Browsing Research Articles (Genetics) by UP Author "Joubert, Fourie"

Browsing Research Articles (Genetics) by UP Author "Joubert, Fourie"

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  • Pinard, Desre; Mizrachi, Eshchar; Hefer, Charles Amadeus; Kersting, Anna R.; Joubert, Fourie; Douglas, Carl J.; Mansfield, Shawn D.; Myburg, Alexander Andrew (BioMed Central, 2015-05-22)
    BACKGROUND : Carbohydrate metabolism is a key feature of vascular plant architecture, and is of particular importance in large woody species, where lignocellulosic biomass is responsible for bearing the bulk of the stem and ...
  • Baichoo, Shakuntala; Souilmi, Yassine; Panji, Sumir; Botha, Gerrit; Meintjes, Ayton; Hazelhurst, Scott; Bendou, Hocine; De Beste, Eugene; Mpangase, Phelelani T.; Souiai, Oussema; Alghali, Mustafa; Yi, Long; O’Connor, Brian D.; Crusoe, Michael; Armstrong, Don; Aron, Shaun; Joubert, Fourie; Ahmed, Azza E.; Mbiyavanga, Mamana; Van Heusden, Peter; Magosi, Lerato E.; Zermeno, Jennie; Mainzer, Liudmila Sergeevna; Fadlelmola, Faisal M.; Jongeneel, C. Victor; Mulder, Nicola (BioMed Central, 2018-11-29)
    BACKGROUND : The Pan-African bioinformatics network, H3ABioNet, comprises 27 research institutions in 17 African countries. H3ABioNet is part of the Human Health and Heredity in Africa program (H3Africa), an African-led ...
  • Wingfield, Brenda D.; Berger, David Kenneth; Steenkamp, Emma Theodora; Lim, Hye-Jin; Duong, Tuan A.; Bluhm, Burton H.; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; De Vos, Lieschen; Fourie, Gerda; Naidoo, Kershney; Olivier, Nicholas Abraham; Lin, Yao-Cheng; Van de Peer, Yves; Joubert, Fourie; Crampton, Bridget Genevieve; Swart, Velushka; Soal, Nicole Christine; Tatham, Catherine; Van der Nest, Magrieta Aletta; Van der Merwe, Nicolaas Albertus (Albie); Van Wyk, Stephanie; Wilken, Pieter Markus; Wingfield, Michael J. (International Mycological Association, 2017-11-21)
    The genomes of Cercospora zeina, Fusarium pininemorale, Hawksworthiomyces lignivorus, Huntiella decipiens, and Ophiostoma ips are presented in this genome announcement. Three of these genomes are from plant pathogens and ...
  • Postma, Alisa; Mlonyeni, X.O.M. (Xolile Osmond Mnyamezeli); Clasen, Frederick Johannes; Joubert, Fourie; Slippers, Bernard (Exeley, 2019)
    The nematode Deladenus siricidicola is used as biological control agent against the invasive woodwasp Sirex noctilio, a serious invasive pest of Pinus plantations globally. The draft genome of this ecologically ...
  • Koech, Robert K.; Malebe, Pelly Masixolise; Nyarukowa, Christopher; Mose, Richard; Kamunya, Samson M.; Joubert, Fourie; Apostolides, Zeno (Nature Research, 2019-02)
    The understanding of black tea quality and percent relative water content (%RWC) traits in tea (Camellia sinensis) by a quantitative trait loci (QTL) approach can be useful in elucidation and identification of candidate ...
  • Myburg, Alexander Andrew; Grattapaglia, Dario; Tuskan, Gerald A.; Hellsten, Uffe; Hayes, Richard D.; Grimwood, Jane; Jenkins, Jerry; Lindquist, Erika; Tice, Hope; Bauer, Diane; Goodstein, David M.; Dubchak, Inna; Poliakov, Alexandre; Mizrachi, Eshchar; Kullan, Anand Raj Kumar; Hussey, Steven Grant; Pinard, Desre; Van der Merwe, Karen; Singh, Pooja; Van Jaarsveld, Ida; Silva-Junior, Orzenil B.; Togawa, Roberto C.; Pappas, Marilia R.; Faria, Danielle A.; Sansaloni, Carolina P.; Petroli, Cesar D.; Yang, Xiaohan; Ranjan, Priya; Tschaplinski, Timothy J.; Ye, Chu-Yu; Li, Ting; Sterck, Lieven; Vanneste, Kevin; Murat, Florent; Soler, Marcal; Clemente, Helene San; Saidi, Naijib; Cassan-Wang, Hua; Dunand, Christophe; Hefer, Charles Amadeus; Bornberg-Bauer, Erich; Kersting, Anna R.; Vining, Kelly; Amarasinghe, Vindhya; Ranik, Martin; Naithani, Sushma; Elser, Justin; Boyd, Alexander E.; Liston, Aaron; Spatafora, Joseph W.; Dharmwardhana, Palitha; Raja, Rajani; Sullivan, Christopher; Romanel, Elisson; Alves-Ferreira, Marcio; Kulheim, Carsten; Foley, William; Carocha, Victor; Paiva, Jorge; Kudrna, David; Brommonschenkel, Sergio H.; Pasquali, Giancarlo; Byrne, Margaret; Rigault, Philippe; Tibbits, Josquin; Spokevicius, Antanas; Jones, Rebecca C.; Steane, Dorothy A.; Vaillancourt, Rene E.; Potts, Brad M.; Joubert, Fourie; Barry, Kerrie; Pappas Jr, Georgios J.; Strauss, Steven H.; Jaiswal, Pankaj; Grima-Pettenati, Jacqueline; Salse, Jerome; Van de Peer, Yves; Rokhsar, Daniel S.; Schmutz, Jeremy (Nature Publising Group, 2014-06-19)
    Eucalypts are the world’smost widely planted hardwood trees. Their outstanding diversity, adaptability and growth have made them a global renewable resource of fibre and energy. We sequenced and assembled .94% of the ...