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Health sciences article SDG-03 (8)
SDG-03: Good health and well-being (8)
South Africa (SA) (5)
Community oriented substance use programme (COSUP) (2)
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (2)
COVID-19 pandemic (2)
Harm reduction (2)
Health sciences article SDG-10 (2)
Health sciences article SDG-17 (2)
Hepatitis C (HCV) (2)
Heroin (2)
SDG-10: Reduced inequalities (2)
SDG-17: Partnerships for the goals (2)
Barriers (1)
Behavioural health management (1)
Clinical Guidelines (1)
Community oriented primary care (1)
Emergency shelter (1)
Facilitators (1)
Family medicine (1)
Group intervention (1)
Harm Reduction (1)
Health Policy (1)
Health sciences article SDG-11 (1)
Health sciences article SDG-16 (1)
Healthcare Access (1)
Hepatitis B (HBV) (1)
Heroin use (1)
HIV Prevention (1)
Homelessness (1)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (1)
Key populations (1)
Low threshold (1)
Men who have sex with men (MSM) (1)
Methadone maintenance therapy (1)
Motivators (1)
National state of disaster lockdown (1)
Opioid agonist treatment (1)
Opioid dependence (1)
Opioid substitution therapy (1)
Opioid use (1)
Peer support (1)
People who inject drugs (PWID) (1)
People who use drugs including people who inject drugs (PWUD/ID) (1)
Primary healthcare (1)
Psychosocial integration (1)
Public Health (1)
Public health (1)
Risk (1)
SDG-11: Sustainable cities and communities (1)
SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (1)
Sex workers (1)
Shelters (1)
Social cohesion (1)
Southern Africa (1)
Street-based people (1)
Substance Use (1)
Substance use (1)
Viral hepatitis (1)
Vulnerable Populations (1)