Browsing Research Articles (Psychiatry) by Issue Date

Browsing Research Articles (Psychiatry) by Issue Date

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  • Van Staden, C.W. (Werdie) (In House Publications, 2006-05)
    OBJECTIVE: To clarify monist, dualist, and pluralist philosophy that could help psychiatrists to explain how mental and physical states relate in general. METHOD: Varieties of monism and dualism are summarised and the ...
  • Pretorius, F.; Smith, H.W.; Kruger, Christa; Le Roux, C.; Van der Linde, Michael J. (Mike); Groeneveld, Hendrik T.; Bartel, Peter R. (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2006-06)
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hypoxia at altitude may lead to mental changes resembling dissociative symptoms. This study examined whether hypoxia precipitates dissociative states in normal subjects and whether quantitative ...
  • Grant, C.C. (Catharina Cornelia); Steenkamp, B.; Gauche, L.; Becker, Piet J.; Ker, James A.; Roos, J.L. (Johannes Louw); Viljoen, Margaretha (Clinics Cardiv, 2007)
    Co-morbidity between physical disease, especially cardiovascular, and psychological disturbances is well documented. In psychiatric patients, the potential for dysrhythmogenic incidences is increased by the fact that many ...
  • Van Staden, C.W. (Werdie) (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2007-02)
    The article argues that a functional approach is ethically better than a categorical approach in deciding whether involuntarily admitted patients have the capacity to give informed consent to participation in research. ...
  • Kruger, Christa; Sokudela, Funeka Brenda; Motlana, L.M.; Mataboge, C.K.; Dikobe, A.M. (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2007-02)
    BACKGROUND: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) system has certain limitations when applied to two South African examples of dissociation, because it is descriptive (non-explanatory) and focuses ...
  • Panzer, Annie; Viljoen, Margaretha; Roos, J.L. (Johannes Louw) (In House Publications, 2007-05)
    Anxiety disorders are amongst the most common psychiatric disorders affecting approximately 25% of all adults. Fear and anxiety have many shared neuroanatomical and neurochemical characteristics. In this paper we ...
  • Joubert, Pierre M. (Medpharm Publications, 2007-07)
    Anxiety disorders represent some of the most common mental disorders. The lifetime prevalence rates for the different disorders are between 1% and 13%. Most anxiety disorders have a chronic, waxing and waning course. The ...
  • Scribante, L. (Medpharm Publications, 2007-07)
    Nightmares are common in childhood and concern regarding underlying psychological or physical causes should only be investigated when nightmares become frequent, are present for a prolonged period of time or are associated ...
  • Dikobe, A.M.; Van Staden, C.W. (Werdie); Reif, Simon; Bornman, Maria S. (Riana) (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2007-08)
    BACKGROUND: Symptoms of partial androgen deficiency in ageing men (PADAM) overlap considerably with those of major depressive disorder. The relationship between these conditions is complicated by the usual age-related ...
  • White, John G.; Kruger, Christa; Snyman, Willem D. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008)
    Dental students should realise early in their careers - in dental school - the importance of developing and mastering sound relational communication skills with patients. As a result, the aim of this study was to develop ...
  • Van Niekerk, Linette; Viljoen, A.J.; Rischbieter, Paul; Scribante, L. (In House Publications, 2008-03)
    INTRODUCTION: Following the suicide of a 4th-year medical student, questions were raised as to whether medical students are more vulnerable to depression and suicide than their counterparts studying other courses at the ...
  • Roos, J.L. (Johannes Louw) (Medpharm Publications, 2008-05)
    Depressive disorder is the most common mental health problem in older people. Health professionals mainly come into contact with those who are most susceptible to depression, including older people who live in residential ...
  • Roos, J.L. (Johannes Louw) (Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns, 2008-06)
    ATKV/SA AKADEMIEPRYS BESTE ARTIKEL 2008. Die artikel gee 'n oorsig oor navorsingbevindings die afgelope tien jaar oor die genetika van skisofrenie in die Afrikaner as 'n stigtersbevolking. Die genealogiese data in die ...
