Browsing Research Articles (Old Testament Studies) by UP Author "De Villiers, Gerda"

Browsing Research Articles (Old Testament Studies) by UP Author "De Villiers, Gerda"

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  • De Villiers, Gerda (OpenJournals Publishing, 2011-06)
    This article pays tribute to Andries van Aarde’s theological and hermeneutical contribution. His research unfolds in three phases: a narrative reading of the text, a social scientific investigation of the context and an ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda; Le Roux, J.H. (Jurie Hendrik), 1944- (OpenJournals Publishing, 2016-07-22)
    This article addresses two issues in the Book of Ruth that have not yet received much scholarly attention: why is the narrative plotted in the time of the judges, whilst the time of narration dates to the postexilic ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2008-09)
    The Book of the Twelve or the twelve minor prophets received scholarly attention through the ages. Historical criticism pointed out that these prophets lived in different times, in different historical situations and ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (AOSIS OpenJournals, 2017)
    This volume of Verbum et Ecclesia deals with the topic ‘Ecodomy’, a term that was coined by scholars of the New Testament and Dogmatics and Ethics at the Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria. Broadly speaking, ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2006)
    This article examines several parallels between the Gilgamesh Epic and the Old Testament. Due to the limited space for articles and due to familiarity with the material, comparisons between the Babylonian account of ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (AOSIS Open Journals, 2019-03-19)
    On account of xenophobia, which seems to be a worldwide phenomenon, this article examines the issue of the ‘foreigner in our midst’ and approaches the problem from an Old Testament perspective. Firstly an overview is ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2007)
    This article focuses on marriage. It appears that marriage is in the first place a social cultural institution with legal implications, and not religious by nature. Concepts and practices regarding marriage change along ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (AOSIS Open Journals, 2019-03)
    This article aims to explore the matter of context in biblical exegesis and interpretation. Several exegetical approaches are discussed, namely, text-immanent, intertextual comparison, reader-response criticism, which is ...
  • Human, Dirk J.; Groenewald, Alphonso, 1969-; Meyer, Esias E.; Geyser-Fouche, Ananda B.; Ndoga, Sampson S.; De Villiers, Gerda (AOSIS OpenJournals, 2017)
    This chapter intends to cast selective glimpses of the past, present and anticipated future of the Department of OTS at the UP. During the centenary celebrations of the FT (2017), this contemplation is imperative. Academic ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2006)
    This article examines briefly the virtues and vices of an immanent reading of biblical texts. Due to the fact that Jurie le Roux is known as a historical critical scholar, a synchronic methodology is exposed from a ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (OpenJournals Publishing, 2010-10)
    This article aimed to give an overview of the early attestations to prophecy in the Ancient Near East (ANE) in order to stimulate reflection on what could be understood by ‘prophetism’. The most extant sources for prophetic ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (American Society for Microbiology, 2013-08-13)
    This article is divided in two parts. Part one examines scribal education and scribes in the ancient Near East and Israel. Although no real evidence exists for scribal schools and education in Israel, it is argued that ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (Unisa Press, 2018)
    This article deals with the Pentateuch and its reception in the book of Ruth. It is argued that the author/s of the book of Ruth knew most of the legislative and narrative texts in the Pentateuch and employed these in a ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (AOSIS Open Journals, 2012-10-11)
    This article examines two passages in the book of Ruth – 3:9 and 4:5. Both pertain to two practices in ancient Israel, namely the levirate marriage and the redemption of property – here in the case of the book of Ruth. ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (OpenJournals Publishing, 2013-09-05)
    The genealogy at the end of the Book of Ruth starts with Perez and ends with David, thereby covering Israel’s history since the time of the sojourn in Egypt to the Davidic monarchy. This article focuses on Ruth 4:18–22 ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2020)
    This article examines moments of suffering in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Initially Gilgamesh himself causes much suffering by abusing his power as king and tormenting his subjects day and night. Enkidu is created to curb the ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda; Lombaard, Christoffel Johannes Stephanus (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    The new medium of the internet offers possibilities for teaching Theology unforeseen by previous generations of theological scholars. In this paper, the authors explore some difficulties inherent in such theological ...
  • De Villiers, Gerda (Old Testament Society of South Africa, 2007)
    Genesis 2-3 narrates the creation and fall of humankind. This narrative is generally acknowledged as myth, while earlier Ancient Near-Eastern traditions embedded in the story are often overlooked. This article focuses ...