Browsing Research Articles (Genetics) by UP Author "Valverde, Angel"

Browsing Research Articles (Genetics) by UP Author "Valverde, Angel"

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  • Nkuekam, Gilbert Kamgan; Cowan, Don A.; Valverde, Angel (AOSIS Open Journals, 2018-05-30)
    Many studies, mostly in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, have demonstrated that agricultural practices affect the composition and diversity of soil microbial communities. However, very little is known about ...
  • Cowan, Don A.; Rybicki, Edward P.; Tuffin, Marla I.; Valverde, Angel; Wingfield, Michael J. (AOSIS Open Journals, 2013-11)
    Microorganisms inhabit virtually every possible niche on Earth, including those at the outer envelope of survival. However, the focus of most conservation authorities and ecologists is the ‘legs and leaves’ side of biology ...
  • Valverde, Angel; Tuffin, Marla I.; Cowan, Don A. (Springer, 2012-07)
    Actinobacteria are ubiquitous in soil, freshwater and marine ecosystems. Although various studies have focused on the microbial ecology of this phylum, data are scant on the ecology of actinobacteria endemic to hot springs. ...
  • Van Goethem, Marc W.; Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Valverde, Angel; Cary, Stephen Craig; Cowan, Don A. (Oxford University Press, 2016-04)
    Here we provide the first exploration of microbial diversity from three distinct Victoria Valley edaphic habitats, namely lithobionts (hypoliths, endoliths) and surface soils. Using a combination of terminal restriction ...
  • Van Goethem, Marc W.; Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Cowan, Don A.; Valverde, Angel (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2017-10-25)
    Hypoliths, microbial assemblages found below translucent rocks, provide important ecosystem services in deserts. While several studies have assessed microbial diversity of hot desert hypoliths and whether these communities ...
  • Valverde, Angel; Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Seely, Mary; Cowan, Don A. (Wiley, 2015-02)
    Most ecological research on hypoliths, significant primary producers in hyperarid deserts, has focused on the diversity of individual groups of microbes (i.e. bacteria). However, microbial communities are inherently ...
  • Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Valverde, Angel; Velázquez, David; Gunnigle, Eoin; Van Goethem, Marc W.; Quesada, Antonio; Cowan, Don A. (Springer, 2015-04)
    Polar Regions (continental Antarctica and the Arctic) are characterized by a range of extreme environmental conditions, which impose severe pressures on biological life. Polar cold-active cyanobacteria are uniquely adapted ...
  • Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Valverde, Angel; Cary, Stephen Craig; Birkeland, Nils-Kare; Tuffin, Marla I.; Cowan, Don A. (Nature Publishing Group, 2013-11)
    Hypoliths (cryptic microbial assemblages that develop on the undersides of translucent rocks) are significant contributors to regional C and N budgets in both hot and cold deserts. Previous studies in the Dry Valleys ...
  • Valverde, Angel; Tuffin, Marla I.; Cowan, Don A.; Lacap, Donnabella C.; Pointing, Stephen B. (Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2013-04)
    Hypoliths, photosynthetic microbial assemblages found underneath translucent rocks, are widely distributed within the western region of the Namib Desert and other similar environments. Terminal restriction fragment length ...
  • Kamutando, Casper N.; Vikram, Surendra; Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Greve, Michelle; Le Roux, Johannes J.; Richardson, David M.; Cowan, Don A.; Valverde, Angel (Springer, 2019-01)
    Plant-microbe interactions mediate both the invasiveness of introduced plant species and the impacts that they have in invaded ecosystems. Although the phylogenetic composition of the rhizospheric microbiome of Acacia ...
  • Oloo, Felix; Valverde, Angel; Quiroga, Maria Victoria; Vikram, Surendra; Cowan, Don A.; Mataloni, Gabriela (Nature Publishing Group, 2016-05-10)
    Bacteria play critical roles in peatland ecosystems. However, very little is known of how habitat heterogeneity affects the structure of the bacterial communities in these ecosystems. Here, we used amplicon sequencing ...
  • Stomeo, Francesca; Valverde, Angel; Pointing, Stephen B.; McKay, Christopher P.; Warren-Rhodes, Kimberley A.; Tuffin, Marla I.; Seely, Mary; Cowan, Don A. (Springer, 2013-02-09)
    The Namib Desert is considered the oldest desert in the world and hyperarid for the last 5 million years. However, the environmental buffering provided by quartz and other translucent rocks supports extensive hypolithic ...
  • Oberholster, Tanzelle; Vikram, Surendra; Cowan, Don A.; Valverde, Angel (Elsevier, 2018-05)
    Microbes are key determinants of plant health and productivity. Previous studies have characterized the rhizosphere microbiomes of numerous plant species, but little information is available on how rhizosphere microbial ...
  • Gokul, Jarishma K.; Valverde, Angel; Tuffin, Marla I.; Cary, Stephen Craig; Cowan, Don A. (MDPI online quarterly, 2013-02-22)
    The discovery of extensive and complex hypolithic communities in both cold and hot deserts has raised many questions regarding their ecology, biodiversity and relevance in terms of regional productivity. However, most ...
  • Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Valverde, Angel; Gunnigle, Eoin; Frossard, Aline; Ramond, Jean-Baptiste; Cowan, Don A. (Oxford University Press, 2015-03)
    A significant proportion of the Earth's surface is desert or in the process of desertification. The extreme environmental conditions that characterize these areas result in a surface that is essentially barren, with a ...
  • Miyambo, Tsakani Magdeline; Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Cowan, Don A.; Valverde, Angel (Oxford University Press, 2016-08)
    The fynbos biome in South Africa is globally recognised as a plant biodiversity hotspot. However, very little is known about the bacterial communities associated with fynbos plants, despite interactions between primary ...
  • Valverde, Angel; Cason, Errol D.; Gomez-Arias, Alba; Bozkale, Derya; Govender, Danny; Riddell, Eddie; Cowan, Don A. (Springer, 2021-01)
    Human activities such as agriculture and mining are leading causes of water pollution worldwide. Individual contaminants are known to negatively affect microbial communities. However, the effect of multifaceted pollution ...
  • Valverde, Angel; De Maayer, Pieter; Oberholster, Tanzelle; Henschel, Joh; Louw, Michele K.; Cowan, Don A. (Public Library of Science, 2016-04-11)
    Welwitschia mirabilis is an ancient and rare plant distributed along the western coast of Namibia and Angola. Several aspects of Welwitschia biology and ecology have been investigated, but very little is known about the ...
  • Armstrong, Alacia; Valverde, Angel; Ramond, Jean-Baptiste; Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Jansson, Janet K.; Hopkins, David W.; Aspray, Thomas J.; Seely, Mary; Trindade, Marla I.; Cowan, Don A. (Nature Publishing Group, 2016-09-29)
    The temporal dynamics of desert soil microbial communities are poorly understood. Given the implications for ecosystem functioning under a global change scenario, a better understanding of desert microbial community ...
  • Zimudzi, Josephine; Van der Waals, Jacqueline Elise; Coutinho, Teresa A.; Cowan, Don A.; Valverde, Angel (Elsevier, 2018-06)
    Soil fungal communities perform important ecological roles determining, at least in part, agricultural productivity. This study aimed at examining the fungal community dynamics in the potato rhizosphere across different ...