  • Joubert, Pierre M. (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2008-06)
    Topiramate enhances gamma-amino-butyric acid effects, has antiglutaminergic effects, and is a state-dependent sodium channel blocker. It is registered as an adjunctive treatment for epilepsy but is not registered for ...
  • Kotze, Carla; King, M.P.; Joubert, Pierre M. (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2008-08)
    No abstract available
  • Alison, H.C.; Scribante, L.; Kruger, Christa (In House Publications, 2008-11)
    OBJECTIVE: A campus-based website was set up by medical students following their study that showed a low awareness and utilsation of support systems at the University of Pretoria. The aim of the website was to improve the ...
  • Stein, D.J. (Dan); Betancourt, O. Alonso; Emsley, Robin A.; Jeenah, Yasmien; Mkize, Dan; Pretorius, Janus; Rataemane, Solomon; Roos, J.L. (Johannes Louw); Szabo, Christopher P. (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2009-01)
    Neuropsychiatric disorders account for 5 of the 10 most disabling medical disorders worldwide, and for a particularly large component of the burden of disease in South Africa. Unfortunately, as elsewhere, training and ...
  • Maydell, R.J.; Van der Walt, C.; Roos, J.L. (Johannes Louw); Scribante, L.; Ladikos, Anastasios (In House Publications, 2009-05)
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze clinical and demographic data of childhood-onset (12 years and younger) schizophrenia patients collected for a genetic study in schizophrenia, undertaken nationally in South Africa, using multiple ...
  • Scribante, L. (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2009-06)
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent and widely studied disorders of childhood. On searching the literature, thousands of articles are found on all aspects of this disorder, including ...
  • Ng, M.Y.M.; Levinson, D.F.; Faraone, S.V.; Suarez, B.K.; DeLisi, L.E.; Arinami, T.; Riley, B.; Paunio, T.; Pulver, A.E.; Irmansya; Holmans, P.A.; Escamilla, M.; Wildenauer, D.B.; Williams, Neal M.; Laurent, Claude; Mowry, B.J.; Brzustowicz, L.M.; Maziade, M.; Sklar, P.; Garver, D.L.; Abecasis, G.R.; Lerer, B.; Fallin, M.D.; Gurling, H.M.D.; Gejman, P.V.; Lindholm, E.; Moises, H.W.; Byerley, W.; Wijsman, E.M.; Foraboso, P.; Tsuang, M.T.; Hwu, H-G.; Okazaki, Y.; Kendler, K.S.; Wormley, B.; Fanous, A.; Walsh, D.; O'Neill, F.A.; Peltonen, L.; Nestadt, G.; Lasseter, V.K.; Liang, K.Y.; Papadimitriou, G.M.; Dikeos, D.G.; Schwab, S.G.; Owen, M.J.; O'Donovan, M.C.; Norton, N.; Hare, E.; Raventos, H.; Nicolini, H.; Albus, M.; Maier, W.; Nimgaonkar, V.L.; Terenius, L.; Mallet, J.; Jay, M.; Godard, S.; Nertney, D.; Alexander, M.; Crowe, R.R.; Silverman, J.M.; Basset, A.S.; Roy, M-A.; Merette, C.; Pato, C.N.; Pato, M.T.; Roos, J.L. (Johannes Louw); Kohn, Y.; Amann-Zalcenstein, D.; Kalsi, G.; McQuillin, A.; Curtis, D.; Brynjolfson, J.; Sigmundsson, T.; Petursson, H.; Sanders, A.R.; Duan, J.; Jazin, E.; Myles-Worsley, M.; Karayiorgou, Maria; Lewis, C.M. (Nature Publishing Group, 2009-08)
    A genome scan meta-analysis (GSMA) was carried out on 32 independent genome-wide linkage scan analyses that included 3255 pedigrees with 7413 genotyped cases affected with schizophrenia SCZ) or related disorders. The primary ...