Alcohol abuse in families remain a serious problem in South Africa. Early exposure to dysfunctional family patterns may contribute to juvenile offending. Such an exposure will be detrimental to children’s development and may create emotional problems for them. It would appear that certain factors contribute towards juvenile delinquency such as divorce among parents, single parent families, unemployment of parents, family violence, substance abuse and poverty. The researcher was motivated to undertake this study as she observed in the field of Social Work that nearly all juvenile offenders were exposed to alcoholism in their families of origin. The question arised whether there is a relation between alcohol abuse in the family system and juvenile delinquency. The goal of this study was to explore the extent to which alcohol abuse in the family system may contribute towards juvenile delinquency and imprisonment. The researcher conducted a qualitative study through which the goal of the study has been achieved. Further research in this field is recommended to prevent the effect alcohol abuse may have on the family system.