Browsing Research Articles (Sports Medicine) by Title

Browsing Research Articles (Sports Medicine) by Title

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  • Weiler, Richard; Collinge, Richard; Ewens, Josh; Gouttebarge, Vincent; Massey, Andrew; Bennett, Pippa; Smith, Kelly; Ahmed, Osman Hassan (BMJ Publishing Group, 2021-12)
    Medical handovers are fundamental to optimal patient care but can be a source of errors in clinical care with important implications on patient welfare and safety. Care of international athletes presents unique challenges ...
  • Collins, Robert Matthew; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Patricios, Jonathan Speridon (South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care, 2011)
    Muscles, tendons, joints and nerves are susceptible to injury when stressed or traumatised repetitively, or over an extended period of time. Regardless of the nature of the work, a large proportion of the working population’s ...
  • Pavlova, E.; Oschman, Zanet; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Grant, C.C. (Catharina Cornelia); Wood, Paola Silvia (Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2012-03)
    A deposit of calcium in the rotator cuff tendons, also known as calcifying tendinopathy, is a common condition. Calcifications are often associated with significant pain and restriction of shoulder movement. The hypothesis ...
  • Van der Linde, E.; Oschman, Zanet (Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2011-12-01)
    The purpose of this study was to establish the difference in rehabilitation outcomes between the Jump Stretch Flex Band (JSFB) programme and conventional ankle rehabilitation programmes of acute lateral ankle ligament ...
  • Grant, C.C. (Catharina Cornelia); Murray, C.; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Fletcher, Lizelle (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2013)
    Quantification of cardiac autonomic activity and control via heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) is known to provide prognostic information in clinical populations. Issues with regard to standardisation and ...
  • Leppan, Jordan; Schwellnus, Martin Peter; Sewry, Nicola; Boulter, Jeremy; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Dyer, Marlise; Jordaan, Esme (Wiley, 2023-11)
    OBJECTIVE : To determine if two pre-race screening tools (abbreviated tool of two open-ended pre-race medical screening questions [ABBR] vs. a full pre-race medical screening tool [FULL]) identify running race entrants at ...
  • Makdissi, Michael; Patricios, Jonathan Speridon (BMJ Publishing Group, 2015-08)
    Concussion in sport has been defined as a “complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical factors.” The condition is characterised by “a graded set of clinical symptoms that may ...
  • Gouttebarge, Vincent; Ahmad, Imtiaz; Iqbal, Zafar; Orhant, Emmanuel; Rosenbloom, Craig; Sas, Kristof; Kerkhoffs, Gino M. (BMJ Publishing Group, 2021)
    OBJECTIVES : The objective was to explore the view and thoughts of physicians working in professional football about several aspects (eg, education and use of video footages) likely to enhance concussions’ recognition and ...
  • Grant, C.C. (Catharina Cornelia); Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Jansen van Rensburg, Audrey; Collins, Robert Matthew (MedPharm Publications, 2014-05)
    The aim of this article was to summarise the latest definition of concussion, signs of concussion, as well as important facts on recovery and graduated return to play, for different age groups. New technologies available ...
  • Viljoen, Carel Thomas; Schoeman, M.; Brandt, C.; Patricios, Jonathan Speridon; Van Rooyen, C. (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2017)
    BACKGROUND : The South African Rugby Union’s BokSmart programme currently educates coaches and referees on concussion. Rugby players are often more familiar with their teammates than the coach or referee. Therefore they ...
  • Pillay, Lervasen; Burgess, D.; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Kerkhoffs, Gino M.; Gouttebarge, Vincent (Springer, 2022-11)
    BACKGROUND : The International Match Calendar congestion affects players recovery. The views of a worldwide cohort of professional football players is shared in this communication. METHODS : A cross-sectional observational ...
  • Mackay, Lois; Jones, Ben; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Hall, Francine; Alexander, Lisa; Atkinson, Karen; Baldrey, Pippa; Bedford, Anthony; Cormack Stuart; Clarke, Jade; Croft, Hayden; Denton, Katie; Fox, Aaron S.; Hadley, Paige; Handyside, Richard; Hendricks, Sharief; Kerss, Jim; Leota, Liana; Maddern, Bjorn; McErlain-Naylor, Stuart A.; Mooney, Mitchell; Pyke, Daniel; Pistorius, Danielle; Ramagole, Dimakatso Althea; Ryan, Dan; Scott, Fiona; Scott, Tannath; Snow, Julie; Spencer, Kirsten; Thirlby, Jess; Viljoen, Carel Thomas; Whitehead, Sarah (BMJ Publishing Group, 2023-04)
    Using an expert consensus-based approach, a netball video analysis consensus (NVAC) group of researchers and practitioners was formed to develop a video analysis framework of descriptors and definitions of physical, technical ...
  • McCrory, Paul; Meeuwisse, Willem; Dvorak, Jiri; Aubry, Mark; Bailes, Julian; Broglio, Steven; Cantu, Robert C.; Cassidy, David; Echemendia, Ruben J.; Castellani, Rudy J.; Davis, Gavin A.; Ellenbogen, Richard; Emery, Carolyn; Engebretsen, Lars; Feddermann-Demont, Nina; Giza, Christopher C.; Guskiewicz, Kevin M.; Herring, Stanley; Iverson, Grant L.; Johnston, Karen M.; Kissick, James; Kutcher, Jeffrey S.; Leddy, John J.; Maddocks, David; Makdissi, Michael; Manley, Geoff T.; McCrea, Michael; Meehan, William P.; Nagahiro, Shinji; Patricios, Jonathan Speridon; Putukian, Margot; Schneider, Kathryn J.; Sills, Allen; Tator, Charles H.; Turner, Michael; Vos, Pieter E. (BMJ Publishing Group, 2017-06)
    The 2017 Concussion in Sport Group (CISG) consensus statement is designed to build on the principles outlined in the previous statements1–4 and to develop further conceptual understanding of sport-related concussion (SRC) ...
