University of Pretoria beats to a different drum : UPSpace in rhythm with research

Show simple item record Olivier, Elsabé Smith, Ina 2007-02-23T10:20:16Z 2007-02-23T10:20:16Z 2007-02-23 2007-02-23T10:20:16Z
dc.description "I am blogging from the session on how the University of Pretoria implemented dSpace for its institutional repository (I'm paying attention, of course). I am enjoying the technological opportunities available at the conference -- wireless access, little outlet nubs on the tabletop to plug the ol' laptop into -- all housed in an architecturally interesting physical space. It's particularly useful for a session like this -- while the presenter was talking about the collections of UPSpace, I surfed on over to the site and had a peek at some of their collections. There certainly are more ways now to make a session interactive." - Comment on blog by Lori Ann Saeki, 22/02/2007, 11:11 AM en
dc.description "Thank you for the great presentation! A friend of mine is working on creating an institutional repository for our school (University of Hawaii at Manoa) using dSpace, so it was exciting to see the things that can be done with the system." - Personal e-mail from Lori Ann Saeki (Electronic Resources Librarian, Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa Library), 23/02/2007, 03:30PM
dc.description "You should have received an email from me earlier today about your wonderful presentation (sorry for the delay). Upon my return, I have browsed UPSpace site and visited the UP website and am impressed with all of it. Also, I plan to pass the information from your presentation along to others here at UT." - Personal e-mail from Shantel Agnew (Research Assistant Professor, Univ. of Tennessee Libraries), 28/02/2007, 06:37 PM
dc.description "I hope that this email finds you well. It was nice to meet you during the ER&L conference. I really benefited from your presentation about UPSpace at the University of Pretoria. We are implementing a repository at UT so the information that I got from your session was timely and tremendously useful. The format of your presentation was engaging and I especially enjoyed the preview of the Jonathon Jansen collection. I am sure that others at the session took away ideas that could be used at their various institutions. Again, it was a pleasure meeting you and I will make sure to visit the UPSpace site often!" - Shantel Agnew (Research Assistant Professor, Univ. of Tennessee Libraries), 28/02/2007, 05:30 PM
dc.description "Olivier described her South African university's use of DSpace to create an institutional repository, one of the first major repositories in South Africa. They have an interesting component to their repository. They are archiving not only the scholarly output of one of their major scholars, Jonathan Jansen, but also all of his television/radio interviews, columns in the popular press, university lectures, and so forth. He truly exemplifies the idea of a public intellectual, and UPSpace is collecting his public presence in all its forms. I've never heard of using a university repository to do this kind of archiving work, and it is truly fascinating. It also requires very unique copyright negotiations to make it happen, and these negotiations are the responsibility of library personnel on behalf of the university. There are also the standard components to their repository-a digital repository of the university's scholarly output. Also, there are research collections which are housed in the repository. One of the most important aspects of Olivier's talk was her discussion of how the university repository became the library's responsibility, and how this important work has increased the library's central role in the university's intellectual life." - Wake Forest University, Z. Smith Reynolds Library Blog
dc.description.abstract Presented at the Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference, Atlanta (Georgia), USA, 23 February 2007. URL: en
dc.format.extent 3604339 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso en en
dc.rights University of Pretoria en
dc.subject UPSpace en
dc.subject Digital research repositories en
dc.subject.lcsh Open access publishing en
dc.subject.lcsh Archival materials -- Storage en
dc.subject.lcsh Electronic publishing en
dc.subject.lcsh Institutional repositories en
dc.subject.lcsh Library materials -- Digitization en
dc.title University of Pretoria beats to a different drum : UPSpace in rhythm with research en
dc.type Presentation en

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