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Results Per Page:

UCTD (430)
Resilience (38)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (21)
Asset-based approach (20)
Case study (18)
Education theses SDG-04 (18)
Adolescents (15)
Inclusive education (15)
Unrestricted (15)
Adolescent (14)
Qualitative research (14)
SDG-04: Quality Education (13)
Interpretivism (12)
Teachers (12)
Education theses SDG-03 (11)
Experiences (11)
Educational psychology (10)
Learners (10)
Positive psychology (10)
Adolescence (9)
Emotional intelligence (9)
Intervention (8)
Career development (7)
Coping (7)
Experience (7)
Learning support (7)
SDG-03: Good Health and Well-being (7)
Teacher resilience (7)
Adolessent (6)
Culture (6)
Dynamic assessment (6)
Education theses SDG-10 (6)
Educational psychologist (6)
Educators (6)
Emotions (6)
Protective factors (6)
Protective resources (6)
Vulnerable children (6)
Assessment (5)
Barriers to learning (5)
Bate-gebaseerde benadering (5)
Career adaptability (5)
Career construction (5)
Caregivers (5)
Community engagement (5)
Counselling (5)
Curriculum (5)
Emosionele intelligensie (5)
Gevallestudie (5)
Identity (5)
Implementation (5)
Inclusion (5)
Life design (5)
Multilingualism (5)
Parents (5)
Risk factors (5)
Stress (5)
Career counselling (4)
Children (4)
Constructivism (4)
Education (4)
Facilitation (4)
Hiv/aids (4)
Interactive qualitative analysis (4)
Interpretivisme (4)
Kwalitatiewe navorsing (4)
Learning difficulties (4)
Life skills (4)
Participatory Reflection and Action (PRA) (4)
Psychosocial support (4)
SDG-03: Good health and well-being (4)
SDG-10: Reduced Inequalities (4)
Self-efficacy (4)
South africa (4)
Visual impairment (4)
Academic performance (3)
Academic service learning (3)
Adaptability (3)
Adolessente (3)
Aids (3)
Asset based approach (3)
Assets (3)
Autism (3)
Barriers (3)
Bullying (3)
Career guidance (3)
Challenged context (3)
Child (3)
Community (3)
COVID-19 (3)
COVID-19 pandemic (3)
Cross-cultural assessment (3)
Cross-cultural psychology (3)
Disclosure (3)
Distance education (3)
Divorce (3)
Employability (3)
Experiential learning (3)
Family (3)
Foundation phase (3)