021-12)
    Biotic and abiotic factors interact with dominant plants—the locally most frequent or with the largest coverage—and nondominant plants differently, partially because dominant plants modify the environment where nondominant ...
  • Webster, A.B. (Andrea); Ganswindt, Andre; Small, Charney; Rossouw, Riana (Elsevier, 2021)
    Pollution is a key threat to biodiversity and ecosystem health within protected areas. Using a non-invasive, multi-matrix approach, sediment, vegetation and faecal material from lion (Panthera leo) and giraffe (Giraffa ...
  • Henry, Dominic A.W.; Collinson-Jonker, Wendy J.; Davies-Mostert, Harriet T.; Nicholson, Samantha K.; Roxburgh, Lizanne; Parker, Daniel M. (Elsevier, 2021-08)
    Reliable estimates of wildlife mortality due to wildlife-vehicle collisions are key to understanding its impact on wildlife populations and developing strategies to prevent or reduce collisions. Standardised approaches for ...
  • Steenkamp, Gerhardus; Boy, S.C.; Van Staden, Paul Jacobus; Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt (Elsevier, 2018-01)
    Descriptions of several oral, maxillofacial and dental conditions/diseases exist for a variety of captive large felids, but little is reported on the pathology of free roaming large felids. Apart from focal palatine erosions ...
  • Jori, Ferran J.; Roger, Matthieu; Baldet, Thierry; Delecolle, Jean-Claude; Sauzier, Jacqueline; Jaumally, Mahmad Reshad; Roger, Francois L. (Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011-02)
    Bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease are caused by orbiviruses transmitted by Culicoides spp. biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). These diseases are restricted to regions where their vectors exist and ...
  • Wilson, Rory P.; Williams, Hannah J.; Holton, Mark D.; Di Virgilio, Agustina; Borger, Luca; Potts, Jonathan R.; Gunner, Richard; Arkwright, Alex; Fahlman, Andreas; Bennett, Nigel Charles; Alagaili, Abdulaziz; Cole, Nik C.; Duarte, Carlos M.; Scantlebury, David M. (Wiley Open Access, 2020-05)
    Animal behavior is elicited, in part, in response to external conditions, but understanding how animals perceive the environment and make the decisions that bring about these behavioral responses is challenging. Animal ...
  • Robson, Ashley; Trimble, Morgan; Bauer, Dominik; Loveridge, Andrew; Thomson, Paul; Westerntbz, Guy; Lindsey, Peter Andrew (Wiley Open Access, 2022-01)
    Calls to increase the global area under protection for conservation assume existing conservation areas are effective but, without adequate investment, they may not be. We collected survey data from expert respondents on ...
  • Bray, Timothy C.; Jansen van Rensburg, Alexandra; Bennett, Nigel Charles (Wiley, 2013-12)
    Molecular methods are commonly used to investigate cryptic populations that are difficult to locate or observe directly. The population dynamics of many subterranean organisms have been overlooked, at least in part, as a ...
  • Reisinger, Ryan Rudolf; Landman, Marietjie; Mgibantaka, Nonkoliso; Smale, Malcolm J.; Bester, Marthan Nieuwoudt; De Bruyn, P.J. Nico; Pistorius, Pierre Anton (Co-Action Publishing, 2018-04-20)
    Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella) and Subantarctic (A. tropicalis) fur seals are important predators in the Southern Ocean. Marion Island (southern Indian Ocean) hosts the largest sympatric breeding populations of these ...
  • Mendonca, Rute; Vullioud, Philippe; Katlein, Nathan; Vallat, Armelle; Glauser, Gaetan; Bennett, Nigel Charles; Helfenstein, Fabrice (Royal Society, 2020-09)
    Within cooperatively breeding societies, individuals adjust cooperative contributions to maximize indirect fitness and minimize direct fitness costs. Yet, little is known about the physiological costs of cooperation, which ...