  • Grant, C.C. (Catharina Cornelia); Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina (BMJ Publishing Group, 2013)
    INTRODUCTION : The quantification of heart rate variability (HRV) is a tool to assess the interaction between exercise and autonomic control, as well as the pathophysiology of diseases affecting autonomic function. Little ...
  • Grant, C.C. (Catharina Cornelia); Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Pepper, Michael Sean; Du Toit, Peet J.; Wood, Paola Silvia; Ker, James A.; Kruger, P.E. (Pieter Ernst); Grobbelaar, C.W. (Craig); Nolte, Kim; Fletcher, F.; Grant, T.C. (Thelani) (Medpharm Publications, 2014)
    BACKGROUND : Fitness is defined in the health context as a state of good health or physical condition, primarily as a result of exercise and proper nutrition. Conventional methods of measuring fitness are expensive, time ...
  • Rotunno, A.; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Grant, C.C. (Catharina Cornelia); Jansen van Rensburg, Audrey (Medpharm Publications, NISC (Pty) Ltd and Cogent, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016)
    Corticosteroids act as potent anti-inflammatory drugs and have been used in various sport settings for the treatment of both acute and chronic injuries. Basic physiology and mechanisms of action for gluco- and mineralocorticoids ...
  • Douryang, Maurice; Bouba, Yagai; Makemjio, Emeline Zogning; Wondeu, Andrillene Laure Deutou; Pillay, Lervasen (BMJ Publishing Group, 2022-02)
    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of life worldwide—educational, economic, cultural, social and sporting. To limit the spread of COVID-19, initial containment strategies included proper mask wearing, respiratory ...
  • Washif, Jad Adrian; Sandbakk, Oyvind; Seiler, Stephen; Haugen, Thomas; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Quarrie, Ken; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Krug, Isabel; Verhagen, Evert; Wong, Del P.; Mujika, Inigo; Cortis, Cristina; Haddad, Monoem; Ahmadian, Omid; Al Jufaili, Mahmood; Al-Horani, Ramzi A.; Al-Mohannadi, Abdulla Saeed; Aloui, Asma; Ammar, Achraf; Arifi, Fitim; Aziz, Abdul Rashid; Batuev, Mikhail; Beaven, Christopher Martyn; Beneke, Ralph; Bici, Arben; Bishnoi, Pallawi; Bogwasi, Lone; Bok, Daniel; Boukhris, Omar; Boullosa, Daniel; Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Brito, Joao; Cartagena, Roxana Paola Palacios; Chaouachi, Anis; Cheung, Stephen S.; Chtourou, Hamdi; Cosma, Germina; Debevec, Tadej; DeLang, Matthew D.; Dellal, Alexandre; Donmez, Gurhan; Driss, Tarak; Duque, Juan David Pena; Eirale, Cristiano; Elloumi, Mohamed; Foster, Carl; Franchini, Emerson; Fusco, Andrea; Galy, Olivier; Gastin, Paul B.; Gill, Nicholas; Girard, Olivier; Gregov, Cvita; Halson, Shona; Hammouda, Omar; Hanzlikova, Ivana; Hassanmirzaei, Bahar; Hebert-Losier, Kim; Helu, Hussein Munoz; Herrera-Valenzuela, Tomas; Hettinga, Florentina J.; Holtzhausen, Louis; Hue, Olivier; Dello Iacono, Antonio; Ihalainen, Johanna K; James, Carl; Joseph, Saju; Kamoun, Karim; Khaled, Mehdi; Khalladi, Karim; Kim, Kwang Joon; Kok, Lian-Yee; MacMillan, Lewis; Mataruna-Dos-Santos, Leonardo Jose; Matsunaga, Ryo; Memishi, Shpresa; Millet, Gregoire P.; Moussa-Chamari, Imen; Musa, Danladi Ibrahim; Nguyen, Hoang Minh Thuan; Nikolaidis, Pantelis T.; Owen, Adam; Padulo, Johnny; Pagaduan, Jeffrey Cabayan; Perera, Nirmala Panagodage; Perez-Gomez, Jorge; Pillay, Lervasen; Popa, Arporn; Pudasaini, Avishkar; Rabbani, Alizera; Rahayu, Tandiyo; Romdhani, Mohamed; Salamh, Paul; Sarkar, Abu-Sufian; Schillinger, Andy; Setyawati, Heny; Shrestha, Navina; Suraya, Fatona; Tabben, Montassar; Trabelsi, Khaled; Urhausen, Axel; Valtonen, Maarit; Weber, Johanna; Whiteley, Rodney; Zrane, Adel; Zerguini, Yacine; Zmijewski, Piotr; Ben Saad, Helmi; Pyne, David B.; Taylor, Lee; Chamari, Karim (Human Kinetics, 2022-07)
    PURPOSE : To investigate differences in athletes’ knowledge, beliefs, and training practices during COVID-19 lockdowns with reference to sport classification and sex. This work extends an initial descriptive evaluation ...
  • Hull, J.H.; Schwellnus, Martin Peter; Pyne, D.B.; Shah, A. (Elsevier, 2021-05)
    In the fight against the COVID-19 global pandemic, the focus in 2021 has fortunately turned to vaccination strategies. The successful development of several vaccines, and their proven efficacy and short-term safety in large ...
  • Sparks, I.M.; Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Fletcher, Lizelle; Jansen van Rensburg, Audrey (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2018)
    BACKGROUND : Amateur cyclists use a wide variety of supplements and nutritional substances to increase performance in addition to their training. OBJECTIVES : The intended nutritional supplement use, carbohydrate (CHO) ...