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Browsing Research Articles (Consumer Science) by Issue Date
Strydom, Mariette; De Klerk, Helena Maria
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2006)
The aim of this research was to explore and describe the problems that the South African clothing industry currently experiences with regard to body measurements needed for the manufacturing of well-fitting clothing. ...
Donoghue, Sune; De Klerk, Helena Maria
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2006)
The concept of consumer dissatisfaction, Landon’s taxonomy of consumer complaint behaviour, consumer-specific variables and product-specific variables related to complaining, as well as Weiner’s attribution theory are all ...
Marx-Pienaar, Nadene Johanna Maria Magdalena; Erasmus, Alet C. (Aletta Catharina)
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2006)
It is not quality only that determines consumers’ satisfaction with products any more; the service offering in retail has become very important. Because the products on retailers’ shelves are very similar, customer service ...
Jacobs, Bertha Margaretha; De Klerk, Helena Maria
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2007)
AFRIKAANS (no English abstract available): Die doel van hierdie studie was om die rol van verbruikers se risiko persepsie in hulle aanvaarding van die Internet vir kleding aankope te verken sowel as om die strategieë wat ...
Erasmus, Alet C. (Aletta Catharina); Lebani, Kethuswegape
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2007)
(No English abstract available): Navorsing dui daarop dat die gebruik van kredietfasiliteite soos bank- en winkelkaarte by betaalpunte wêreldwyd toeneem. Ongelukkig het dit tot 'n toename in slegte skuld bygedra wat ...
Delport, Rhena; Schonfeldt, H.C. (Hettie Carina)
(Clinics Cardiv, 2007-05)
Recent analyses of the composition of South African lamb have yielded more positive findings than those reported previously.
Evidently the fat content is much less than previously reported, and more appropriate according ...
Van Heerden, S.M.; Schonfeldt, H.C. (Hettie Carina); Kruger, Rozanne; Smit, M.F.
(Elsevier, 2007-12)
Dorper and Merino lamb carcasses of the A age group with a fat code 2 (±7% SCF) from three main production areas in South Africa were used for this study. The right sides of the carcasses were used to determine the raw ...
Duvenage, Sara Susanna; Schonfeldt, H.C. (Hettie Carina)
(Elsevier, 2007-12)
Newly introduced legislation for the fortification of maize meal and bread flour in South Africa enhanced nutritive intakes for selected nutrients and enabled the formulation of an affordable, dry, plant-based premixed ...
Donoghue, Sune; De Klerk, Helena Maria; Ehlers, Lene
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2008)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe consumers’ perception of the performance failure of selected major electrical household appliances. The expectancy disconfirmation paradigm (Bearden & Teel, 1983) served ...
Van der Merwe, Xania; Sonnenberg, Nadine Cynthia; Van der Merwe, Daleen; Kempen, Elizabeth
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2008)
No abstract available
Mastamet-Mason, Anne M.; De Klerk, Helena Maria; Ashdown, Susan
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2008)
No abstract available
Lubbe, Stephna J.; De Klerk, Helena Maria
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2009)
No abstract available
Strydom, P.E. (Phillip Evert); Van Heerden, S.M.; Schonfeldt, H.C. (Hettie Carina); Kruger, Rozanne; Smith, Marie F.
(South African Society for Animal Science, 2009)
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the primal cut composition of South African lamb carcasses with different fat scores, and to identify cuts suitable for fat trimming. Sixty grain fed Dorper lambs (rams and ...
Erasmus, Alet C. (Aletta Catharina)
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2010)
Handelaars se nimmereindigende stryd om in 'n
hoogs kompeterende markomgewing sukses te
behaal, verklaar waarskynlik waarom hulle neig om
sekere elemente van hulle dienslewering te
beklemtoon. Hierdie onderwerp word ...
Strydom, Mariette; De Klerk, Helena Maria
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2010)
Die doel met hierdie navorsing (as deel van ‘n groter
studie) was om die probleme wat die Suid-Afrikaanse
Klerebedryf met die sleutel liggaamsmates vir die
vervaardiging van klere ondervind, te verken en
beskryf. ...
Jacobs, Bertha Margaretha; De Klerk, Helena Maria
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010-05)
The purpose of this study was to explore the role that female consumers’ apparel shopping scripts play in the adoption of the Internet for apparel purchasing from a social-cognitive approach. In this study, the focus was ...
Smith, Mariette; De Klerk, Helena Maria; Fletcher, Lizelle
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2011)
Die aantal vroue wat die formele arbeidsmag betree, neem steeds toe oor die hele wêreld, nie net in die eerstewêreld-lande nie, maar ook in opkomende ekonomieë, waar meer en meer vroue kies om 'n professionele loopbaan te ...
Erasmus, Alet C. (Aletta Catharina); Donoghue, Sune; Sonnenberg, Nadine Cynthia
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2011)
Benewens die werkverrigting van huishoudelike toerusting word hulle in moderne huishoudings ook as belangrike tyd- en arbeidbesparende hulpmiddels beskou. Die toenemende belangrikheid van handelsmerke, ontwerp en gesofistikeerde ...
Kwinda, Pfanani Charlotte; Van der Spuy, Esther; Viljoen, Annemarie T.
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2011)
Kinders in ontwikkelende lande, oorleef op diete wat min of geen verskeidenheid toon, gevolglik word die inname van nutriënte wat vereis word vir groei, ontwikkeling en gesondheid nie voldoende voorsien nie. Die afwesigheid ...
Le Roux, Neoline; Erasmus, Alet C. (Aletta Catharina)
(South African Association of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 2011)
Baie Suid-Afrikaanse gesinne het in onlangse jare uit vrees vir misdaad na sekuriteitsontwikkelings verhuis eerder as om groot uitgawes aan te gaan om huise in oop woongebiede beter te beveilig.
Vir diegene wat dit kan ...