Transmission studies on Trichinella species isolated from Crocodylus niloticus and efficacy of fenbendazole and levamisole against muscle L1 stages in Balb C mice

Show simple item record Mukaratirwa, S. Magwedere, Kudakwashe Matenga, E. Foggin, Chris M.
dc.contributor.editor Boomker, Jacob Diederik Frederik 2012-03-19T10:00:03Z 2012-03-19T10:00:03Z 2012 2001
dc.description The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat v.9 was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format. en
dc.description.abstract Forty four Balb C mice, aged 18 weeks were infected with crocodile ( Crocodylus niloticus)-derived Trichinella species. Of the infected mice, 32 were randomly divided into two groups each containing equal numbers of males and females; levamisole treated group and fenbendazole treated group. Each group was randomly subdivided into two subgroups as follows: levamisole group (subgroup 1: treated with levamisole on day 35 post infection and subgroup 2: treated with levamisole on days 35 and 42 post infection) and fenbendazole group (subgroup 1: treated with fenbendazole on day 35 post infection and subgroup 2: treated with fenbendazole on days 35 and 42 post infection). The first sub-groups treated on day 35 post infection were slaughtered on day 42 post infection and the second subgroups were treated on days 35 and 42 post infection and slaughtered on day 49 post infection. Two female mice were infected a day after mating and were slaughtered together with the offspring on day 64 post-infection. Ten infected control mice were given 1 ml distilled water orally as placebo, and five of these were slaughtered on day 42 post infection. The results showed that the mean reproductive capacity index of this strain (RCI) in Balb C mice was 110. There was a significant reduction ( P<0.01) in larval counts in the single treatment groups (day 35) and in the double treatment groups (days 35 and 42) for both anthelmintics when compared the number of parasites in the control groups. After a single treatment, levamisole reduced the infection by 79.9% and fenbendazole by 76.7%. Following double treatments, levamisole reduced the infection by 95.5% and fenbendazole by 99.1%. There was evidence that the infected pregnant mice transmitted the parasite to their offspring. It is not certain whether the parasite was transmitted congenitally or transmammary. Alternative ways of controlling the parasite in crocodile farms in Zimbabwe are discussed. en
dc.description.librarian mn2012 en
dc.description.sponsorship Research Board of the University of Zimbabwe. en
dc.identifier.citation Mukaratirwa, S, Magwedere, K, Matenga, E & Foggin, CM 2001, 'Transmission studies on Trichinella species isolated from Crocodylus niloticus and efficacy of fenbendazole and levamisole against muscle L1 stages in Balb C mice’. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 21-25. en
dc.identifier.issn 0030-2465
dc.language en
dc.publisher Published jointly by the Agricultural Research Council, ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute and the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria. en
dc.rights © ARC-Onderstepoort and Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria (original). © University of Pretoria. Dept of Library Services (digital). en
dc.subject Veterinary medicine en
dc.subject Balb C mice en
dc.subject Crocodile en
dc.subject Fenbedazole en
dc.subject Levamisole en
dc.subject Transmission en
dc.subject Trichinella sp. en
dc.subject.lcsh Veterinary medicine -- South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Nile crocodile -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Veterinary parasitology en
dc.title Transmission studies on Trichinella species isolated from Crocodylus niloticus and efficacy of fenbendazole and levamisole against muscle L1 stages in Balb C mice en
dc.type Article en

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