Sosio-emosionele gesinsfunksionering na ‘n egskeiding: ‘n Ouerskapsprogram vir die gesin met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans)

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dc.contributor.advisor Joubert, J.M.C. en
dc.contributor.postgraduate Nel, Gezina Elizabeth en 2013-09-07T12:44:05Z 2005-09-19 en 2013-09-07T12:44:05Z 2005-05-08 en 2006-09-19 en 2005-09-19 en
dc.description Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. en
dc.description.abstract This research was aimed at the development, implementation and evaluation of a parenting program for parents with pre-school children, after a divorce, in order to improve the sosio-emotional functioning of the adults, as well as the children. The motivation for this study stemmed from the reality of divorce in many family systems. Intervention research as applied research was utilised. A two-phase research approach was undertaken. A quantitative questionnaire approach as used during phase 1. The following research question was formulated for this phase: What should the content of a parenting program for parents after a divorce with pre-school children be? A needs assessment questionnaire was completed by 20 members of the population and an assessment of child-respondents, was undertaken. This data, complemented the literature study which was undertaken and brought information to the foreground which established the contents of the parenting program. The research question could therefore be answered. A child assessment was undertaken with the children of the parents who would attend the workshop during phase 2, in order to explore the children’s experience of their living environment. The quantitative approach was used in phase 2 as the single system design. The following research hypothesis was formulated for this phase: If parents and their pre-school children attend a parenting program after a divorce, a significant change in their sosio-emotional functioning should realise. Four workshops were implemented, in the following way: Theoretical workshops for the custodial and non-custodial parent respectively and practical workshops for the custodial parent and child and the non-custodial parent and child respectively. A quantitative questionnaire was completed prior to the workshops and thereafter by the 5 family systems involved. This instrument of measurement confirmed the hypotheses. A comparison was done between the literature and the empirical data. Conclusions and recommendations for future research were formulated, as a result of the research study. en
dc.description.availability unrestricted en
dc.description.department Social Work and Criminology en
dc.identifier.citation Nel, G 2005, Sosio-emosionele gesinsfunksionering na ‘n egskeiding: ‘n Ouerskapsprogram vir die gesin met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans), DPhil thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < > en
dc.identifier.upetdurl en
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pretoria en_ZA
dc.rights © 2005, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. en
dc.subject Family system en
dc.subject Projeksie en
dc.subject Dissipline en
dc.subject Gesinsisteem en
dc.subject Ouerskapstyle en
dc.subject Sosio-emosionele funksionering en
dc.subject Aanpassing en
dc.subject Ouerskapsprogram en
dc.subject Parallelle ouerskap en
dc.subject Ontwikkelingsfases en
dc.subject Projection en
dc.subject Egskeiding en
dc.subject Discipline en
dc.subject Parental styles en
dc.subject Socio-emotional functioning en
dc.subject Parallel parenting en
dc.subject Parental programme en
dc.subject Adjustment en
dc.subject Developmental phases en
dc.subject Divorce en
dc.subject UCTD en_US
dc.title Sosio-emosionele gesinsfunksionering na ‘n egskeiding: ‘n Ouerskapsprogram vir die gesin met voorskoolse kinders (Afrikaans) en
dc.type Thesis en

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