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Resilience (37)
UCTD (37)
Adolescents (6)
Protective factors (5)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (5)
Education theses SDG-03 (4)
Education theses SDG-04 (4)
Positive psychology (4)
Risk factors (4)
Teachers (4)
Adolescence (3)
Asset-based approach (3)
COVID-19 pandemic (3)
Township (3)
Barriers (2)
Caregivers (2)
Case study (2)
Community (2)
Education (2)
Hope (2)
Kgolo-mmogo project (2)
Middle-adolescence (2)
Non-resilience (2)
Over time (2)
Petrochemical industry (2)
Protective resources (2)
Psychosocial support (2)
Qualitative (2)
SDG-03: Good Health and Well-being (2)
Social support (2)
Stress (2)
Stressors (2)
Academic attainment (1)
Academic Resilience (1)
Adaptive behaviour (1)
Adaptive coping (1)
adolescents (1)
Assets and resources (1)
Autism spectrum disorder (1)
Basic physiological needs (1)
Bio-ecological model (1)
Bioecological (1)
Capability approach (1)
Caregiver (1)
Caregiving (1)
Careworker (1)
Challenged context (1)
Child abuse (1)
Child behaviour checklist (1)
Child sexual abuse (1)
Child-centred pedagogy (1)
Childhood abuse (1)
Cognitive coping strategies (1)
Cognitive emotion regulation (1)
Conceptual framework (1)
Control (1)
Coping (1)
Counselling (1)
Cross-cultural assessment and measures (1)
Cross-cultural psychology (1)
Culture (1)
Disadvantaged student (1)
Divorce (1)
Drought (1)
Düss fable (1)
Early childhood development (1)
Earner and learning (1)
Ecological model (1)
Effective learning environments (1)
Egskeiding (1)
Eksterne lokus van beheer (1)
Emotional awareness (1)
Emotional development (1)
Emotional intelligence (1)
Emotional responses (1)
Emotional support (1)
Emotions (1)
Equine assisted interventions (EAI) (1)
Experience (1)
External locus of control (1)