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dc.contributor.author Groenewald, P.S. (Pieter Schalk)
dc.date.accessioned 2012-06-20T10:28:14Z
dc.date.available 2012-06-20T10:28:14Z
dc.date.issued 2011
dc.description.abstract ’n Taaluiting in versvorm bestaan uit linguistiese en metriese eenhede. Die versgeheel bestaan uit minstens ’n sin en ’n vers en twee segmente. Die beginsels wat versvorm onderlê, is verdeling en ekwivalensie. Die geheel word deur (a) ’n woordgrens deur rym (in Afrikaans en Engels) en ’n woord (in Sepedi) gemarkeer, of (b) ’n woordgroepgrens in twee segmente verdeel. Ekwivalensie word bewerkstellig deur rym, aksent-/kwantitatiewe ritme, woord- of woordgroepherhaling, die herhaling van ’n gelyke getal lettergrepe of woorde, of die ordening van betekeniseenhede (maar slegs waar ’n sintaktiese snit as verdeler optree). Die Sepedivers is ’n woordgroepvers, en dit beteken dat: (a) die segmente deur ’n sintaktiese snit verdeel word, en (b) ekwivalensie deur (i) die ordening van betekeniseenhede, (ii) die herhaling van ’n woord of ’n woordgroep en (iii) die herhaling van ’n gelyke getal kwantitatiewe lettergreepkruine bepaal word. af
dc.description.abstract Any metrical utterance has constituents founded in language and in metrics. The totality cannot consist metrically of less than a verse and two segments, and linguistically of less than a sentence. The principles governing metrical structure are that of partition and symmetry. The totality is thus divided into segments by (a) a word boundary marked by rhyme (in Afrikaans and English) or the repetition of a word (in Sepedi), or (b) a phrase boundary. Symmetry is realized by rhyme, quantitative/stress rhythm, an arrangement of units of meaning (only where the segments are divided by a phrase boundary), the repetition of (i) the same number of syllables and (ii) the same number of words. The Sepedi verse is a phrase verse, and that means that: (a) the segments are divided by a phrase boundary; (b) equivalence or symmetry is realized by (i) the repetition of a word or a phrase, (ii) an arrangement of units of meaning and (iii) quantitative rhythm. en
dc.description.librarian nf2012 en
dc.description.uri http://www.alasa.org.za/ en_US
dc.identifier.citation Groenewald, PS 2011, 'Woordgroepvers', South African Journal of African Languages, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 17-29. af
dc.identifier.issn 0257-2117 (print)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/19215
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_US
dc.publisher African Language Association of Southern Africa en_US
dc.rights African Language Association of Southern Africa en_US
dc.subject Versvorm af
dc.subject Ekwivalensie af
dc.subject Verdeling af
dc.subject Verssoorte af
dc.subject Woordgroepvers in Sepedi af
dc.subject Rymvers in Sepedi af
dc.subject.lcsh Northern Sotho poetry en
dc.subject.lcsh Northern Sotho language -- Syntax en
dc.title Woordgroepvers af
dc.type Article af

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